How do I define matrix parameters in a Dymos problem? - openmdao

I'm trying to setup a dynamic optimization with dymos where I have an analysis upstream of my dymos trajectory. This upstream analysis computes some 2D-matrix K. I want to pass this matrix into my dymos problem. According to the documentation (and how I've done this in the past) is to add K as a paramter to the trajectory:
However, this returns an error because static_target expects K to be a scalar. If I have static_target=False, this also returns an error because it expects K to have some dimension related to the number of nodes in the trajectory.
Is there something I'm missing here?
Is it sufficient to manually connect K to the trajectory via
p.model.connect('K','traj.phase0.rhs_disc.K') and
p.model.connect('K','traj.phase0.rhs_col.K')? Or will that create issues in how dymos works the problem.
It doesn't seem appropriate to vectorize K either.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

In my opinion, the easiest way to connect parameters from trajectory to phase is to add the parameter to both the Trajectory and the phases in which it is to be used.
Consider a simple oscillator where the mass, spring constant, and dampening coefficient are given as a single size-3 input.
In this case, I used OpenMDAO's tags feature and a special dymos tag dymos.static_target so that dymos realizes the target isn't shaped with a different value at each node. I think its a bit easier to do it this way as opposed to having to add it later at the add_parameter call.
class OscillatorODEVectorParam(om.ExplicitComponent):
A Dymos ODE for a damped harmonic oscillator.
def initialize(self):
self.options.declare('num_nodes', types=int)
def setup(self):
nn = self.options['num_nodes']
# Inputs
self.add_input('x', shape=(nn,), desc='displacement', units='m')
self.add_input('v', shape=(nn,), desc='velocity', units='m/s')
self.add_input('constants', shape=(3,), units=None,
desc='a vector of mass, spring constant, and damping coefficient [m, k, c]',
self.add_output('v_dot', val=np.zeros(nn), desc='rate of change of velocity', units='m/s**2')
self.declare_coloring(wrt='*', method='fd')
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
x = inputs['x']
v = inputs['v']
m, k, c = inputs['constants']
f_spring = -k * x
f_damper = -c * v
outputs['v_dot'] = (f_spring + f_damper) / m
To use the ODE, we have a problem with a single trajectory and in this case, as single phase.
Again, in my opinion, the clearest way to link parameters from the trajectory to phases is to add them in both places with the same name.
Dymos will perform some introspection and automatically link them up.
def test_ivp_driver_shaped_param(self):
import openmdao.api as om
import dymos as dm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.switch_backend('Agg') # disable plotting to the screen
from dymos.examples.oscillator.oscillator_ode import OscillatorODEVectorParam
# Instantiate an OpenMDAO Problem instance.
prob = om.Problem()
# We need an optimization driver. To solve this simple problem ScipyOptimizerDriver will work.
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
# Instantiate a Phase
phase = dm.Phase(ode_class=OscillatorODEVectorParam, transcription=dm.Radau(num_segments=10))
# Tell Dymos that the duration of the phase is bounded.
phase.set_time_options(fix_initial=True, fix_duration=True)
# Tell Dymos the states to be propagated using the given ODE.
phase.add_state('x', fix_initial=True, rate_source='v', targets=['x'], units='m')
phase.add_state('v', fix_initial=True, rate_source='v_dot', targets=['v'], units='m/s')
# The spring constant, damping coefficient, and mass are inputs to the system that are
# constant throughout the phase.
# Declare this parameter on phase and then we'll feed its value from the parent trajectory.
phase.add_parameter('constants', units=None)
# Since we're using an optimization driver, an objective is required. We'll minimize
# the final time in this case.
phase.add_objective('time', loc='final')
# Instantiate a Dymos Trajectory and add it to the Problem model.
traj = prob.model.add_subsystem('traj', dm.Trajectory())
traj.add_phase('phase0', phase)
# This parameter value will connect to any phase with a parameter named constants by default.
# This is the easiest way, in my opinion, to pass parameters from trajectory to phase.
traj.add_parameter('constants', units=None, opt=False)
# Setup the OpenMDAO problem
# Assign values to the times and states
prob.set_val('traj.phase0.t_initial', 0.0)
prob.set_val('traj.phase0.t_duration', 15.0)
prob.set_val('traj.phase0.states:x', 10.0)
prob.set_val('traj.phase0.states:v', 0.0)
# m k c
prob.set_val('traj.parameters:constants', [1.0, 1.0, 0.5])
# Now we're using the optimization driver to iteratively run the model and vary the
# phase duration until the final y value is 0.
# Perform an explicit simulation of our ODE from the initial conditions.
sim_out = traj.simulate(times_per_seg=50)
# Plot the state values obtained from the phase timeseries objects in the simulation output.
t_sol = prob.get_val('traj.phase0.timeseries.time')
t_sim = sim_out.get_val('traj.phase0.timeseries.time')
states = ['x', 'v']
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(states), 1)
for i, state in enumerate(states):
sol = axes[i].plot(t_sol, prob.get_val(f'traj.phase0.timeseries.states:{state}'), 'o')
sim = axes[i].plot(t_sim, sim_out.get_val(f'traj.phase0.timeseries.states:{state}'), '-')
axes[-1].set_xlabel('time (s)')
fig.legend((sol[0], sim[0]), ('solution', 'simulation'), 'lower right', ncol=2)


