Rmarkdown flexdashboard: how to adjust fillpage css for desktop view height - r

I have a flexdashboard created with Rmarkdown that has a custom span added to the navbar, resulting in the map I have below not being sized problem due to the extra height of the navbar.
The fix in the html is known to me: change the height of the dashboard container by replacing
$("html,body,#dashboard").css("height", "100%");
$("html,body,#dashboard").css("height", "calc(100% - 30px)");
However, I have been unable to change the generating Rmarkdown/css code to affect this line in the html document.
The line in context is:
if (_options.resize_reload) {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
if (_options.isMobile !== isMobilePhone() ||
_options.isPortrait !== isPortrait()) {
} else {
// if in desktop mode and resizing to mobile, make sure the heights are 100%
// This enforces what `fillpage.css` does for "wider" pages.
// Since we are not reloading once the page becomes small, we need to force the height to 100%
// This is a new situation introduced when `_options.resize_reload` is `false`
if (! _options.isMobile) {
// only add if `fillpage.css` was added in the first place
if (_options.fillPage) {
// fillpage.css
$("html,body,#dashboard").css("height", "100%");
The referenced fillpage.css in its entirety is:
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
html, body {
height: 100%;
#dashboard-container {
height: 100%;
I have tried the following:
Adding the above fillpage.css code (with the modified height: calc(100% - 30px) to the Rmarkdown document in the css chunk (other css in this chunk is working).
Adding a modified fillpage.css to the css yaml.
In both cases, the generated html referenced above is unaffected.
How can I implement this change in my code so I don't need to manually edit the html document each time I knit?


react-simple-image-slider - how to fit image to slider

I am using react-simple-image slider and everything works smoothly but I dont get how to adjust the image to fit to the slider container. The documentation says this:
can customize by className with !important;
.your-app {
.rsis-container {
// do something
.your-app {
.rsis-image {
background-size: contain !important;
but I dont understand where to add it in my project (please see files)

Expand all PrimeNG Accordion panels automatically for Printing

I am currently using the PrimeNG library's accordion component in my angular project. See info here.
The template includes some special css styling for printing the page--something like the following:
#media print {
.profile-progress-bar, .top-template-header-content, .header.profile-header{
display: none !important;
html, body {
height: auto;
font-size: 10px !important;
p-accordionTab > div {
display: block !important;
selected: true !important;
What I am trying to do, is automatically expand all accordionTab elements when the #media print rendering is processed for the page to be printed.
From the documentation I see that each accordionTab element has a [selected] property which can be bound to and set to "true" in order to expand the tab.
Selected Visibility of the content is specified with the selected
property that supports one or two-way binding.
However, can this be somehow automatically triggered when the #media print rendering occurs?
media query is the way to go, you can take a css only approach to achieve this; no change in TS or HTML files
relevant css:
#media print {
::ng-deep .ui-accordion-content-wrapper-overflown {
overflow: visible;
height: auto !important;
complete demo on stackblitz here
This is an interesting one. To keep it inside the realm of Angular, you could use the #angular/cdk/layout library and inject MediaMatcher. You could also, of course, do almost this exact same thing using JavaScript (see here... the cdk/layout method I'll show you really just wraps this).
The MediaMatcher service has a method called matchMedia, and from there you just add a listener:
import { MediaMatcher } from '#angular/cdk/layout';
constructor(private readonly mediaMatcher: MediaMatcher ) { }
ngOnInit() {
mediaMatcher.matchMedia('print').addListener(e => e.matches ?
console.log('printing!') : null);
So where I've put the console.log, just perform your logic to get the accordians to expand.

Adjust Angular UI Boostrap Modal Size/Width

Essentially what the title says - need to make this wider. Tried several solutions, neither work. Note that the "backdropClass" is applied perfectly and works, but the windowClass doesn't, nor the "size" option. I have tried them independently, nothing. CSS is in the same folder as the working backdrop class"
templateUrl: 'myTemplate.html',
controller: 'controllingControllerCtrl',
backdrop: 'static',
backdropClass : 'blackBackgroundModal ' +
'blackBackgroundModal.fade blackBackgroundModal.fade.in',
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow' +
size: 'sm'
.resizeModalWindow .resizeModalDialog {
width: 5000px;
What needs to be done for at least the "size" option to register - I don't really need custom widths.
Edit: Forgot checked links!
Checked this Q first
Then this
And of course docs
bootstrap css has media queries defining the width of a modal based on screen size. to globally overwrite them use !important
like this
.modal {
size: 5000px !important;
You should have white space between those two classes will recognize by the css rule.
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow ' +'resizeModalDialog',
^^^added space here
Add this to your CSS:
.resizeModalDialog .modal-dialog{
width: 5000px;
Add the property where you instance the modal
windowClass will not resize another way.

