I want to migrate specific content of one wp website to another wp site. With the help of a plugin. i used importeer wordpress plugin but the media didnt came with the posts. I tried different plugins like all-in-one migration but that replaced the hole database and theme. I dont have access to ftp so thats also not a option.
Follow below steps
On site 1 (say old site)
Login to WordPress Dashboard and Go to tools-> Export
On next screen click Media [2A]
Press export and download export file
On site 2 (Say new site)
Login to WordPress Dashboard and Go to tools-> Import {you will need to install wordpress importer first}
Browse the file you have downloaded in above steps.
Click import and following on screen steps.
All your media has been imported to new site.
Now follow above steps again. But this time select Posts while exporting content in above steps [2A]
Hi guys I am new to wordpress and I am with a new group of web developers who are trying to import the content from a old website to a new one with a new theme, the problem with the old website is that we are having some anomalies with the old theme and plugins and all these kind of stuff I know that we can just import all the content to the new theme to a clean wordpress installation but we are not sure if the anomalies and bugs from the old website will be imported in any kind of way as well, so what we are doing is copying and past every singles post from the old website but it is crazy to that I was wondering if could it be possible to get the posts like in html format and then import then again so it is the same thing of copy and paste but in a really fast way.
You can export the whole site's posts and/or pages in an XML file through the Tools > Export option of the Wordpress backend and then upload that XML file into the new clean instance of Wordpress using the Tools > Import option. After that you can enable themes and plugins one at the time to see which one is causing trouble.
I have wordpress site i need to export posts , pages with media and attachments engaged with them.
and need to use it in another wordpress site.
Also i have installed the woocommerce in it , i need to export the store settings, products, categories , tags with images used for it...
There are many custom post types used in my site. i need to also export theme with medias used...
I tried using Tools -> Import / Export but that does not exports the data with media or images.
Need an immediate help..
I just found out how to do this today, and answered this question with a great guide with photos on how to use the export and import tools in WordPress to transfer photos to a new site to be used in posts and pages. This is done by editing the xml files to show the correctly transferred image URLs.
Since I can't post photos because of my reputation, here is the link.
I have wordpress site i need to export posts , pages with media and attachments engaged with them. and need to use it in another wordpress site.
Also i have installed the woocommerce in it , i need to export the store settings, products, categories , tags with images used for it...
There are many custom post types used in my site. i need to also export theme with medias used...
I don't think so you had left something un-neccessary, So Download the database and import it wherever your new database you want to store.
Then download the wp-content/themes, wp-content/uploads, wp-content/plugins Directories. OR Simply Download your wp-content directory. Now you have everything.
I have Everything Now?
Now download the wordpress from wordpress.org and install it to your server. After complete the Installation, Replace the wp-content directory with your new installed wordpress. We assigned our old stuff to New Wordpress.
Now its time to replace Database. There are several online tutorials to replace your old database to new one.
There are multiple ways you can do this:
Using plugin
For manual, it's a little more lengthy process, you need to download complete files from one server and upload it to another. Do some changes to the backup DB i.e replacing urls and then uploading the DB file as well.
Other way, which is far more better is to use the plugin called as "All in one Migration". Here is the link which can guide you on the complete process:
Exporting your WordPress site can be used for site moves or simple backups. In this guide, I’ll provide some simple and easy options to export your WordPress sites for both non-technical and technical people.
Exporting your site creates a backup of your site, usually in the form of a .tar.gz or .zip file, which you can then use to restore or migrate your site to another domain or host. Once you have the backup it’s an easy matter loading a blank WordPress site, loading the plugin, and then restoring the site from your backup file.
When you export your WordPress sites you have the choice to export all your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus, and custom posts but the downside to this approach and it’s that WordPress doesn’t export plugins, theme, and settings of your site.
Export Site
1. Log into WordPress
2. Go to Tools > Export
3. Choose what you want to export:
4. Click Download Export File. This will download a .xml file to your computer.
Import Site
1. Log in to the WordPress site you want to import it to.
2. Go to Tools > Import.
3. Find the option called WordPress at the bottom and click Install
4. When it’s finished installing, click Run Importer.
5. Upload the .xml file you exported.
Once you’ve completed exporting your site, you will want to test everything on the site. Make sure that you look for dead links, check menus, and any functionality or post that you consider important to your website.
It doesn’t have to be hard to export your WordPress sites. There are options for everyone, no matter what level of technical skill you have. And should you ever encounter a conflict, hack, or choose to move your site, having an export of your site is invaluable.
I am searching for a wordpress plugin which enables a function to copy a post from one page in the multisite network to another.
Does anybody know such a plugin?
I just found plugins which enables duplicates within a site or duplicate whole sites in the network.
If you can choose your single post by a combination of category, date, author, and status, you can use the built-in EXPORT function (Tools > Export on the dashboard menu) to export just the post you want.
Then you can import it into the other WP installation.
This has worked well for me. One of the good things about it is that it works both on self-hosted WP installations and on WordPress.com installations.
I note this plugin is available: Multisite Post Duplicator: https://wordpress.org/plugins/multisite-post-duplicator/ .
Have not used it, but reviews are good.
Client had a flat file php site and wanted a blog, so I installed wordpress stand along blog. Now they want to convert then entire site to Wordpress. The current blog is in a subdirectory called "blog". I would like to create a blog page called "blog" on the new site and import the posts that are in the WP standalone blog installation.
Can I just take the SQL statements and insert them as autoincrements in the new database. How do I import the tags and categories. What about the author number? It will be painstaking, but I don't want to cut and paste a hundred blog posts.
Install WordPress in root http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress .
Create a page called Blog with the slug of /blog/. Set that as your posts page in Dashboard>>Settings>>Reading.
Export your posts,categories, authors and images from the current blog via http://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen and then import them http://codex.wordpress.org/Importing_Content into the new WP site. You should be able to keep the same structure to your permalinks.
Then, if needed, create static pages to match the current php pages and cut/paste the content into them.
Why wouldn't you just make the primary site URL point to the blog site? Or take a full backup of the blog site and restore it on the main server in doc root? Then add your pages content right in the current blogging site? You can point both www.whateversite.com/blog/ to the posts (blog page) or even blog.whateversite.com to the same.
Seems like a LOT of extra work to setup a new WordPress install then go to a current WordPress install and export the blog posts then re-import just the blog posts.
If you absolutely have a great reason for not just using the current WordPress install and building on that then I suggest you spend the $15 and get VaultPress from the Automattic group and backup the blog site. Then use the restore to alternate URL feature to clone it to a brand new WordPress installation you've started at the new main site. It will restore the content and replace inline URLs for you which is a HUGE time saver.
I've moved / cloned multiple sites this way. It is by far the easiest method, especially if your in-blog URLs need to change from blog.blah.com to www.blah.com.