Initial state starts at y(1), how to go backwards to find y(0)? [duplicate]

I would like to solve a differential equation in R (with deSolve?) for which I do not have the initial condition, but only the final condition of the state variable. How can this be done?
The typical code is: ode(times, y, parameters, function ...) where y is the initial condition and function defines the differential equation.
Are your equations time reversible, that is, can you change your differential equations so they run backward in time? Most typically this will just mean reversing the sign of the gradient. For example, for a simple exponential growth model with rate r (gradient of x = r*x) then flipping the sign makes the gradient -r*x and generates exponential decay rather than exponential growth.
If so, all you have to do is use your final condition(s) as your initial condition(s), change the signs of the gradients, and you're done.
As suggested by #LutzLehmann, there's an even easier answer: ode can handle negative time steps, so just enter your time vector as (t_end, 0). Here's an example, using f'(x) = r*x (i.e. exponential growth). If f(1) = 3, r=1, and we want the value at t=0, analytically we would say:
x(T) = x(0) * exp(r*T)
x(0) = x(T) * exp(-r*T)
= 3 * exp(-1*1)
= 1.103638
Now let's try it in R:
g <- function(t, y, parms) { list(parms*y) }
res <- ode(3, times = c(1, 0), func = g, parms = 1)
## time 1
## 1 1 3.000000
## 2 0 1.103639
I initially misread your question as stating that you knew both the initial and final conditions. This type of problem is called a boundary value problem and requires a separate class of numerical algorithms from standard (more elementary) initial-value problems.
findFn("{boundary value problem}")
tells us that there are several R packages on CRAN (bvpSolve looks the most promising) for solving these kinds of problems.
Given a differential equation
y'(t) = F(t,y(t))
over the interval [t0,tf] where y(tf)=yf is given as initial condition, one can transform this into the standard form by considering
x(s) = y(tf - s)
==> x'(s) = - y'(tf-s) = - F( tf-s, y(tf-s) )
x'(s) = - F( tf-s, x(s) )
now with
x(0) = x0 = yf.
This should be easy to code using wrapper functions and in the end some list reversal to get from x to y.
Some ODE solvers also allow negative step sizes, so that one can simply give the times for the construction of y in the descending order tf to t0 without using some intermediary x.

