What makes the multi-head self-attention matrices different? - bert-language-model

Transformers (BERT) use one set of three matrices, Q, K, V for each attention head. BERT uses 12 attention heads in each layer, with each attention head having it's own set of three such matrices.
The actual values of these 36 matrices are obtained via the training.
My question is: How does the model ensure that it doesn't end up with 12 sets of identical matrices? The only real difference between the attention heads seems to be the random initialization. It is very possible of course that the random initialization combined with the gradient descent training does ensure that the attention heads don't end up being identical. But this is not guaranteed, right?
Is there any other factor ensuring that the attention heads don't become identical over the course of the training?
This part is not clear from any of the papers I have seen online.


Is the information captured by Doc2Vec a subset of the information captured by BERT?

Both Doc2Vec and BERT are NLP models used to create vectors for text. The original BERT model maintained a vector of 768, while the original Doc2Vec model maintained a vector of size 300. Would it be reasonable to assume that all the information captured by D2V is a subset of information captured by BERT?
I ask, because I want to think about how to compare differences in representations for a set of sentences between models. I am thinking I could project the BERT vectors into a D2V subspace and compare those vectors to the D2V vectors for the same sentence, but this relies on the assumption that the subspace I'm projecting the BERT vectors into is actually comparable (i.e., the same type of information) to the D2V space.
The objective functions, while different, are quite similar. The Cloze task for BERT and the next word prediction for D2V are both trying to create associations between a word and its surrounding words. BERT can look bidirectionally, while D2V can only look at a window and moves from the left to the right of a sentence. The same objective function doesn't necessarily mean that they're capturing the same information, but it seems in which the way D2V does it (the covariates it uses) are a subset of the covariates used by BERT.
Interested to hear other people's thoughts.
I'll assume by Doc2Vec you mean the "Paragraph Vector" algorithm, which is often called Doc2Vec (including in libraries like Python Gensim).
That Doc2Vec is closely related to word2vec: it's essentially word2vec with a synthetic floating pseudoword vector over the entire text. It models texts via a shallow network that can't really consider word-order, or the composite-meaning of word runs, except in a very general 'nearness' sense.
So, a Doc2Vec model will not generate realistic/grammatical completions/summaries from vectors (except perhaps in very-limited single-word tests).
What info Doc2Vec most captures can be somewhat influenced by parameter choices, especially choice-of-mode and window (in modes where that matters, like when co-training word-vectors).
BERT is a far deeper model with more internal layers and a larger default dimensionality of text-representations. Its training mechanisms give it the potential to differentiate between significant word-orderings – and thus be sensitive to grammar and composite phrases beyond what Doc2Vec can learn. It can generate plausible multi-word completions/summarizations.
You could certainly train a 768-dimension Doc2Vec model on the same texts as a BERT model & compare the results. The resulting summary text-vectors, from the 2 models, would likely perform quite differently on key tasks. If you need to detect subtle shifts in meaning in short texts – things like the reversal of menaing from the insert of a single 'not' – I'd expect the BERT model to dominate (if sufficiently trained). On broader tasks less-sensitive to grammar like topic-classification, the Doc2Vec model might be competitive, or (given its simplicity) attractive in its ability to achieve certain targets with far less data or quicker training.
So, it'd be improper to assume that what Doc2Vec captures is a proper subset of what BERT does.
You could try learning a mapping from one model to the other (possibly including dimensionality-reduction), as there are surely many consistent correlations between the trained coordinate-spaces. But the act of creating such a mapping requires starting assumptions that certain vectors "should" line-up, or be in similar configurations.
If trying to understand what's unique/valuable across the two options, it's likely better to compare how the models rank a text's neighbors – do certain kinds of similarities dominate in one or the other? Or, try both as inputs to downstream classification/info-retrieval tasks, and see where they each shine.
(With sufficient data & training time, I'd expect BERT as the more-sophisticated model to usually provide better results – especially if it's also allotted a larger representation. But for some tasks, and limited data/compute/time resources, Doc2Vec might shine.

