Linkedin FunCaptcha error: "Your noCAPTCHA user response code is missing or invalid" - web-scraping
I’m trying to automate Linkedin sign up with puppeteer, but I’m stuck on captcha.
I always get error "Your noCAPTCHA user response code is missing or invalid.", regardless of whether I’m trying to pass it manually ( with clicking on right answers in browser ) or with services like 2captcha on anticaptcha ( but they return a solution token, even if I set my proxy for solving ).
I tried to use different proxies and tried to disable proxies, but nothing helped.
I use random ( but actual ) user agents and stealth plugin. is all green, so it’s unlikely Linkedin identify me as bot.
A few months ago I didn't encounter this problem and always successfully passed the captcha.
Correct solution will be necessarily paid.


"Post" via indy fails, while "Get" is working, using xe2, https and windows authentication

i already tried to find an answer here on nearly at any place at the web, but didn't find an answer that helped me out here - so i'm trying it here with this question:
i have to to get some information from a server in a domain, using https via indy components and the windows authentication. that's working quite fine (via IdHTTP1.Get(sURI)), the server logs are showing this (domain/user/request) and the response is always valid.
afterwards i try to post now some new values to the requested data, but this fails, since i get a "401" authenticaion error. BasicAuthentication=false, and HTTPOptions=[hoInProcessAuth,hoForceEncodeParams] via IdHTTP1.Post(sURI, Req_Json), where Req_Json is a UTF-8 encoded TStringStream. Now (and only when trying to POST) the IdHTTP1Authorization event is triggered twice, even if I do a handled=true there (read somewhere in a forum) it fails, if I do nothing there I get the same result: 401. There were some tips about the IdHTTP1SelectAuthorization event, but with that I had no luck, too.
Any ideas, where to start to get this solved? If there are any questions open, don't hesitate to ask!
p.s.: trying to post the same information via postman works correctly - so i guess it's about delphi/indy ...

Why isn't my Google OAuth configuration not working?

Ever since Google made some minor changes to their Google OAuth API side, I haven't been able to correctly configure and use the Google OAuth, indicated by the error message: Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The configurations fail, despite me following the setting up Google OAuth instructions in detail.
Can someone kindly help point out what I am doing wrong or missing?
Just in case you aren't familiar with what I mean by the Google OAuth instructions, find below an image illustrating what I mean:
I skip 2. "Create Project" (since the project already has a priorly recorded name)
and head on to step 3.
After entering an email address and the product name as suggested
in step .3 , I save.
I carry out steps 4, 5 without any problem.
On step 6 I realise that my configuration instructions isn't up to date, because as at this point, I notice that Google has added a few Mandatory fields to be filled in. A person now has to Authorize Javascript Origins as shown in the image below. Note the (fictitious for this case) link that I filled in.
I click the Authorized domains list link that takes me back to the OAuth Consent Screen and paste in the exact same link as seen in the image below, then save as seen in the image below.
Doing this, permits me to complete the process successfully as seen in the image below finalised by clicking Save.
On my Meteor app side, I finalise by filling in the Client ID and the Client Secret details, as seen in the image below.
When i later try to login using Google OAuth I get this frustrating error message Seen below..
This is an issue i never used to get untill Google made a few changes on their side. I cant seem to figure this out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The error message tells you exactly what the problem is the redirect uri you are sending from does not match one of the ones you have supplied in the Google Developer console for your project.
You appear to have set they must exactly match.
simply add as a redirect uri or remove ?close from the one you have added

Generate Get Request with No User Agent

I have a website that has been experiencing errors because of null references due to poorly coded logic regarding the user agent. Basically, there has been a slew of incoming requests that contain no user agent which leads to null reference exceptions in the user agent tracking. (It contained a call to "Request.UserAgent.ToLower()) I am correcting this logic to avoid the error condition. Since I'm certain these requests are coming from specialized tools and not ordinary users, I'm also blocking empty user agents via URL rewrite rules.
I need to test both of these changes. However, I can't seem to find a user agent spoofer that will enable me to generate a simple get request with NO USER AGENT. All of the tools that I have tried will allow me to do a custom agent string, but they won't let that string be left empty and there are no options that I can find to tell it to send no user agent.
So my question is, what tools are available, for a Windows-based system, that I can use to emulate a browser request with NO USER AGENT so that I can verify that my changes are working properly?
I believe that value is coming from the request headers. If yes, just try
Fiddler. Go to composer tab (see below) - by default it adds User-Agent to the request, however when you delete it in the Composer it seems to disappear from the request.