General Equilibrium Problem using SymPy in Julia

I am trying to solve an economic problem using the sympy package in Julia. In this economic problem I have exogenous variables and endogenous variables and I am indexing them all. I have two questions:
How to access the indexed variables to pass: calibrated values ( to exogenous variables, calibrated in other enveiroment) or formula (to endogenous variables, determined by the first order conditions of the agents' maximalization problem using pencil and paper). This will also allow me to study the behavior of equilibrium when I disturb exogenous variables. First, consider my attempto to pass calibrated values on exogenous variables.
using SymPy
# To index
n,N = sympy.symbols("n N", integer=True)
N = 3 # It can change
# Household
#exogenous variables
α = sympy.IndexedBase("α")
#syms γ
α2 = sympy.Sum(α[n], (n, 1, N))
equation_1 = Eq(α2 + γ, 1)
The equation_1 says that the alpha's plus gamma sums one. So I would like to pass values to the α vector according to another vector, alpha3, with calibrated parameters.
# Suposse
alpha3 = [1,2,3]
for n in 1:N
α[n]= alpha3[n]
MethodError: no method matching setindex!(::Sym, ::Int64, ::Int64)
I will certainly do this step once the system is solved. Now, I want to pass formulas or expressions as a function of prices. Prices are endogenous and unknown variables. (As said before, the expressions were calculated using paper and pencil)
# Price vector, Endogenous, unknown in the system equations
P = sympy.IndexedBase("P")
# Other exogenous variables to be calibrated.
z = sympy.IndexedBase("z")
s = sympy.IndexedBase("s")
Y = sympy.IndexedBase("Y")
# S[n] and D[n], Supply and Demand, are endogenous, but determined by the first order conditions of the maximalization problem of the agents
# Supply and Demand
S = sympy.IndexedBase("S")
D = sympy.IndexedBase("D")
# (Hypothetical functions that I have to pass)
# S[n] = s[n]*P[n]
# D[n] = z[n]/P[n]
Once I can write the formulas on S[n] and D[n], consider the second question:
How to specify the endogenous variables indexed (All prices in their indexed format P[n]) as being unknown in the system of non-linear equations? I will ignore the possibility of not solving my system. Suppose my system has a single solution or infinite (manifold). So let's assume that I have more equations than variables:
# For all n, I want determine N indexed equations (looping?)
Eq_n = Eq(S[n] - D[n],0)
# Some other equations relating the P[n]'s
Eq0 = Eq(sympy.Sum(P[n]*Y[n] , (n, 1, N)), 0 )
# Equations system
eq_system = [Eq_n,Eq0]
# Solving
Many thanks
There isn't any direct support for the IndexedBase feature of SymPy. As such, the syntax alpha[n] is not available. You can call the method __getitem__ directly, as with
I don't see a corresponding __setitem__ documented, so I'm not sure whether
α[n]= alpha3[n]
is valid in sympy itself. But if there is some other assignment method, you would likely just call that instead of the using [ for assignment.
As for the last question about equations, I'm not sure but you would presumably find the size of the IndexedBase object and use that to loop.
If possible, using native julia constructs would be preferred, as possible. For this example, you might just consider an array of variables. The recently changed #syms macro makes this easy to generate.
For example, I think the following mostly replicates what you are trying to do:
#syms n::integer, N::integer
#exogenous variables
N = 3
#syms α[1:3] # hard code 3 here or use `α =[Sym("αᵢ$i") for i ∈ 1:N]`
#syms γ
α2 = sum(α[i] for i ∈ 1:N)
equation_1 = Eq(α2 + γ, 1)
alpha3 = [1,2,3]
for n in 1:N
α[n]= alpha3[n]
#syms P[1:3], z[1:3], s[1:3], γ[1:3], S[1:3], D[1:3]
Eq_n = [Eq(S[n], D[n]) for n ∈ 1:N]
Eq0 = Eq(sum(P .* Y), 0)
eq_system = [Eq_n,Eq0]

