Problem committing a project from RStudio to Github - r

I'm trying to push my files to my GitHub, but I'm getting the following error:
error: cannot run rpostback-askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': Device not configured
I'm using MAC
My git version: git version 2.32.1 (Apple Git-133)
I'm linking my project to GitHub with HTTP protocole
I ran git config --global and user.mail in the terminal in Rstudio
I tried to use the solution of running git push -u origin main and when I type in my credentials, it gives me the error: "authentication failed". I never changed my password to GitHub, I checked it today to enter the website, it works.
I tried using ssh protocol instead but it seems to be giving me even more errors even though I created my ssh key and added it successfully to my GitHub. Specifically when I click on create new project and add the ssh link Rstudio says:
Cloning into 'data-science-hw'...
ssh_askpass: exec(rpostback-askpass): No such file or directory Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.
I went through all the possible suggestions I could find on the internet but none of them worked. I also tried linking a token generated by git, but it work either.
I would be very happy if anybody has any idea what else I could try..


Vagrant / VirtualBox (Mac OS): The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status error

I'm running Vagrant version 2.2.19 with VirtualBox version 6.1 on Mac OS Monterey version 12.3.1.
When running vagrant up or vagrant up --provision, I'm receiving the following error:
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
Upon checking the logs, in provisioner-utility-source-core.log I can see the following log:
[0;38;5;2m ▷ Running the [0m[1m[0;38;5;5m'utility-source-core'[21m[0;38;5;2m provisioner...[0m[0m[0m
[0m[39m[2m* Updating the "core" utility on the "master" branch...[21m[0m
fatal: unsafe repository ('/srv/provision/utilities/core' is owned by someone else)
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /srv/provision/utilities/core
[0;38;5;9m ! The [0m[1m[0;38;5;5m'utility-source-core'[21m[0;38;5;9m provisioner ran into problems, the full log is available at [0m[1m[0;38;5;5m'/var/log/provisioners/2022.04.18_18-32-31/provisioner-utility-source-core.log'[21m[0;38;5;9m. It completed in [0m[1m[0;38;5;5m0[21m[0;38;5;9m seconds.[0m[0m
In the above, can see a fatal error:
unsafe repository ('/srv/provision/utilities/core' is owned by someone else)
However, I cannot see any resources online to solve the above fatal error.
What I've tried:
Running vagrant halt then vagrant destroy and then vagrant up to create the box again, and then running vagrant up to see if it solves things (get the same error)
Added Git SSH (using this guide) in case it was a Git error
Uninstalled and then reinstalled VirtualBox
Cleared out IPs from /etc/hosts/hosts, and then ran vagrant up again, to see if there were any conflicts.
Have tried running git config --global --add /srv/provision/utilities/core, then re-ran vagrant up --provision - but it does nothing.
Note: I have allowed oracle permissions via security and privacy and have rebooted my machine so it's in effect.
Is there any way to get VVV running again?
This is a known issue that was fixed in newer versions of VVV. Update to at least VVV 3.10.1 and re-provision.
If it is still happening despite updating to newer VVV, raise a GitHub issue.
I'm the VVV project lead, usually when we see these issues we fix them, this isn't something you should need to fix yourself. But if you use stackoverflow to report bugs we don't see it. Either raise a GitHub issue or ask in the VVV slack.

r studio fatal: No configured push destination

I'm trying to create a blog using R package blogdown.
The last step is to push my files to Github, and I clicked "Push Branch",
which gave me this error message:
I'm not very experienced with Git/Github integration with R Studio. Can somebody leave a detailed explanation of what to do?
You add remote git server URL to local git repository config like this
git remote add origin your_git_repository_url
At git local repository folder, release command:
git remote add origin
Learn more (official reference document)

unable to install composer for symfony

I am using a computer provided by my work org and I do not have any access to change firewall since I am just a user.
I am trying to install Composer to start on a symfony 2 project. When I try Composer exe file to install, I see this message - The "" file could not be downloaded: SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
failed to open stream: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy
I Googled it but the solutions all given are related to firewall and can be solved by an Admin only.
It seems that you have network issues: Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy. You probably might want to work this out but since you have no access to network settings then it will be easier just to use Manual Download option from . Just download composer.phar file from this url

Unable to publish to an NPM Registry (local)