bootstrap 3 - not pushing footer to the bottom of page

I received a task at work to create some mini-webpage layout with bootstrap. I decided to base on already done layout (Amoeba). Here is the preview: Amoeba bootstrap link
Well, on localhost almost works except one thing - footer. Just take a look on provided link and then: click Portfolio (from navigation) and then filter the gallery by Photography.
When you will scroll down you will see ugly space. And this is my issue. I dont want that. So i thought that I need a footer OR portfolio div class which will automatically resize to proper size. BUt I dont how how to achieve that. Any tips?
You need only to change the code of modernizr slightly. Change forceHeight to false and will work good.
if (Modernizr.mq("screen and (max-width:1024px)")) {
} else {
var s = skrollr.init({
mobileDeceleration: 1,
edgeStrategy: 'set',
forceHeight: false,
smoothScrolling: true,
smoothScrollingDuration: 300,
easing: {
WTF: Math.random,
inverted: function(p) {
return 1-p;
Im not sure why, but your body element gets some height inline styling. Anyways here is the solution of your problem:
body {
height:100% !important; // inline styles, so you need to add "!important" here
#footer {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
You can also add wrapper div if you don't want to add position:relative and height:100%!important properties to your body element. Just see how it works and choose a better option for you.

Auto-resize an image in CSS without replacing HTML width / height attributes?

I'm trying to make an image fit nicely on different screen sizes without breaking the layout. The following bit of CSS helps:
.viewer .main img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
But the trouble is this image changes. I use a bit of Javascript to create a new img element each time the image changes, instead of reusing the existing one. (This seems a little more reliable for what I'm doing). The browser doesn't know the image's size until it is loaded, creating an obvious flicker in the interim. I deal with that by setting the image's width and height attributes in HTML. Without the above CSS rule, that works fine.
With that CSS, the flickering is still there. For some reason, when I create a new img element, the CSS seems to be causing the browser to ignore its width and height attributes, so. It ends up as ignorant of the aspect ratio as it was before.
Here's a jsfiddle to illustrate the situation:
One of the images in there is very very big (138 MB), so be careful if you're on a metered connection :)
What I would love is to get the image to scale according to those dimensions I set in HTML. Preferably in a nice way. A Javascript solution isn't the end of the world (I'm already using it, for course), but if there's an elegant CSS solution that would be very nice.
I ended up solving this in a roundabout way by wrapping the image in a dedicated container, along with some strange looking javascript to keep it in place as the image loads. The dimensions for that container are calculated as in Sven's answer, but ultimately it lets the browser take over. This way layout changes are kept fairly minimal and we end up only doing this crazy stuff for the bit of time between images.
Here's a big wad of code, for completedness:
function Viewer(container) {
var viewer = this;
container = $(container);
var pictureBox = $('.picture', container);
var img = $('<img>').appendTo(pictureBox);
var hide = function() {
/* [snip] */
var getPictureDisplayHeight = function(picture) {
var ratio = picture.data.h / picture.data.w;
var displayWidth = Math.min(pictureBox.width(), picture.data.w);
var displayHeight = Math.min(displayWidth * ratio, picture.data.h);
return displayHeight;
var stopLoadingTimeoutId = undefined;
var stopLoadingTimeout = function() {
var showPicture = function(picture) {
var imgIsChanging = img.data('picture') != picture;
/* This code expects to be cleaned up by stopLoadingTimeout or onImgLoaded, which will not fire if img src doesn't change */
if (imgIsChanging) {
stopLoadingTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(stopLoadingTimeout, 3000);
'min-height' : pictureBox.height()
var displayHeight = getPictureDisplayHeight(picture);
if (displayHeight > pictureBox.height()) {
/* Grow pictureBox if necessary */
pictureBox.stop(true, false);
'height' : displayHeight
}, 150);
/* I wish I could set width and height here, but it causes the current image to stretch */
'src' : picture.fullPath
}).data('picture', picture);
var onImgLoaded = function(event) {
/* The load event might not be fired, so nothing here should be essential */
var picture = img.data('picture');
var displayHeight = getPictureDisplayHeight(picture);
pictureBox.stop(true, false);
'min-height' : 0,
'height' : displayHeight
}, 150, function() {
pictureBox.css('height', 'auto');
var onImgClicked = function(event) {
var onPictureSelectedCb = function(picture) {
if (picture) {
} else {
var init = function() {
img.on('click', onImgClicked);
img.on('load', onImgLoaded);
Relevant HTML:
<div class="viewer" style="display: none;">
<div class="picture"></div>
<div class="caption"><div class="caption-text"></div></div>
And CSS:
.viewer .picture img {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
This way we leave space around the image that is either the size of the next image or the size of the current image, and never the smaller size that seems to happen before a new image is loaded (which kept happening for some reason). There are probably a million solutions to this, and mine doesn't feel especially straight-forward, so I'm certainly curious to see others :)
If I understand you right, you can achieve your goal by using the following code
<div id="Wrapper">
<img id="MyPic" src="http://www.davidstorey.tv/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/image.php_.jpeg" alt="" width="300" height="200" />
border:1px solid red;
var ratio=$("#MyPic").width() / $("#MyPic").height();
$("#MyPic").css("height", $("#MyPic").width()/ratio+"px");
Here is the link to jsfiddle