MDO Test suit: Golinski’s Speed Reducer problem using OpenMDAO

Recently, I have started working in the field of multidisciplinary design optimization. I am using OpenMDAO framework for weight optimization of Golinski's speed reducer in the MDO test suit. I want to apply MDF architecture for this problem. I am referring the paper "Benchmarking Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Algorithms" by Tedford and Martins for problem formulation and decomposition. Where they have decomposed this problem into three disciplines and their individual constraints.
While coding, I referred Seller problem from OpenMDAO documentation. I have made three disciplines and a group (speed_mda()) to implement multidisciplinary analysis. I have added objective function and constraints in the speed_mda() group as a subsystem. I have made their connections with discipline outputs (coupled variables). But I have not applied these constraints on individual discipline (Actually, I don't know how to do it). So I have applied all of them on top level group. I am getting output 2713.678 by violating some of the constraints.
Here is my code:
# Discipline 1
class speed_1(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
self.add_input('z1', val = 0)
self.add_input('z2', val = 0)
self.add_output('y1', val = 1)
def setup_partials(self):
# Finite difference all partials.
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='fd')
def compute(self,inputs,outputs):
outputs['y1'] = max(27/(inputs['z1']**2*(inputs['z2'])),397.5/(inputs['z1']**2*inputs['z2']**2), 5*inputs['z1'], 2.6)
# Discipline 2
class speed_2(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
self.add_input('z1', val = 0)
self.add_input('z2', val = 0)
self.add_input('x21', val = 0)
self.add_output('y2', val = 0)
def setup_partials(self):
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='fd')
def compute(self,inputs,outputs):
outputs['y2'] = max((1.93*inputs['x21']**3/(inputs['z1']*inputs['z2']))**0.25, 1/(0.5*(((1.69*10**7)**2)*inputs['x21']**2/(inputs['z1']**2*inputs['z2']**2) + 745)**0.5)**(0.3333), 2.9)
# Discipline 3
class speed_3(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
self.add_input('z1', val = 0)
self.add_input('z2', val = 0)
self.add_input('x31', val = 0)
self.add_output('y3', val = 0)
def setup_partials(self):
self.declare_partials('*', '*', method='fd')
def compute(self,inputs,outputs):
outputs['y3'] = max((1.93*inputs['x31']**3/(inputs['z1']*inputs['z2']))**0.25, 1/(85*(((1.69*10**7)**2)*inputs['x31']**2/(inputs['z1']**2*inputs['z2']**2) + 1.575*(10**8))**0.5)**(0.3333), 5)
class speed_mda(om.Group):
def setup(self):
# Adding all discipline to MDA
cycle = self.add_subsystem('cycle',om.Group(),promotes_inputs=['z1', 'z2', 'x21', 'x31'])
cycle.add_subsystem('d1', speed_1(), promotes_inputs = ['z1', 'z2'])
cycle.add_subsystem('d2', speed_2(), promotes_inputs=['z1','z2', 'x21'])
cycle.add_subsystem('d3', speed_3(), promotes_inputs=['z1','z2', 'x31'])
# No need of connections for the discipline
cycle.set_input_defaults('x21', 7.8)
cycle.set_input_defaults('x31', 8.3)
cycle.set_input_defaults('z1', 0.75)
cycle.set_input_defaults('z2', 22.0)
# Add solver to MDA: Nonlinear Block Gauss Seidel is a gradient free solver
cycle.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearBlockGS()
# Adding obj. function and constraints as a subsystem
self.add_subsystem('obj_fun',om.ExecComp('obj = (0.7854*y1*z1**2)*(3.3333*z2**2+14.933*z2-43.0934) - 1.5079*y1*(y2**2+y3**2)+7.477*(y2**3+y3**3)+0.7854*(x21*y2**2+x31*y3**2)', z1=0.0,z2=0.0,x21=0.0,x31=0.0), promotes=['x21','x31','z2','z1','obj'])
self.add_subsystem('con1',om.ExecComp('c1 = z1*z2 - 40.0'), promotes=['c1']) # Global
self.add_subsystem('con10',om.ExecComp('c10 = y1 - 12.0*z1'), promotes=['c10']) # 1
self.add_subsystem('con11',om.ExecComp('c11 = y1 - 3.6'), promotes=['c11'])
self.add_subsystem('con12',om.ExecComp('c12 = y2 - 3.9'), promotes=['c12']) # 2
self.add_subsystem('con13',om.ExecComp('c13 = 2.85*y2 - x21'), promotes=['c13'])
self.add_subsystem('con14',om.ExecComp('c14 = y3 - 5.5'), promotes=['c14']) # 3
self.add_subsystem('con15',om.ExecComp('c15 = 2.09*y3 - x31'), promotes=['c15'])
# Connect outputs from MDA (coupled variables) to obj. function and constraints
# Form topmost group (Problem) and add above MDF model to it
prob = om.Problem()
model = prob.model = speed_mda()
prob.driver = om.ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
