I am trying to use bootstrap-table with HTMX.
I have a JSFiddle with a working bootstrap-table, but the hx-confirm/hx-delete action does not work.
If you remove the data-toggle="table from the table element you can see, that the hx-confirm/hx-delete works as expected.
Any help to get HTMX inside a bootstrap-table working will be much appreciated.
I got the hint in the right direction on Twitter, so I want to share the solution I came up with.
Here is a new JSFiddle with the solution.
I added the following script section at the end of the page after I added the id "dataTable" to the table element.
$(document).ready(function () {
This is already documented in the 3rd Party Javascript section and here the documentation of the htmx.process method
I want two buttons to trigger each his own overlay content (centered vertical and horizontal), but keep the overlay layout the same only the content is different. I wrote a good functional single overlay script for one button, but the two buttons aren't working. In the fiddle there is only the script for one button that i'm using, it is properly quite simple.
Here is the fiddle: link
function funcShow(event){
function funcClose(event){
You should put click handlers on your divs using jquery in a document ready function as seen below. Its not as "nice" and accepted to put them in an onclick property like you have.
And also its always nice to have Ids for everything that you are going to use to do things with like click or close. So if you see the example below, you have the document ready function that puts a clickhandler on the first div (id="overlay-one") and the second div as well as the close functions. Try it! It worked for me in you fiddle.
The document ready function executes after your page is loaded so the clikc handlers are added after the elements have been created. You can also use .click on for classes to add events to a lot of things at once such as $("CLASS").click(function(){//stuff})
is there any simple jquery script/plugin to apply bootstrap pagination style in asp.net gridview ? I've found some good tips about how to do this, like these links: here and here.
the only problem with these tips/solutions is we need to make a lot of changes to achieve the result and this is not preferable when you have large application and you want to transform it to bootstrap style. we need another solution. like a simple jquery script that can do the job without making lot changes to the current code.
I've made simple jquery script to apply the bootstrap pagination in asp.net gridview and I think it will be useful to share it here in stackoverflow.
source code of this script is hosted in github here.
usage is very simple:
-include the plugin js file in your asp.net page file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bs.pagination.js"></script>
-set gridview property:
that's is all you need to apply bootstrap pagination style in asp.net gridview.
check my blog for more info.
about the problem when using gridview inside UpdatePanel, the reason of this problem is because “UpdatePanel completely replaces the contents of the update panel on an update. This means that those events we subscribed to are no longer subscribed because there are new elements in that update panel.”
There is more than one solution to solve this problem:
Solution 1:
Use pageLoad() instead of $(document).ready. Modify the code like this:
function pageLoad() {
$('.bs-pagination td table').each(function (index, obj) {
re-change the style after every update. We can do this by adding these lines to the bs.pagination.js file:
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function () {
$('.bs-pagination td table').each(function (index, obj) {
Yet another question about the angular calendar directive. I need to display multiple calendars on one page and am using the jquery tabs widget. However, only one calendar will render properly. In normal jquery fullCalendar, you use the 'render' method to ensure that the calendar shows when the tab is selected. However, this doesn't seem to be working with the angular-ui calendar directive.
Here is a plunker showing what I mean. Delete the $().tabs() and the three angular calendars display just fine. Wrap them in tabs, and it no longer works:
Any ideas on why this is not working and how to fix it?
PS. I will cross-post this question in Google Groups. Thanks.
It appears that despite the fullCalendar documentation, "show" is not the place to trigger a fullcalendar('render'). I should say, at least not when working with Angular. I don't know if that is correct under normal jQuery usage. Use the "Activate" event instead:
activate: function(){
Use timeout while rendering.
<tab heading="{{tabs[0].title}}" active="tabs[0].active" select="renderCalendar()" disabled="tabs[0].disabled">
$scope.renderCalendar = function() {
}, 0);
Im using the jQuery noConflict method here:
Now, both of the following work:
However this does work:
$(".view-product-slideshow .pager-num-1 img").css("display","none");
But this does not:
$jq(".view-product-slideshow .pager-num-1 img").css("display","none");
Ive used the noConflict method once before and it worked fine. Ive no idea why it would work for the alert but not the CSS change.
My site is here:
UPDATE - Ive now removed the extra code from script.js so all thats there is:
//Hide thumnail on product page thats being used as main image
$jq(".view-product-slideshow .pager-num-1 img").css("display","none");
your error is on line 61 of ur script.js:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #
has no method 'smoothDivScroll'
also in that file u should have everything wrapped in the .ready() not every individual thing
Turns out the element I was trying to target with jQuery was itself generated by javascript. Changing my document.ready to window.load fixed this.
When using the noconflict mode of jQuery, you should use this:
$(".view-product-slideshow .pager-num-1 img").css("display","none");
jQuery is the new $ and you can pass jQuery as $ to your function().
Also, it's document and not "document"
Please refer to this page for reference: http://loadedgranola.valitics.com/_product_83484/blackberry_lime
I have a jQuery script that runs to replace the h1 tags with a background image. It works great when the document loads but when I click "add to cart", after the javascript alert the jQuery styling breaks. Due to CMS restrictions I have no direct access to their javascript or any of the ASP files but I assume there has to be an easy fix to this.
The code I'm using:
var textReplacer = document.title.replace(/ /g,'');
jQuery("h1").addClass('replaced').css("background","url(../images/h1/" + textReplacer + ".png) no-repeat 0 0");
I have also tried using the function pageLoad(sender, args) { magic but no luck.
Here you go ..
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
jQuery('<style type="text/css" media="screen">h1{text-indent:-9999px!important;background:url(../images/h1/'+document.title.replace(/ /g,'') +'.png) no-repeat 0 0!important;}</style>').appendTo('head');
what it does is add a new css rule that pushes the text way out of the box and adds the background image
Here is what is happening:
When you submit the shopping cart it's doing an AJAX call. The result of that call replaces most of the HTML on the page. Any changes you made before that get replaced.
Possible Solution
You would have to run that replace script again after the AJAX call is complete.
Why are you replacing the H1 tags on load? What problem are you trying to solve? You might be able to find a better CSS solution.