how to add more sections to the uneditable front-page(Homepage) content in wordpress themes ? I want to add more sections rather than available sections
In the customizer i cannot add the more sections to the homepage
I'm brand-new to Wordpress. I'm using the Twenty Twenty theme, and the header has a bunch of links on the right-hand side that are the names of my posts and "Sample Page." I want to remove them.
From the Wordpress control panel, I've found the Appearance > Theme Editor page and pulled up the header.php file. I know very little PHP, but I don't see the links anywhere in this file, and I don't see a comment indicating what block creates the links.
How do I remove these links from the Twenty Twenty header?
this may work:
Go to Appearance > Customize > General
Choose "Layout"
There you see multiple layouts. Choose a layout without the links.
I am new to wordpress.
could anyone suggest me wordpress tutorial which help me customize a theme from scratch and how to create template file in that theme . i searched in google but failed to find a good tutorial.
Thanks in advance
Customize WordPress Themes:
Depending on the theme you're using for your WordPress site there are different set of changes you can make to your site from within your admin panel.
With a little effort it is easy to make your site as unique .
Here are some of the ways you can customize your site :-
How to Access the WordPress Customization Page-
To start customizing your WordPress theme, first go to Appearance -> Themes page..
How to Modify your WordPress Title and Tagline-
The theme customization page allows you to modify your site's title and tagline and see how it will look on your actual site immediately.
To do this, expand the Site Title & Tagline group of settings and alter the text. As you type you will see the new text showing up in the preview on your right side.
More Customization Options-
Check out the following ways you can continue to personalize your site:-
Customize your site’s header and background
Tweak fonts, colors, and add CSS for a custom design
Change your URL by registering a new domain
Set a custom “Home” page on your site
Learn more about all your site settings
Here is the wordpress tutorial which will help you to customize a
wordpress theme -
How to Customize WordPress Themes
WordPress Theme Customizations
Theme Customization API
Wordpress. How to make or maybe what plugin I can use for changing some text in paragraph from admin panel in Wordpress?
Theme and Plugin .php files can be edited using the built in admin panel editor. If it is a theme, than I would suggest making a child theme and inserting your changes there so that they are not overwritten with each theme update.
I am making changes to a Wordpress site which uses the Avada Wordpress theme.
The page I want to change uses the 100% width template, as do many other pages.
I need to add markup in a place that doesn't allow me to do so via the page editor.
So it looks like I need to change the template.
I know I should make a child theme, but then should I create a new template (code duplication), or should I check the page inside the template, or is there a better way (some kind of refactoring?).?
I have created a new theme, and when I add content to my theme, it does not appear. When I switch to a default theme like twenty eleven, the content appears on the page. What php files am I missing?
Check out the Template Hierarchy, index.php is the common fallback for every template in that tree.