i don't know should i place bootstrap.rtl.min.css before or after app.scss theming in reactjs
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/maps";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/utilities";
$font-sizes: (
1: 12px,
2: 14px,
3: 16px,
4: 18px,
5: 20px,
6: 22px,
7: 24px,
8: 26,
$utilities: map-merge(
map-get($utilities, "font-size"),
values: $font-sizes,
"rounded": (
property: border-radius,
class: rounded,
values: (
null: 4px,
0: 0,
"sm": 3px,
"md": 8px,
circle: 50%,
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
placing it after app.scss rtl override and in before ltr version override because it's called in app.scss
I'm trying to add some color variables such as "blue", "indigo" ... to $theme-colors map it's work but after compiling it shows duplicated in :root selector like the image below.
Here is the result:
this is my _variables.scss file:
// Import functions
#import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
$white: #fff;
$gray-100: #f8f9fa;
$gray-200: #e9ecef;
$gray-300: #dee2e6;
$gray-400: #ced4da;
$gray-500: #adb5bd;
$gray-600: #6c757d;
$gray-700: #495057;
$gray-800: #343a40;
$gray-900: #212529;
$black: #000;
$blue: #0d6efd;
$indigo: #6610f2;
$purple: #6f42c1;
$pink: #d63384;
$red: #dc3545;
$orange: #fd7e14;
$yellow: #ffc107;
$green: #198754;
$teal: #20c997;
$cyan: #0dcaf0;
$primary: #c55e0a;
$secondary: $gray-600;
$success: $green;
$info: $cyan;
$warning: $yellow;
$danger: $red;
$light: $gray-100;
$dark: $gray-900;
$theme-colors: (
"primary": $primary,
"secondary": $secondary,
"success": $success,
"info": $info,
"warning": $warning,
"danger": $danger,
"light": $light,
"dark": $dark
$custom-theme-colors: (
"blue": $blue,
"indigo": $blue,
"purple": $blue,
"pink": $blue,
"yellow": $blue,
"teal": $teal
$theme-colors: map-merge($theme-colors, $custom-theme-colors);
// Import required Bootstrap stylesheets
#import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
#import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
#import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/utilities";
#import "../../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
How I can fix this?
As you can read in the Bootstrap docs, customizations should be kept in a separate file. Therefore, you shouldn't modify _variables.scss but instead create seperate file with your custom colors.
The custom file portion would look like this
ex: custom.scss
#import "bootstrap/functions";
#import "bootstrap/variables";
$custom-colors: (
"blue": $blue,
"indigo": $indigo,
"purple": $purple,
"pink": $pink,
"yellow": $yellow,
"teal": $teal
$theme-colors: map-merge($theme-colors, $custom-colors);
#import "bootstrap";
Also, it's expected that the :root variables would appear twice since you're merging them with the theme-colors map. Take a look at how the :root gets built in _root.scss...
First the $colors map is iterated.. then the $theme-colors map is iterated so it would make perfect since you're seeing --bs-blue, --bs-indigo, etc... twice in the :root...
#each $color, $value in $colors {
--#{$variable-prefix}#{$color}: #{$value};
#each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
--#{$variable-prefix}#{$color}: #{$value};
There is nothing to fix, it's working as expected. Maybe if you can describe what you're trying to achieve instead of describing a symptom there would be a different answer or better solution.
So i'm using vue js and scss.
I'm using PrimeVue and Element plus, and i'm importing there variables.
I would like to change dynamically the theme color.
$--color-primary: #c9d1d9 !default;
/// color|1|Background Color|4
$--color-white: #11141a !default;
/// color|1|Background Color|4
$--color-black: #000000 !default;
$--color-primary-light-1: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 10%) !default; /* 53a8ff */
$--color-primary-light-2: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 20%) !default; /* 66b1ff */
$--color-primary-light-3: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 30%) !default; /* 79bbff */
$--color-primary-light-4: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 40%) !default; /* 8cc5ff */
$--color-primary-light-5: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 50%) !default; /* a0cfff */
$--color-primary-light-6: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 60%) !default; /* b3d8ff */
$--color-primary-light-7: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 70%) !default; /* c6e2ff */
$--color-primary-light-8: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 80%) !default; /* d9ecff */
$--color-primary-light-9: #21262d !default; /* ecf5ff */ // #2c333c | #152344
/// color|1|Functional Color|1
$--color-success: #67c23a !default;
/// color|1|Functional Color|1
$--color-warning: #e6a23c !default;
/// color|1|Functional Color|1
$--color-danger: #f56c6c !default;
/// color|1|Functional Color|1
$--color-info: #909399 !default;
$--color-primary - Can be used in a lot of scss files, and i would like to change the color depends on the theme,
for example:
$--color-primary: white (if light theme and if black theme then it would be black)
** What i'm trying to do**
$themes: (
darkTheme: (
"text-color": rgb(245, 0, 0),
"bg-color": #424242,
lightTheme: (
"text-color": black,
"bg-color": #f5f5f5,
#mixin theme() {
#each $theme, $map in $themes {
$theme-map: $map !global;
.#{$theme} & {
$theme-map: null !global;
#function theme-get($key) {
#return map-get($theme-map, $key);
// - Error
$--color-primary: theme-get("text-color");
The error it self:
Syntax Error: SassError: Undefined variable.
