When I import the demo content, all Elementor widgets move in the single “Text widget” – in other words, the WordPress importer “does not recognize” the widgets and sections. All is in the one/same text widget.
When used short xml file or insert short data inside _elementor_data , widget work fine .
if insert long data or alot widget all Elementor widgets move in the single “Text widget” again ?
all Elementor widgets move in the single “Text widget'
I have started learning wordpress recently. I have started from version 5 with this new Gutenberg editor which introduced Blocks. I am little confused regarding difference between this new Blocks concept and old Widgets.
Starting with a Blocks: they appear on page creation and can be added to page, there is nice documentation on wordpress webpage: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/tutorials/block-tutorial/ a lot of stuff related to new blocks.
Everything is fine, but Blocks can be added only to page content and not into areas like: sidebar, footer etc.
For changing content of sidebar,footer areas we need to access Appearance->Widgets area where we can add multiple widgets to specific areas. Also for new Gutenberd Page Builder there is section called widgets available but with less number of widgets than under
Apperance->Widgets section.
Im totally confused. Could someone explain what is the difference betweemn Blocks and Widgets?
Why for areas like sidebar/footer we can add only widgets and editing footer is under Widgets menu?
Why only part of widgets are available for Gutenberg Page Editor
What should i do to create reusable code snippet(some html/css/js logic) to be reused on a page? Should i create a widget and somehow include it to widget section for Gutenberg or maybe i should create this new concept of Block? But i will not reuse my block in footer/sidebar section...
Are widgets something which will gonna die soon in wordpress world and will be totally replaced by Blocks? I remember that in previous version we were able to add widgets to page using some kind of shortcodes, so any widget we want? Is it still possible?.
I will appreciate any comments on that.
The Block Editor is so far being used only to generate "content". In the world of WordPress, that normally very generic word has a very specific meaning: whatever is returned by the function the_content(). Usually it's simply all the text and media input on the edit page of a post or page, though that can be modified by filters. This content is entered either in the classic editor's text box or (now) in one or more Gutenberg Blocks.
Widgets, on the other hand, display content outside the main content, in widget areas that your theme has located outside the main content in headers, sidebars, footers, etc.
I suspect you already know much of this. As to your question about code snippets, the simplest way to re-use code is through WordPress shortcodes. Register your shortcodes in functions.php or in a plugin; enable them in your theme; then use them anywhere. There is now a shortcode Block, by the way, for placing recurring content into main content.
How to Copy Paste or import a table structure into word press Elementor Page Builder. The Elementor does not have table structure. I lose the styles when copied from excel sheet. It shows all th columns background as black.
I tired to do same in source tab, but the same.
I tried few plugins and still same. The wordpress default editor works but forced to use Elementor as it has more features included like carousel, gallery.
Tried few plugins related to Elementor, but the same.
Any workarounds, please.
I'm making wordpress template. When I install this template(on stock wordpress), in footer block appears 6 standard widgets(Search, Recent Posts, Recent Comments etc.). I need to make these widgets do not appear by default(after install WP).
I have 3 widgets block, but even if I change the name of footer widgets block, standard widgets still appears by default in footer block . Any ideas? Thanks
In Appearance -> Widgets there should be a list of widgets available on the left and widget blocks on the right.
The "Search, Recent Posts, Recent Comments etc." should be in one of the blocks on the right. You can either delete each widget individually or drag the widget onto the "Available Widget" section.
When creating pages you can set the "Template" to "Full-width Page Template, No Sidebar" which won't allow any widgets to be displayed. Or in the functions.php file remove the twentytwelve_widgets_init() function.
Is it possible to display widget by code instead of placing in a specific widget area?
I have a custom page in my wp application. I want to display a widget on this page? Can I do that? If yes How?
Thanks in advance
Check out my plugin, Widget Instance, http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/widget-instance.
You can add specific widgets configured in Appearance > Widgets within the wysiwyg editor. My plugin provides an editor button with a select menu of all the widgets added to sidebars for you to choose from.
Let's say I'm doing a site about cars, and in the main content area there are a few paragraphs about a particular car.
In the sidebar, are several standard widgets. But I also want a widget with an 'info panel' about the particular car.
So what's the sanest way of putting in a per-page widget in Wordpress? I guess ideally the info-panel could be entered via the standard page editing in Wordpress. (or is this something a plug-in already covers?)
Widget Logic plugin:
Another Option would be to download and install the Graceful Sidebar Widget. This plugin enables you to create a sidebar that with content specific to each page or post. You specify the sidebar content right inside the post edit screen. Hope this helps!