prob.driver.options['tol'] = 1e-9
prob.driver.options['disp'] = True
model.add_design_var('x21', lower=7.3, upper=8.3)
model.add_design_var('x31', lower=7.3, upper=8.3)
model.add_design_var('z1', lower=0.7, upper=0.8)
model.add_design_var('z2', lower=17.0, upper=28.0)
model.add_constraint('c1', upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c10',upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c11',upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c12',upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c13',upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c14',upper = 0)
model.add_constraint('c15',upper = 0)
prob.set_val('x21', 7.8)
prob.set_val('x31', 8.3)
prob.set_val('z1', 0.75)
prob.set_val('z2', 22.0)
print('minimum found at')
print((prob.get_val('z1')[0],prob.get_val('z2')[0],prob.get_val('x21')[0],prob.get_val('x31')[0],prob.get_val('cycle.d1.y1')[0], prob.get_val('cycle.d2.y2')[0],prob.get_val('cycle.d3.y3')[0]))
print('minumum objective')
I am getting following output:
Positive directional derivative for linesearch (Exit mode 8)
Current function value: [2713.67806668]
Iterations: 8
Function evaluations: 4
Gradient evaluations: 4
Optimization FAILED.
Positive directional derivative for linesearch
minimum found at
(0.7, 17.00007920093152, 7.300007915120889, 7.300015825246984, 3.5, 2.9, 5.0)
minumum objective
Here, objective value is far less than the actual and it says optimization has failed. I looked for the above error but my initial guess is inside the bound. My all problem constraints are not satisfied. I also tried to apply constraints on individual disciplines but I couldn't do it. I don't know what is the actual problem, probably I am making some basic conceptual mistake. Can please anyone help me with this.
There is something strange about the way the speed reducer problem is posed in that paper. The use of max function is not technically differentiable at all, which makes this an less-than-ideal way to implement a problem for use in gradient based optimization
Also, that formulation looks really different from other descriptions of the speed-reducer problem I've seen in other papers. This formulation traces back to original work on an MDO test problem suite, where problems that were not really multidisciplinary were broken up into separate blocks and additional constraints were added to ensure compatibility. In the case of this paper, I think the changes to the problem formulation resulted in some less than ideal problem structure. I recommend you look toward a more well posed formulation such as this one
Regardless, when I set the given inputs from the states optimum of their paper I don't get the optimum value that they reported. I get a lower number, so there must be something subtly different about your code. Somehow your code is returning lower values, so check your equations carefully.
I ran your code on OpenMDAO V3.8 and got the following:
/Users/jsgray/work/packages/OpenMDAO/openmdao/core/ UserWarning:Constraints or objectives ['con1.c1', 'con12.c12', 'con13.c13', 'con14.c14', 'con15.c15'] cannot be impacted by the design variables of the problem.
Positive directional derivative for linesearch (Exit mode 8)
Current function value: [2713.66402046]
Iterations: 9
Function evaluations: 5
Gradient evaluations: 5
Optimization FAILED.
Positive directional derivative for linesearch
minimum found at
(0.7, 17.000000001268262, 7.3, 7.3, 3.5, 2.9, 5.0)
minumum objective
So I see the same value you do, but I also got a helpful additional warning (newly added in V3.8) about constraints that are not affected by any of the design variables. When I commented out those constraints, the result changed to
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: [2713.66402024]
Iterations: 10
Function evaluations: 6
Gradient evaluations: 6
Optimization Complete
minimum found at
(0.7, 17.0, 7.3, 7.3, 3.5, 2.9, 5.0)
minumum objective
Which is the same answer as before, but sans the scary warnings from the optimizer. So the error you were seeing was due to having a large number of constraints that, while inherently satisfied, were not actually controllable by the optimizer. This causes rows of all zeros to show up in the Jacobian and hence makes the optimization problem singular. While SLSQP was able to work around the singularity, it caused enough numerical headaches to cause it to throw the warning.

