MSAL.NET acquire access token using windows credentials - .net-core

We have a hybrid Active Directory scenario - an on premises Active Directory server synced with an Azure AD tenant.
We are in the process of migrating our on premise Exchange email accounts to 365.
We have a SPA (JavaScript) that displays calendar events retrieved from a dotnet core web API.
The web API only allows access to users in a specific AD group.
The SPA uses the Fetch API to call the web API with credentials.
The web API currently uses EWS to connect to our on premise Exchange server to read calendar events, using its app pool identity.
The above systems have been developed in-house and run on our internal servers.
We want to update the Web API to read calendar events using the MS Graph API, on behalf of the user. We would like to use the simplest available solution.
We have tried to use the AcquireTokenByIntegratedWindowsAuth method but receive the following error: 'Integrated Windows Auth is not supported for managed users'. My limited understanding of why this doesn't work is because we do not have an ADFS on premise.
One of the Microsoft samples shows a SPA acquiring an access token and passing the token in the header as part of the web API call. This would require us to update the SPA and web API code. We're willing to do that if it's the only solution, but I am hoping someone might offer an alternative where we only need to update the web API.


Can't get domain user inside API - (AngularJs + ASP.NET Framework with Windows authentication)

I have this legacy intranet app using an AngularJS SPA consuming an an ASP.NET Web API (on .NET 4.6.1) and I can't manage to get the user authenticated on the domain inside the API, when calls are made by AngularJs.
Inside the API I have situations where I need to get the domain authenticated user. I have tried several combinations inside IIS to set both the AngularJS app and the API with Windows authentication, Impersonation, Authorization Rules. I've read several questions in Stackoverflow and other forums and also searched through several articles but I can't manage to find a solution, I'm feeling helpless in this one.
When I make a direct call to the API using a tool like Postman or through Swagger, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name shows the correct authenticated user.
When I make the very same call to the API but through the client, like loading a page that requests data from the API, the user shown in LogonUserIdentity, is the one set on the app pool.
The authentication between the client and the API uses bearer token.
Here's my current scenario:
Windows authentication enabled for both the client and the API, Impersonation enabled for both the client and the API
Authorization rules for ASP.NET and IIS set with allow all users for both Client and API
Session state in-proc, using cookies and with UseHostingIdentity set to false on both Client and API
Both the client and the API are using the same AppPool, with integrated Pipeline, .NET CLR v4.0,
If there's more info to supply please let me know, I'll update the question with the required info.

Accessing Azure Subscription info using ASP.NET MVC App by authenticating user

I want to create an ASP.NET MVC application that will authenticate to an Azure tenant and get the information about the underlying tenant info such as subscription ID etc. -
This similar thing has been done by another application here -
Let me know any article or related info for this requirement.
As Nick said, you could use Tenants Rest Api to get the tenants for your account.
Use Azure ad Implicit grant flow to get your access token with your username. And send the request to Tenants with access token as http header. Then you will get all the tenants for your account and the detailed message like tenantId, tenantName.
If you just want the Azure Subscription details, you can use the following:
Subscriptions - Get REST API
Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager NuGet package. The Azure SDK for .NET consists of the Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager Namespace and the ISubscriptionClient Interface that would let you get information about your subscriptions and tenants.
However, if you're looking to access information across the Microsoft Cloud services and build unified but unique user experiences, check out the following resources about Microsoft Graph:
Building ASP.NET MVC apps with Microsoft Graph
Module: Build ASP.NET MVC web applications with the Microsoft Graph .NET SDK
For implementing the sign-in experience to Microsoft through an ASP.NET MVC solution, take a look at this document.

What is the difference between identity server 4 open id connect and Azure AD?

