Cygwin script access to COM port denied - serial-port

I get 'access denied' when using a shell script in cygwin.
Using stty > /dev/ttyS6 (for COM6).
Yet python scipts work fine, no access problem.
Have checked that I am i dialup group in cygwin.
Checked permissions on /dev/ttyS5
Can't find /etc/groups to check dialup is there.
Can't see if I am in dialup.


Error: Permission Denied when changing preference Rstudio

Whenever I try to change the global setting (preferences) of Rstudio (for example unchecking the box that restores .Rdata into workspace upon startup as part of general options) and click 'apply' or 'ok', I receive
"Error: Permission denied" and the changes were not made
(The error messages comes up regardless what change I make in the preferences). How, where and what kind of permission do I need to grant?
I have delete and re-installed R studio but the error messages keeps coming up. I am also running Rstudio as admin with read&write privileges.
I've seen the post on the Rstudio community ( but I don't find the solution helpful.
R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) macOS Big Sur Version 11.5.2
It's because Rstudio saves its preference in the ~\.config folder which it do not have the permission to write.
You can change the permission of .config folder to solve.
sudo chown -R <username> .config
<username> should be replaced by your username. And you can run whoami command to check it out.

zsh permission denied when accessing my home directory

zsh: permission denied: /Users/myname
I already gave the terminal full disc access and restarted my mac but it won't let me access this directory.
You need to enable auto_cd. Add this to your ~/.zshrc:
setopt auto_cd
If you execute the command /Users/myname, it doesn't make sense, it's like asking a folder to execute.
You probably want to change directory, so cd /Users/myname
Use following command and enter password when promoted (Administrator mode)
sudo su
After this you can run script which is showing permission denied messages while accessing any directory or file

using MPI: What on earth is "execvp error on file" error?

I am using my own laptop locally with win 10 system and intel parallel studio .
After I compiled my mpi code with mpiifort and run it with mpiexec for the first time. It warns me to input account and password, like below
I am sure I put in the correct password. But it just didn't work. What does "execvp error" mean? I never encountered this problem before on my old win8 system. I just installed this new win10 system on my laptop, everything is new. Could somebody please help me instead of making close vote without any comment? At least, say something
execvp error on file is the error from doing execvp system call. It is variant of exec system call used to start programs. In your case the mpiexec program tries to start the mpi-learning-pack.exe file on the target hosts (according to settings, probably some environment settings). This error says that it can't start your program on target hosts, because either it is not executable file, or cannot be found (not copied to target hosts or have no full path).
mpiexec does not copy file to targets, you should copy it to every target hosts.
You can also check if it executable by manually starting it on target host: just login to target host and type mpi-learning-pack.exe without mpiexec;
program may not start if there are no any of required library on target.
Or your account has no enough privileges like
Or you just should use relative (mpiexec [options] .\mpi-learning-pack.exe) or full path (mpiexec [options] e:\w\work\fortran\_test_and_learning\mpi-learning-pack.exe) of target executable like in

RStudio gives "Incorrect function" when setting git as Version control

When I create a new project and select to create a new Git repository, or when I try to change the version control system in project options I receive a RStudio error stating "Incorrect function" with a big X and no extra information.
The below link has a similar issue, but their solution of changing the path for git.exe has not helped (i have tried all three paths)
Some extra notes:
RStudio allows me to clone repository to set new working directory
Also git works in bash, so i feel this is an RStudio issue.
I encountered the same error. For me it also had to do with using a network path not a local directory for the project location (as for lewis1211).
Workaround: Map the network drive. E.g. Map your //server/share to some drive, say Z: (using map network drive, if you are using windows). If you set your project up under Z: then, it works.
If you have already chosen "git.exe" in RStudio --> Tools --> Global Options --> Git/SVN, then try to open Rstudio shell and type git init. In my case it showed "Permission denied", and after running as administrator the problem has gone.
This is only a partial answer if it fixes your problem: I reproduced this when trying to use a network path for a project location. When using a local directory no error occurs. Could indeed be an RStudio issue.
Run you R studio as Project administration.
This solves my issue.
I had the same problem. The Git-RStudio-Connection fails but git is working perfectly in the CMD. When running the git init command in CMD it works and creates a .git folder. But running the git init command in the RStudio terminal fails with a message Warning: unable to access 'C:/Users/%username%/.gitconfig': Permission denied ... fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files.
The Version Control Sytem (VCS) or git-Panel does not appear in RStudio and selecting it in the projects options leads to the same message Error: Unzulässige Function (eng. Error: Incorrect function).
A closer look into the .gitconfig file should give you a new solution approach hopefully without having administration rights. Comparing the installation on the integration worksation with a productive workstation shows, that on the Test-Machine an incomplete .gitconfig file is on C:/Users/%username%/.gitconfig and on the Productive-Machine a complete gitconfig file is on Z:/.gitconfig. By the way, Z is a mapped drive which is linking to the company's user-profile settings (see CMD > echo %HOMEDRIVE%).
According to this analysis there should be multiple possible solution approaches:
(1) delete the corrupt .gitconfig and hope the the system is correctly looking into your profiles directory
(2) complete the .gitconfig file that all necessary information are there. The message fatal: unknown error occured while reading the configuration files could actually be a hint, that the first message access... permission denied is false and the problem lies in the incomplete file.
(3) Be aware that there can be a confusion between ".gitconfig" as FILE and ".gitconfig" as FOLDER. Check this with changing directory with cd to folder and cat to show the file content. It will tell you that you cannot display a folder as file-content.
(4) Change the location of the config file with git config --file FullnameToGitconfig. e.g. git config --file %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig or git config --file %USERPROFILE%/.gitconfig/gitconfig or git config --file %HOMEDRIVE%/.gitconfig etc.
name = DOE John
email =
tool = kdiff3
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
guitool = kdiff3
[difftool "kdiff3"]
path = C:/Program Files/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe
editor = \"C:/Program Files (x86)/GitExtensions/GitExtensions.exe\" fileeditor

"meteor" shortcut not working over SSH

I created an admin user ("win7desktop") on my iMac. As that user, I installed meteor.js and created a project ("coolApp").
Then I went to my Windows PC and (using PuTTY) logged into my iMac via SSH as user "win7desktop". I navigated to "coolApp" and tried entering "meteor", but that gives me "command not found". I can enter "/usr/local/bin/meteor", and that seems to work.
What did I do wrong? How do I make the "shortcut" work?
It seems like your path isn't being set up properly when you ssh over!
if running:
which meteor
returns nothing (or an error), then you can run
to temporarily add it to your path. If that works out, you may want to add that above line to your ~/.bashrc file, so its run whenever your shell starts.