check_totals wrt a large vector in OpenMDAO

I'd like to check the total derivatives of an output with respect to a large array of inputs, but I don't want to check the derivative with respect to every member of the array, since the array is too large, and the complex steps (or finite differences) across each member of the array would take too long. Is there a way to check_totals wrt just a single member of an array?
Alternatively, is there a way to perform a directional derivative across the entire array for check_totals? This feature seems to exist for check_partials only?
As of Version 3.1.1 of OpenMDAO we don't have directional checking for totals, but it is a good idea and we are probably going to implement it when we figure out the best way.
As a workaround for now, I think the easiest way to take a directional derivative of your model is to temporarily modify your model by creating a component that takes a "step" in some random direction, and then inserting it in front of your component with wide inputs. I've put together a simple example here:
import numpy as np
import openmdao.api as om
n = 50
class DirectionalComp(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
self.add_input('x', 1.0)
self.add_output('y', np.ones(n))
self.A = -1.0 + 2.0 * np.random.random(n)
self.declare_partials('y', 'x', rows=np.arange(n), cols=np.repeat(0, n), val=self.A)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs, discrete_inputs=None, discrete_outputs=None):
x = inputs['x']
outputs['y'] = x * self.A
prob = om.Problem()
model = prob.model
# Add something like this
model.add_subsystem('p', om.IndepVarComp('x', 1.0))
model.add_subsystem('direction', DirectionalComp())
model.connect('p.x', 'direction.x')
model.connect('direction.y', 'comp.x')
# Old Model
model.add_subsystem('comp', om.ExecComp('y = 2.0*x', x=np.ones((n, )), y=np.ones((n, ))))
model.add_constraint('comp.y', lower=0.0)
totals = prob.check_totals()

Math behind Conv2D function in Keras

I am using Conv2D model of Keras 2.0. However, I cannot fully understand what the function is doing mathematically. I try to understand the math using randomly generated data and a very simple network:
import numpy as np
import keras
from keras.layers import Input, Conv2D
from keras.models import Model
from keras import backend as K
# create the model
inputs = Input(shape=(10,10,1)) # 1 channel, 10x10 image
outputs = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', name='block1_conv1')(inputs)
model = Model(outputs=outputs, inputs=inputs)
# input
x = np.random.random(100).reshape((10,10))
# predicted output for x
y_pred = model.predict(x.reshape((1,10,10,1))) # y_pred.shape = (1,8,8,32)
I tried to calculate, for example, the value of the first row, the first column in the first feature map, following the demo in here.
w = model.layers[1].get_weights()[0] # w.shape = (3,3,1,32)
w0 = w[:,:,0,0]
b = model.layers[1].get_weights()[1] # b.shape = (32,)
b0 = b[0] # b0 = 0
y_pred_000 = np.sum(x[0:3,0:3] * w0) + b0
But relu(y_pred_000) is not equal to y_pred[0][0][0][0].
Could anyone point out what's wrong with my understanding? Thank you.
It's easy and it comes from Theano dim ordering. The result of applying filter in stored in a so called channel dimension. In case of TensorFlow this is the last dimension and that's why results are good. In case of Theano it's second dimension (convolution result has shape (cases, channels, width, height) so in order to solve your problem you need to change prediction line to:
y_pred = model.predict(x.reshape((1,1,10,10)))
Also you need to change the way you get the weights as weights in Theano has shape (output_channels, input_channels, width, height) you need to change the weight getter to:
w = model.layers[1].get_weights()[0] # w.shape = (32,1,3,3)
w0 = w[0,0,:,:]