What I know about IdentityServer and OpenID connect is:
The IdentityServer is a free, open source OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. That incorporates all the protocol implementations and extensibility points needed to integrate token-based authentication, single-sign-on and API access control in your applications.
Further more OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer built on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth 2.0 defines mechanisms to obtain and use access tokens to access protected resources, but they do not define standard methods to provide identity information. OpenID Connect implements authentication as an extension to the OAuth 2.0 authorization process. It provides information about the end user in the form of an id_token that verifies the identity of the user and provides basic profile information about the user.
What I want to know is what is Azure Active Directory and How it is works? Did we use Azure AD with openid connect? or it is optional with openid connect? and If I've an webapi which is based on ASP.Net core 2.0 with identityserver 4. Did we deploy on azure without implement Azure AD? I m confused because I've an webapi project and a client project based on angular. when I deploy my client project as a new web app on azure its running fine. But when I deploy my web api on azure its not working. Means after deploying my web api when I do post request to get a token or when I want to register a user through my azure web api link it shows me 500 error in postman.
After facing this problem I post it on Here Stackoverflow but didn't find any helpful answers. So I again start searching and found that if we want to use openid connect with azure we must implement Azure AD. Here is the Reference. So in this question I want to know the difference between openid connect and Azure AD? and second question is. Is this possible to use openid connect without using Azure AD? Please explain your answer briefly. Thanks

WSO2 IS ASP.Net - user authentication and SAML response decoding/validation

We are using WSO2 IS 5.2.0 for user authentication and SSO across our applications. We have multiple web applications built on java technology.
All the apps are registered in WSO2 service provider and we are able to successfully authenticate user and able to do SSO.
User is prompted for login when he tries to access one of the apps for the first time. Once user logs in, he is able to access any application.
We are using HTTP redirect to achieve this. On the applications side we are using WSO2 java API (org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.* package) to get the authenticated user details and claims information.
Now we have one more application in .Net (ASP) which we want to integrate into our application suite which should also use the existing SSO infrastructure.
Can someone please let us know how to integrate WSO2 and .Net application for user authentication and SSO. If it is HTTP redirect, then how do we decrypt user information from the SAML Response in .Net application?
Is there any webservice interface available which we can directly call from .Net application which can provide function to get user information by passing samltokenId?
There is a sample written using .NET in here [1] but it seems it is still undergoing development. I have asked the question in WSO2 Architecture mailing list[2] about the state of it (You can follow for more information) but still you can use it to get some understanding (Or as a full working solution maybe).
[2] [Architecture] [IS] SAML SSO Agent for .NET

Headless authentication with Azure AD (user/pass combination)

I'm following the guide and example provided by Microsoft here and I'm able to get the demo working, with the authentication happening in a console app, then making a request to a Web API with the correct token.
I'm looking to use this but the code in the console app would need to move to a Web App. Essentially: external server tries to access secure Web API, providing Azure AD username/password in the Authentication header of a HTTPS request. I pick up these credentials in the first insecure Web API, and attempt to authenticate the credentials against AD, obtaining the token. From here, I would then call the [Authorize]-protected Web API by making a request with the AD token.
At this point I'm using the same code from the example linked above, simply moving the code in the Console app up into the first insecure Web API controller, but I'm having no luck. I read on CloudIdentity that "You can only use those flows from a native client. A confidential client, such as a web site, cannot use direct user credentials.". Is this true? If so, is there another way to achieve my aim? I need to use the credentials as it may be likely that more services would use the API in the future, so each of these would need their own credentials to use that could be managed within Azure.
EDIT: In reading more around this, should I actually be aiming to use Client authentication, creating an "Application" within the Azure AD, and providing the client ID to each external service looking to call the API, to then authenticate with that, rather than credentials?
Yes, your edit is correct. The Resource Owner Password Credentials grant is meant to authenticate users, not applications. Typical use would be from an application that prompts you for username and password and then retrieves a token from Azure AD.
You can use the Client Credentials grant to get a token from Azure AD from a confidential client to call an API without user context. This flow requires that you register the application in Azure AD and generate a key (which will be used as the client secret). You can then use the ADAL library to ge a token from AAD as shown here.