Testing CSR on lpp with R

I have recently posted a "very newie to R" question about the correct way of doing this, if you are interested in it you can find it [here].1
I have now managed to develop a simple R script that does the job, but now the results are what troubles me.
Long story short I'm using R to analyze lpp (Linear Point Pattern) with mad.test.That function performs an hypothesis test where the null hypothesis is that the points are randomly distributed. Currently I have 88 lpps to analyze, and according to the p.value 86 of them are randomly distributed and 2 of them are not.
These are the two not randomly distributed lpps.
Looking at them you can see some kind of clusters in the first one, but the second one only has three points, and seems to me that there is no way one can assure only three points are not corresponding to a random distribution. There are other tracks with one, two, three points but they all fall into the "random" lpps category, so I don't know why this one is different.
So here is the question: how many points are too little points for CSR testing?
I have also noticed that these two lpps have a much lower $statistic$rank than the others. I have tried to find what that means but I'm clueless righ now, so here is another newie question: Is the $statistic$rank some kind of quality analysis indicator, and thus can I use it to group my lpp analysis into "significant ones" and "too little points" ones?
My R script and all the shp files can be downloaded from here(850 Kb).
Thank you so much for your help.
It is impossible to give an universal answer to the question about how many points is needed for an analysis. Usually 0, 1 and 2 are too few for a standalone analysis. However, if they are part of repeated measurements of the same thing they might be interesting still. Also, I would normally say that your example with 3 points is too few to say anything interesting. However, an extreme example would be if you have a single long line segment where one point occurs close to one end and two other occur close to each other at the other end. This is not so likely to happen for CSR and you may be inclined to not believe that hypothesis. This appears to be what happened in your case.
Regarding your question about the rank you might want to read a bit more up on the Monte Carlo test you are preforming. Basically, you summarise the point pattern by a single number (maximum absolute deviation of linear K) and then you look at how extreme this number is compared to numbers generated at random from CSR. Assuming you use 99 simulations of CSR you have 100 numbers in total. If your data ranks as the most extreme ($statistic$rank==1) among these it has p-value 1%. If it ranks as the 50th number the p-value is 50%. If you used another number of simulations you have to calculate accordingly. I.e. with 199 simulations rank 1 is 0.5%, rank 2 is 1%, etc.
There is a fundamental problem here with multiple testing. You are applying a hypothesis test 88 times. The test is (by default) designed to give a false positive in 5 percent (1 in 20) of applications, so if the null hypothesis is true, you should expect 88 /20 = 4.4 false positives to have occurred your 88 tests. So getting only 2 positive results ("non-random") is entirely consistent with the null hypothesis that ALL of the patterns are random. My conclusion is that the patterns are random.

Slepc shell matrices with multiple processes

I currently use explicit matrix storage for my generalized Eigenvalue equation of the form $AX = \lambda BX$ with eigenvalue lambda and eigenvector $X$. $A$ and $B$ are pentadiagonal by blocks, Hermitian and every block is Hermitian as well.
The problem is that for large simulations memory usage gets out of hand. I would therefore like to switch to Shell matrices. An added advantage would be that then I can avoid the duplication of a lot of information, as A and B are both filled through finite differences. I.e., the first derivative of a function X can be approximated by $X_i' = \frac{X_{i+1}-X_{i-1}}{\Delta}$, so that the same piece of information appears in two places. It gets (much) worse for higher orders.
When I try to implement this in Fortran, using multiple MPI processes that each contain a part of the rows of $A$ and $B$, I stumble upon the following issue: To perform matrix multiplication, one needs the vector information of $X$ from other ranks at the end of each rank's interval, due to the off-diagonal elements of $A$ and $B$.
I found a conceptual solution by using MPI all to all commands that pass the information from these "ghosted" regions to the ranks next-door. However, I fear that this might not be most portable, and also not too elegant.
Is there any way to automate this process of taking the information from ghost zones in Petsc / Slepc?

Suggested Neural Network for small, highly varying dataset?

I am currently working with a small dataset of training values, no more than 20, and am getting large MSE. The input data vectors themselves consist of 16 parameters, many of which are binary variables. Across all the training values, a majority of the 16 parameters stay the same (but not all). The remaining input variables, across all the exemplars, vary a lot amongst one another. This is to say, two exemplars might appear to be the same except for two parameters in which they differ, one parameter being a binary variable, and another being a continuous variable, where the difference could be greater than a single standard deviation (for that variable's set of values).
My single output variable (as of now) can either be a continuous variable, OR depending on the true difficulty of reducing the error in my situation, I can make this a classification problem instead, with 12 different forms for classification.
I have long been researching different neural networks than my current implementation of a feed-forward MLP, as I have read into Stochastic NNs, Ladder NNs, and many forms of recurrent NNs. I am stuck with which one I should investigate, as I do not have time to try every NN available.
While my description may be vague, could anyone make a suggestion as to which network I should investigate to minimize my cost function (as of now, MSE) the most?
If my current setup must be rendered implacable because of the sheer difficulty involved with predicting correct output for such a small set of highly variant training values, which network would best work, should my dataset be expanded to the order of thousands of exemplars (at the cost of having a significantly more redundant, seemingly homogenous set of input values)?
Any help is most certainly appreciated.
20 samples is very small especially if you have 16 input variables. It will be hard to determine which one of those inputs is responsible for your output value. If you keep your network simple (fewer layers) you may be able to use as many samples as you would need for traditional regression.

Where are "Special Numbers" mentioned in Concrete Maths used?

