get fcm token in xamarin.forms - xamarin.forms

i am trying to implement fcm in my xamarin.forms app. so i am planning to use dependency service on each platform to get the token and save it in my database. i found that this FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.Token is deprecated. so i have to use this instead var instanceIdResult = await FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.GetInstanceId().AsAsync<IInstanceIdResult>(); var token = instanceIdResult.Token;
the thing is that i am not figuring out how to put in the code. i tried this:
GetToken.cs in my xamarin.forms app:
public interface GetToken
Task <string> get_token();
and this in my
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(gettoken))]
namespace App8.Droid
internal class gettoken : GetToken
public Task<string> get_token()
Task<string> t = Task.Run(() => tokenToget());
return t;
async private Task<string> tokenToget()
var instanceIdResult = await FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.GetInstanceId().AsAsync<IInstanceIdResult>();
var token = instanceIdResult.Token;
return token;
and implemented the service this way in my mainactivity.xaml.cs
Task<string> token = DependencyService.Get<GetToken>().get_token();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Token: {token.Result}");
but the app stops. how can i use the code to return the token. note that when i don't use a task and just use it this way (use void as a return type and only call the depedency from the xamarin.forms as DependencyService.Get<GetToken>().get_token();)
async public void get_token()
var instanceIdResult = await FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.GetInstanceId().AsAsync<IInstanceIdResult>();
var token = instanceIdResult.Token;
Log.Debug("token", "Refreshed token: " + token);
it works. so the problem seems to be in the way i am trying to use the task or something like that. what should i do? thanks in advance.

declare your interface
public interface IToken
Task <string> GetToken();
then implement it
public class Token : IToken
public async Task<string> GetToken()
var instanceIdResult = await FirebaseInstanceId.Instance.GetInstanceId().AsAsync<IInstanceIdResult>();
var token = instanceIdResult.Token;
return token;


How to unsubscribe email from AWS SNS Topic?

I have an endpoint that subscribes the specified email to my SNS topic:
public async Task SubscribeEmail(string email)
var request = new SubscribeRequest()
TopicArn = AwsServicesConstants.SenderTopicArn,
ReturnSubscriptionArn = true,
Protocol = "email",
Endpoint = email,
var response = await _snsClient.SubscribeAsync(request);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected error: {ex}");
How can I unsubscribe given email from that topic with just a specified email like this
public async Task<UnsubscribeResponse> UnsubscribeEmail(string email)
var request = new UnsubscribeRequest(email);
var response = await _snsClient.UnsubscribeAsync(request);
return response;
Actually, unsubscription is not working because UnsubscribeRequest requires only subscriptionArn, and not the email
You will need to identify the subscription (once subscribed) by calling ListSubscriptionsByTopic, looking for the Endpoint that matches the desired email address. You could then extract the ARN and use it when calling Unsubscribe.
You can write app logic to get the ARN value using the email address. Here is a C# example that shows you the logic for this use case using the AWS SDK for .NET.
public async Task<string> UnSubEmail(string email)
var client = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
var arnValue = await GetSubArn(client, email);
await RemoveSub(client, arnValue);
return $"{email} was successfully deleted!";
public static async Task<string> GetSubArn(IAmazonSimpleNotificationService client, string email)
var request = new ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest();
request.TopicArn = TopicArn;
var subArn = string.Empty;
var response = await client.ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync(request);
List<Subscription> allSubs = response.Subscriptions;
// Get the ARN Value for this subscription.
foreach (Subscription sub in allSubs)
if (sub.Endpoint.Equals(email))
subArn = sub.SubscriptionArn;
return subArn;
return string.Empty;
public static async Task<string> RemoveSub(IAmazonSimpleNotificationService client, string subArn)
var request = new UnsubscribeRequest();
request.SubscriptionArn = subArn;
await client.UnsubscribeAsync(request);
return string.Empty;
You can find full .NET Example in the AWS Code Lib:
Build a publish and subscription application that translates messages