56 │ #return map-get($theme-map, $key);
│ ^^^^^^^^^^
src\assets\styles\element-variables.scss 56:19 theme-get()
src\assets\styles\element-variables.scss 59:19 #import
src\assets\styles\kendoUI\kendoUI.scss 1:9 #import
E:\Sproj\Web\src\assets\styles\styles.scss 7:9
How can make it work?
I think there are two things we need to change,
We need to remove the incorrect syntax of dynamic class with &
We need to include the mixin to initialise $theme-map
darkTheme: (
"color": rgb(245, 0, 0),
"background-color": #424242,
lightTheme: (
"color": black,
"background-color": #f5f5f5,
#mixin theme() {
$theme-map: null !global;
#each $theme, $map in $themes {
$theme-map: $map !global;
.#{$theme} {
#include theme();
#function theme-get($key) {
#return map-get($theme-map, $key);
// - Error
$--color-primary: theme-get("text-color");
.theme {
color: $--color-primary;
i am using bootstrap v5 using npm and using sass compiler to compile the scss. i want to customize .btn-primary .so in my dirctory _button.sccs file i made a .btn-primary class with icluding the button-variant mixin given from bootstrap.
but at compiling time it gives an error.
The code is below :
This is my _custom.scss file.
$yellow: #f8b534;
$small: 576px;
$medium: 768px;
$large: 992px;
//bootstrap imported
// Option A: Include all of Bootstrap
// Include any default variable overrides here (though functions won't be available)
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
// Then add additional custom code here
// Copy
// Custom.scss
// Option B: Include parts of Bootstrap
// 1. Include functions first (so you can manipulate colors, SVGs, calc, etc)
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
// 2. Include any default variable overrides here
// 3. Include remainder of required Bootstrap stylesheets
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
// 4. Include any optional Bootstrap components as you like
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/root";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/reboot";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/type";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/images";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/containers";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/grid";
Then my _button.scss file:
#use '../custom' as *;
$btn-padding-y: $input-btn-padding-y;
$btn-padding-x: $input-btn-padding-x;
$btn-font-family: $input-btn-font-family;
$btn-font-size: $input-btn-font-size;
$btn-line-height: $input-btn-line-height;
$btn-white-space: null; // Set to `nowrap` to prevent text wrapping
$btn-padding-y-sm: $input-btn-padding-y-sm;
$btn-padding-x-sm: $input-btn-padding-x-sm;
$btn-font-size-sm: $input-btn-font-size-sm;
$btn-padding-y-lg: $input-btn-padding-y-lg;
$btn-padding-x-lg: $input-btn-padding-x-lg;
$btn-font-size-lg: $input-btn-font-size-lg;
$btn-border-width: $input-btn-border-width;
$btn-font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
$btn-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba($white, .15), 0 1px 1px rgba($black, .075);
$btn-focus-width: $input-btn-focus-width;
$btn-focus-box-shadow: $input-btn-focus-box-shadow;
$btn-disabled-opacity: .65;
$btn-active-box-shadow: inset 0 3px 5px rgba($black, .125);
$btn-link-color: $link-color;
$btn-link-hover-color: $link-hover-color;
$btn-link-disabled-color: $gray-600;
// Allows for customizing button radius independently from global border radius
$btn-border-radius: $border-radius;
$btn-border-radius-sm: $border-radius-sm;
$btn-border-radius-lg: $border-radius-lg;
$btn-transition: color .15s ease-in-out, background-color .15s ease-in-out, border-color .15s ease-in-out, box-shadow .15s ease-in-out;
$btn-hover-bg-shade-amount: 15%;
$btn-hover-bg-tint-amount: 15%;
$btn-hover-border-shade-amount: 20%;
$btn-hover-border-tint-amount: 10%;
$btn-active-bg-shade-amount: 20%;
$btn-active-bg-tint-amount: 20%;
$btn-active-border-shade-amount: 25%;
$btn-active-border-tint-amount: 10%;
.btn-primary {
#include button-variant(
$color: color-contrast($background),
$color == $color-contrast-light,
shade-color($background, $btn-hover-bg-shade-amount),
tint-color($background, $btn-hover-bg-tint-amount)
$color == $color-contrast-light,
shade-color($border, $btn-hover-border-shade-amount),
tint-color($border, $btn-hover-border-tint-amount)
$hover-color: color-contrast($hover-background),
$color == $color-contrast-light,
shade-color($background, $btn-active-bg-shade-amount),
tint-color($background, $btn-active-bg-tint-amount)
$color == $color-contrast-light,
shade-color($border, $btn-active-border-shade-amount),
tint-color($border, $btn-active-border-tint-amount)
$active-color: color-contrast($active-background),
$disabled-background: $background,
$disabled-border: $border,
$disabled-color: color-contrast($disabled-background)
But when compiling gives this error in below:
Error: Undefined variable.