I am running Nexus 3.0.1-01, and am using it to host both Maven repositories and NPM registries. For NPM, I have a local mirror of, a local NPM registry and a group that combines the two...
I have been using this with npm internally, where I can use the npm-public group as my registry and this has been working fine. So, I can use Nexus to mirror npmjs.
The next step is to take locally written npm modules and publish them to npm-releases (on my Nexus instance) so that these modules can be shared amongst the delivery teams here. I've been able to build out a package, and npm pack seems to behave.
I have run npm adduser to provide my Nexus credentials to my npm environment. I am using the same username/password I use when I log into the Nexus web app, and my user is assigned the admin role (so I should have all permissions). I can see the credentials in my .npmrc file
My registry value is still the npm-public group which combined the mirror and my local registry. I have ensured that the package.json of the module I am attempting to deploy has a "publishConfig" section that points to the url of the local registry (not the public group)
However, despite all of that, calling "npm publish" results in a 401 error...
Looking at the npm-debug.log, I can see it's attempting to call the HTTP PUT call to push the assembled tgz file to the registry, and this is returning a 401 error
I have enabled debug logging on the shiro package in the server, but I only ever see a single message thinking it needs authentication
2016-09-13 08:56:28,590+1000 DEBUG [qtp1257823896-4030] *UNKNOWN org.apache.shiro.web.filter.authc.BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter - Authentication required: sending 401 Authentication challenge response.
According to the documentation, I've done all I'm supposed to do (npm add user) but I am unable to successfully deploy an npm module to my local repository.
Are there additional options I need to use when calling npm publish? Are there additional settings I need to make to the hosted npm repository in my server that will allow me to publish to it? I pretty much created it using the default values. Have I missed a step that is preventing me from deploying to my hosted npm registry?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I am stuck at the moment.
As it turns out, I did not have the Npm Bearer Token Realm in my list of active realms. Once I moved it to Active, the publish completed successfully!
Additonally to #EdH's answer we discovered that the format of .npmrc has changed so base64 encoded _auth will not work anymore... and the token has to be created by logging into the repo.
old .npmrc
new .npmrc
Additionally to #Daniel's answer, I discovered that when adding user credentials/logging into npm, you can't have a trailing slash on the registry url.
npm adduser --registry=https://repo.localhost/repository/npm-internal/
npm adduser --registry=https://repo/repository/npm-internal
Also, if you're looking to automate the login (i.e. non-interactively), I used a good tool called npm-cli-login.
npm-cli-login -u admin -p admin123 -e -r https://repo/repository/npm-internal
I realize that this post is a couple years old now, but as of struggling with this issue for many hours, I finally found what worked for me that I've not seen in many other places. The problem was that I was not specifying the _authToken within the .npmrc file. Adding this as shown below resolved the issue and I was able to successfully run npm commands without a 401 error.
Another reason why you might get such an error is that you might have enabled anonymous access to the server for the 'npm Bearer Token Realm'. After disabling anonymous access you must also remove .npmrc and re-add the registry and adduser.

Git push failure (Github/RStudio)

I've used Git successfully on this machine in the past but suddenly I can no longer push my commits to the Github repo. The last change to the Git toolchain that I made was to install Git, in addition to the Github for Windows client. RStudio could not find Git unless I'd already started the Github client so I decided to simply install a stand-alone Git client and change the RStudio Git path.
Error message (RStudio):
error: cannot spawn rpostback-askpass: No such file or directory
fatal: could not read Username for '': No such file or directory
I can commit all projects.
I can pull new projects.
I cannot push any projects, I receive the same error message every time.
I cannot push with Github or RStudio.
Reinstalling /uninstalling Git / Github does not resolve the issue.
This is an R project, with RStudio as my IDE / Git GUI.
I'm using Git for Windows 7.
Let me know if there's any more information that you need.
Update 1:
Git GUI tells me that:
Error: hook execution requires sh (not in PATH).
Let's see if I can fix that...
Found something that might help from here:
in RStudio, click on the "Tools" menu and select "Shell"
Run the following command: git push -u origin master
it might ask you for your git username and password. Supply this information, make sure it is correct
hopefully the push is successful, then you can close the window
Now make some more edits to some file so that you have new content to push
click on the "push" button in RStudio and this time the push should work
Found a different suggested solution here:
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