HttpClient Await PostAsync not completed

I have an asmx Web Service and I am using async Task. My problem is whenever I reached on the PostAsync statement it will just end there and fire a result to the browser with an empty result. Which is not I want. I tried passing the httpclient as a parameter to my service class thinking it may solved the issue.
I tried putting ConfigureAwait(false) and it gives a result however I don't want this because I need to return the value to the user. If I use ConfigurAwait(false) it will return an empty result to the browser even if it it still not completed. Am I doing this right? Thanks
in my webmethod
public class WebService1 : WebService
HttpClient Client = new HttpClient();
XDocument doc = new XDocument();
private async Task<String> Sample1(string a, int b)
myServiceClass _ms = new myServiceClass(Client);
var message = await _ms.GetResponseMessageAsync(a,b);
doc = await _ms.ReadResponseAsync(message); // It will not reach here if I don't use ConfigureAwait(false)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(doc);
public class myServiceClass
HttpClient _client;
public myServiceClass(HttpClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetResponseMessageAsync(string a, int b)
HttpResponseMessage message;
httpcontent = (a,encoding.UTF8,"text/xml"); //This is just a sample content
message = await _client.PostAsync(UrlString, httpcontent); //<= here it stops and return empty result if there is no ConfigureAwait(false).
if (!message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new HttpRequestException($"Cannot connect to api: {message.StatusCode} , {message.ReasonPhrase}");
return message; // It will not reach here if I don't use ConfigureAwait(false)

Passing JWT Token as QueryString to SignalR Hub

Trying to follow the suggestions in the link below to pass a JWT token to my SignalR hub but so far it's not working. In particular, see David Fowler's suggestion on July 22, 2017.
My frontend is React so I'm simply adding the token to the querystring as follows where _token has my JWT token value:
const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()
.withUrl("/myhub?AUTHORIZATION=" + _token)
In the ConfigureServices() method of my Startup.cs, I have the following configuration for Jwt tokens:
services.AddAuthentication(options => {
options.DefaultScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddJwtBearer(jwtOptions => {
jwtOptions.Authority = $"{Configuration["AzureAdB2C:Tenant"]}/{Configuration["AzureAdB2C:Policy"]}/v2.0/";
jwtOptions.Audience = Configuration["AzureAdB2C:ClientId"];
jwtOptions.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnMessageReceived = context =>
context.Token = context.Request.Query["AUTHORIZATION"];
return Task.CompletedTask;
And this is what my Hub looks like:
public class MyHub : Hub
private IBackendService _backendService;
public MyHub(IBackendService backendService)
_backendService = backendService;
public async Task SendMessage(string message)
// Regular SignalR stuff
// SignalR will now send the message to all connected users...
Basically, I'm getting the 401 Unauthorized error.
I put a break point where I check to see if the request is a web sockets request but I'm not hitting it. Looks like something in the pipeline is determining that the user is not authenticated.
What am I doing wrong in my code?
You can solve this by using custom middleware to handle grabbing the authentication token from the query string.
public class SignalRQueryStringAuthMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public SignalRQueryStringAuthMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
// Convert incomming qs auth token to a Authorization header so the rest of the chain
// can authorize the request correctly
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
if (context.Request.Headers["Connection"] == "Upgrade" &&
context.Request.Query.TryGetValue("authToken", out var token))
context.Request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.First());
await _next.Invoke(context);
public static class SignalRQueryStringAuthExtensions
public static IApplicationBuilder UseSignalRQueryStringAuth(this IApplicationBuilder builder)
return builder.UseMiddleware<SignalRQueryStringAuthMiddleware>();
This will try to get the query string value "authToken" and it will set the heads so you can leverage your authentication middleware. You need to call this before the authentication middleware in the pipeline like so:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
on a side note you should only append the token if the user is logged in:
if (accessToken) {
hubUrl += '?authToken' +'=' + accessToken;
this._hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
I have also implemented this in my project. The shortest way of doing this is to add a middleware to your Configure method.
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
var accessToken = context.Request.Query["access_token"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
context.Request.Headers["authorization"] = "Bearer " + accessToken;
await next.Invoke().ConfigureAwait(false);
It does the same thing as mentioned in the other answer. It adds the token to the header by reading it from the query string. Of course, you can separate out the implementation of custom middleware in a separate file.