49 │ $background,
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^
scss\components\_button.scss 49:3 #use
scss\sections\_navbar.scss 2:1 #use
scss\style.scss 6:1 root stylesheet
I have a scss file with my color scheme
#import './variables';
$colors: (
p: $color-primary,
s: $color-secondary,
t: $color-tertiary,
q: $color-quartary,
#each $name, $hsl in $colors {
.c-#{name} {
color: $hsl;
.bg-#{name} {
background: $hsl;
And file with variables
$color-primary: hsl(113, 99%, 53%);
$color-secondary: hsl(0, 7%, 19%);
$color-tertiary: hsl(0, 7%, 78%);
$color-quartary: hsl(2, 87%, 48%);
And finally
#import './variables';
#import './colors';
body {
color: $color-tertiary;
background-color: $color-secondary;
So the question is why I can't use the classes generated in #each which should be c-p, bg-p, c-s, etc.
If I manually define for example c-p class
.c-p {
color: $color-primary;
It doesn't matter where I define it in _colors.scss or main.scss and either it before or after #each statement. It works just fine.
Your loop currently generates CSS classes like .bg-name and .c-name as you're using the string name instead of the variable $name. The following should work:
#each $name, $hsl in $colors {
.c-#{$name} {
color: $hsl;
.bg-#{$name} {
background: $hsl;
I finally decided to create a post as I'm searching since more than one week where my error.
I'm moving my ionic3 project to ionic6. And I have a Sass error occuring :
ERROR in ./src/theme/common.scss
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: (primary: #387ef5, secondary: #ae75e7, danger: #f4344f, light: #f4f4f4,
dark: #222, favorite: #ffaab6, walkthrough: (base: #132d59, contrast: #FFFFFF),
walkthrough-alt: (base: #ae75e7, contrast: #FFFFFF), walkthrough-header: (base: transparent, contrast: #FFFFFF),
header: (base: #132d59, contrast: #FFFFFF), header-alt: (base: #ae75e7, contrast: #FFFFFF),
button: (base: #132d59, contrast: #FFFFFF), button-alt: (base: #ae75e7, contrast: #FFFFFF),
background: (base: #e0e0e0, contrast: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.8)), tabs-navigation: (base: #FFFFFF,
contrast: #c2c2c2)) isn't a valid CSS value.
5 │ background-color: color($colors, background, base);
│ ^^^^^^^
src/theme/common/side-menu.scss 5:27
Here the line the side-menu.scss
background-color: color($colors, background, base);
Here is the $colors variable
$colors: (
primary: #387ef5,
secondary: #ae75e7,
danger: #f4344f,
light: #f4f4f4,
dark: #222,
favorite: rgb(255, 170, 182),
walkthrough:( base: $theme-color-1, contrast: $white ),
walkthrough-alt:( base: $theme-color-2, contrast: $white ),
walkthrough-header:(base: transparent, contrast: $white ),
header:( base: $theme-color-1, contrast: $white ),
header-alt:( base: $theme-color-2, contrast: $white ),
button:( base: $theme-color-1, contrast: $white ),
button-alt:( base: $theme-color-2, contrast: $white ),
background:( base: $white-c, contrast: $black-b ),
tabs-navigation:( base: $white, contrast: $white-d )
Here is the color function
#function color($map, $color-name: 'background', $color-key: null) {
$color-value: map-get($map, $color-name);
// If we were given a map we need to grab the value
// of the key that is passed or the base key
#if(type-of($color-value) == "map") {
#if($color-key) {
$color-value: map-fetch($map, $color-name, $color-key);
} #else {
$color-value: map-fetch($map, $color-name, base);
#if (type-of($color-value) == color) {
#return $color-value;
#return color-error($color-value, $color-name);
#function map-fetch($map, $keys...) {
#each $key in $keys {
$map: map-get($map, $key);
#return $map;
Please help me out find my error
Try as following:
theme folder:
:root {
/** primary **/
--ion-color-primary: #3880ff;
Then your CSS:
background-color: var(--ion-color-primary);