How to rescale screen with awesome - awesome-wm

After installed awesome wm, I used xrandr to change my resolution with
xrandr -s 1920x1080
but the screen seem to be at 50% of scale
Tried to restart awesome wm but not working
So how do I re-scaling it to 100%
Scaling resolution to 100%

AwesomeWM does not handle screen scaling or resolution in any way. Sometime you need a magic xrandr incantation. Also make sure you set the DPI correctly and the font scale in Qt, Chome/Firefox and GTK settings. The classic value is 96.


Whats the proper way for scaling text?

I am developing a Qt QML based application that runs on both Desktop and Mobile operating systems. I am having problems with proper fonts and components scaling- what does look good on large, desktop monitor is barely visible on a mobile phone, even though the scaling is the same.
I was wondering, what is the proper approach for this problem? I would like to run the same code on all platforms. For example, is there a way for a font to stay the same size (in mm or inches), no matter the screen resolution and size?
In QML I am always setting the font.pointSize property. It is scaled evenly, but because of that, the font are barely visible on mobile devices.
Have you tried font.pixelSize property yet?
I think this will be good for you.
"Sets the font size in pixels.
Using this function makes the font device dependent. Use pointSize to set the size of the font in a device independent manner."

Change Arch Linux Gnome Desktop Default Icon Size

So I've done some searching around and all I can find is how to change the size one at a time (right click on file, click change icon size, drag from one corner to adjust the size). I also could only find stuff with Nautilus and one for Ubuntu. And that gets a bit annoying since the default icon size is way to big. Is there a way to set the default size for the desktop icons? I'm using Arch Linux OS with gnome and gnome extra. It took me a while to figure out how to get the icons to show up on the desktop but I think they're way to big.
This worked for me:
gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.icon-view default-zoom-level 'small'

Retina Blurry Icons without 2x image sizing hack

Is there a way to fix the Retina Blurry icons on cellphones without using the 2x sizing images hack?
I'm a Front-End developer and the Designer is not avaibable to giving me the icons of the Website at the double of its size.
So, I was wondering if there is any way to keep the original icons size and make it looks correctly on cellphones with Retina display.
Small pixel images are automatically enlarged by the browsers and the quality of the anti aliasing is depending on the rendering engine of the browser.
If you don't want to use the media queries #2 trick you could use svg icons instead as vector graphics are cristal sharp on every screen resolution and ppi.
Edit: As mentioned in the comment below you can disable antialias in browsers as described here: Disable antialising when scaling images
But that will not create eg a sharp round circle out of a 16 pixel graphic as the pixels will still be squared pixels (just enlarged)...

Which image elements should get a retina version?

I'm building a page which is supposed to be full retina ready. I'm creating a retina version of all the small-medium images.
It looks good when you look at the 100x100 pixel version of a 50x50 image on devices with high density screens. But what if the image is much larger? Like a background image of a slider with 1700x600 pixel dimensions, should this get a retina version as well? The image's size is already much bigger than almost every mobile device's resolution. Would a 1700x600 or a 3400x1200 image look different on a 640x960 display?
Don't forget about retina enabled laptops, and iPads... In my experience most images you can save at a scale of about 150% the expected viewing size, and they still look great on a high density screen. You should play with compression quality as well, a lot of times you can lower the quality and still have an image that looks great because of the shear amount of extra pixels.
See this for an example of what I'm talking about:

Pixels in photoshop vs pixels in CSS?

I notice that when I measure out something in Photoshop to "ensure pixel perfection" it's usually half of what's measured in Photoshop to go to CSS. So if I measure at 60px, in CSS it goes to 30px.
But only roughly so.. Is there a way to make sure it matches 100% so I don't have to guesstimate? And why does this happen?
When you are measuring out those pixels in Photoshop, you have to make sure you know what size your resolution is. For the web, it uses 72 dpi resolution, check in Photoshop under "image size" to see what resolution your image is. Sometimes images are at 300 dpi which if you use that and then try to save on the web will make the image larger than it should be.
In Photoshop:
Ctrl + N > Web tab > Web Most Common
This Artboard will set the settings to be fir for webpages. Now screenshots from the browser should match the PS pixels values.
Also make sure that your browser settings haven't changed the zoom ratio or font size.