.Net Core 2.0 - Get AAD access token to use with Microsoft Graph

When starting up a fresh .Net Core 2.0 project with Azure AD Authentication you get a working sample that can sign in to your tenant, great!
Now I want to get an access token for the signed in user and use that to work with Microsoft Graph API.
I am not finding any documentation on how to achieve this. I just want a simple way to get an access token and access the graph API, using the template created when you start a new .NET Core 2.0 project. From there I should be able to figure out the rest.
Very important that it works with the project that gets created when following the process where you select Work and school accounts for authentication when creating a new 2.0 MVC Core app in Visual Studio.
I wrote a blog article which shows just how to do that: ASP.NET Core 2.0 Azure AD Authentication
The TL;DR is that you should add a handler like this for when you receive an authorization code from AAD:
.AddOpenIdConnect(opts =>
opts.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents
OnAuthorizationCodeReceived = async ctx =>
var request = ctx.HttpContext.Request;
var currentUri = UriHelper.BuildAbsolute(request.Scheme, request.Host, request.PathBase, request.Path);
var credential = new ClientCredential(ctx.Options.ClientId, ctx.Options.ClientSecret);
var distributedCache = ctx.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IDistributedCache>();
string userId = ctx.Principal.FindFirst("").Value;
var cache = new AdalDistributedTokenCache(distributedCache, userId);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(ctx.Options.Authority, cache);
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(
ctx.ProtocolMessage.Code, new Uri(currentUri), credential, ctx.Options.Resource);
ctx.HandleCodeRedemption(result.AccessToken, result.IdToken);
Here my context.Options.Resource is (Microsoft Graph), which I'm binding from config along with other settings (client id etc.).
We redeem a token using ADAL, and store the resulting token in a token cache.
The token cache is something you will have to make, here is the example from the example app:
public class AdalDistributedTokenCache : TokenCache
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
private readonly string _userId;
public AdalDistributedTokenCache(IDistributedCache cache, string userId)
_cache = cache;
_userId = userId;
BeforeAccess = BeforeAccessNotification;
AfterAccess = AfterAccessNotification;
private string GetCacheKey()
return $"{_userId}_TokenCache";
private void BeforeAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args)
private void AfterAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args)
if (HasStateChanged)
_cache.Set(GetCacheKey(), Serialize(), new DistributedCacheEntryOptions
AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromDays(1)
HasStateChanged = false;
The token cache here uses a distributed cache to store tokens, so that all instances serving your app have access to the tokens. They are cached per user, so you can retrieve a token for any user later.
Then when you want to get a token and use MS graph, you'd do something like (important stuff in GetAccessTokenAsync()):
public class HomeController : Controller
private static readonly HttpClient Client = new HttpClient();
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
private readonly IConfiguration _config;
public HomeController(IDistributedCache cache, IConfiguration config)
_cache = cache;
_config = config;
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
public async Task<IActionResult> MsGraph()
HttpResponseMessage res = await QueryGraphAsync("/me");
ViewBag.GraphResponse = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return View();
private async Task<HttpResponseMessage> QueryGraphAsync(string relativeUrl)
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "" + relativeUrl);
string accessToken = await GetAccessTokenAsync();
req.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
return await Client.SendAsync(req);
private async Task<string> GetAccessTokenAsync()
string authority = _config["Authentication:Authority"];
string userId = User.FindFirst("").Value;
var cache = new AdalDistributedTokenCache(_cache, userId);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, cache);
string clientId = _config["Authentication:ClientId"];
string clientSecret = _config["Authentication:ClientSecret"];
var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync("", credential, new UserIdentifier(userId, UserIdentifierType.UniqueId));
return result.AccessToken;
There we acquire a token silently (using the token cache), and attach it to requests to the Graph.

Stuck on AsyncPost in Web API

I am really stuck on this as I have searched far and wide for a solution for an asyncpost using Web API but couldnt find anything. Essentially, its got to make a POST call using HttpClient to the relevant controller class AddMenuItem using Web API but it just doesn't work. It simply throws an error of a 404 Error and cannot see the controller method. Any reasons why and solution for this would be very helpful!
// Async Post Call
public static async void asyncPost()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var values = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();
values.Add("ItemName", "Pepperoni Pizza");
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
string baseAddress = "http://localhost:9000/";
HttpResponseMessage response3 = await client.PostAsync(baseAddress + "api/values/AddMenuItem", content);
if (response3.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
// Do something...
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
// POST api/values
public void AddMenuItem([FromBody]string itemName)
//Should go in here when PostAync is called
Don't use async void; use async Task instead.
public static async Task PostAsync()
Then your controller can call it with await:
public async Task AddMenuItem([FromBody]string itemName)
await PostAsync(..);