I was glancing through the contents of Concrete Maths online. I had at least heard most of the functions and tricks mentioned but there is a whole section on Special Numbers. These numbers include Stirling Numbers, Eulerian Numbers, Harmonic Numbers so on. Now I have never encountered any of these weird numbers. How do they aid in computational problems? Where are they generally used?
Harmonic Numbers appear almost everywhere! Musical Harmonies, analysis of Quicksort...
Stirling Numbers (first and second kind) arise in a variety of combinatorics and partitioning problems.
Eulerian Numbers also occur several places, most notably in permutations and coefficients of polylogarithm functions.
A lot of the numbers you mentioned are used in the analysis of algorithms. You may not have these numbers in your code, but you'll need them if you want to estimate how long it will take for your code to run. You might see them in your code too. Some of these numbers are related to combinatorics, counting how many ways something can happen.
Sometimes it's not enough to know how many possibilities there are because you need to enumerate over the possibilities. Volume 4 of Knuth's TAOCP, in progress, gives the algorithms you need.
Here's an example of using Fibonacci numbers as part of a numerical integration problem.
Harmonic numbers are a discrete analog of logarithms and so they come up in difference equations just like logs come up in differential equations. Here's an example of physical applications of harmonic means, related to harmonic numbers. See the book Gamma for many examples of harmonic numbers in action, especially the chapter "It's a harmonic world."
These special numbers can help out in computational problems in many ways. For example:
You want to find out when your program to compute the GCD of 2 numbers is going to take the longest amount of time: Try 2 consecutive Fibonacci Numbers.
You want to have a rough estimate of the factorial of a large number, but your factorial program is taking too long: Use Stirling's Approximation.
You're testing for prime numbers, but for some numbers you always get the wrong answer: It could be you're using Fermat's Prime test, in which case the Carmicheal numbers are your culprits.
The most common general case I can think of is in looping. Most of the time you specify a loop using a (start;stop;step) type of syntax, in which case it may be possible to reduce the execution time by using properties of the numbers involved.
For example, summing up all the numbers from 1 to n when n is large in a loop is definitely slower than using the identity sum = n*(n + 1)/2.
There are a large number of examples like these. Many of them are in cryptography, where the security of information systems sometimes depends on tricks like these. They can also help you with performance issues, memory issues, because when you know the formula, you may find a faster/more efficient way to compute other things -- things that you actually care about.
For more information, check out wikipedia, or simply try out Project Euler. You'll start finding patterns pretty fast.
Most of these numbers count certain kinds of discrete structures (for instance, Stirling Numbers count Subsets and Cycles). Such structures, and hence these sequences, implicitly arise in the analysis of algorithms.
There is an extensive list at OEIS that lists almost all sequences that appear in Concrete Math. A short summary from that list:
Golomb's Sequence
Binomial Coefficients
Rencontres Numbers
Stirling Numbers
Eulerian Numbers
Genocchi Numbers
You can browse the OEIS pages for the respective sequences to get detailed information about the "properties" of these sequences (though not exactly applications, if that's what you're most interested in).
Also, if you want to see real-life uses of these sequences in analysis of algorithms, flip through the index of Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, and you'll find many references to "applications" of these sequences. John D. Cook already mentioned applications of Fibonacci & Harmonic numbers; here are some more examples:
Stirling Cycle Numbers arise in the analysis of the standard algorithm that finds the maximum element of an array (TAOCP Sec. 1.2.10): How many times must the current maximum value be updated when finding the maximum value? It turns out that the probability that the maximum will need to be updated k times when finding a maximum in an array of n elements is p[n][k] = StirlingCycle[n, k+1]/n!. From this, we can derive that on the average, approximately Log(n) updates will be necessary.
Genocchi Numbers arise in connection with counting the number of BDDs that are "thin" (TAOCP 7.1.4 Exercise 174).
Not necessarily a magic number from the reference you mentioned, but nonetheless --
-- the notorious magic number used to calculate inverse square root of a number by giving a good first estimate to Newton's Approximation of Roots, often attributed to the work of John Carmack - more info here.
Not programming related, huh? :)
Is this directly programming related? Surely related, but I don't know how closely.
Special numbers, such as e, pi, etc., come up all over the place. I don't think that anyone would argue about these two. The Golden_ratio also appears with amazing frequency, in everything from art to other special numbers themselves (look at the ratio between successive Fibonacci numbers.)
Various sequences and families of numbers also appear in many places in mathematics and therefore, in programming too. A beautiful place to look is the Encyclopedia of integer sequences.
I'll suggest this is an experience thing. For example, when I took linear algebra, many, many years ago, I learned about the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. I'll admit that I did not at all appreciate the significance of eigenvalues/eigenvectors until I saw them in use in a variety of places. In statistics, in terms of what they tell you about uncertainty of an estimate from a covariance matrix, the size and shape of a confidence ellipse, in terms of principal component analysis, or the long term state of a Markov process. In numerical methods, where they tell you about convergence of a method, be it in optimization or an ODE solver. In mechanical engineering, where you see them as principal stresses and strains.
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