Drupal Commerce - PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning

After a few days we always get this email from paypal when someone is paying with paypal on our onlineshop:
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment
Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider
that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider
with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be
disabled for your account.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.
We are using Drupal Commerce on Drupal 7. The "funny" thing is: Sometimes this error appear, sometimes not. When this error appear the Drupal-Commerce can not set the Payment status to "Completed" so it costs a lot of time to do this manually ...
I found a "solution" for this here but the *.patch does not removed the problem:
Any other solutions ? :/
When take a look at the drupal recent log messages I can find the error which was tracked.
Here's the information I get:
Type commerce_paypal
Date Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 13:15
User Anonymous (not verified)
Location [URL]/commerce_paypal/ipn/paypal_wps%7Ccommerce_payment_paypal_wps
Message IPN URL accessed with no POST data submitted.
Severity warning
Edit 2:
We found smth ... We have HTTPS. I jsut treid to use the HTTP Url. And ... this works fine. But we want to be at HTTPS isntead of HTTP. But maybe it will help you whats happened here ?
This seems to be an issue with Paypal itself - a user noted that sometimes the Paypal callback is encoded, thus pipe characters ("|") get encoded to "%7C". That user has described your problem - it's very hard to debug this issue, as it only occurs sometimes.
Here is a link to the issue, along with a small patch:
This issue occurs on Paypal itself, although I am wondering why this patch hasn't been included in drupal commerce itself...
You need to check your web server log files to see exactly what error is happening on the failures. You'll be able to see the PHP error that you would typically see on screen when something is failing like that.
That will give you direction on what is going wrong and what you might need to do to fix it.
Another thing you could do is replicate the IPN that failed yourself and POST it directly to your IPN listener in a browser so that you can see the result on screen. This can help with troubleshooting and debugging. Just create an HTML form with the action set to your IPN URL and then add a bunch of hidden fields that match the names/values you got in an order that failed. That would trigger the same error so you can see it.


What this is NOT
a) a "sensor=true_or_false" issue
b) a key is wrong issue (unless the key I got has limitations)
c) too many requests (since I only make one request)
d) cross domain (since I load the url from the browser location bar)
What I did
Signed up
Tried the example on that page in the location bar (I know about cross domain from script)
works fine
Read the documentation
Pasted their example exchanging their key for mine
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
So far all entries failed due to wrong key or sensor=true_or_false
And for example the url in this one Google Places API jQuery.ajax() request fails with working URL
also gives me error when pasted into the browser.
What did I miss?
So I went to get some keys
Key for browser apps (with referers)
API key:
Any referer allowed
Activated on: Jan 30, 2012 1:03 PM
Activated by: me
and tried again. Still does not work.
This is actually (b): wrong key. Actually, you're using the wrong kind of key (from Sign Up for the Google Maps API which is only good for the JavaScript V2 API).
Please see Obtaining an API Key for how to get a new API key, of the new kind.
Edit: At the time this question arose, valid API keys that worked on Geocoding API did not work on Places API, but now seem to work fine. Looks like some issue on Google side.
I just got a REQUEST_DENIED response when making an autocomplete request in a Ruby app. It turned out that I had not specifically switched on the Places API in my google api console.
Go to: and login.
In the left menu go to "APIs & auth" -> "APIs"
Then find the "Places API" option and click on the status to the right to toggle it to "on"
This fixed the problem immediately for me.
Ohkay this worked for me and i know it will work as we are making the same mistake.
First go to API's and enable the google places api for web.
After that, go to credentials and in the credentials where your key is showing, click on it.
After clicking, in the restrictions tab, choose what will be the API will be doing.
Set that up, restart your script and voila... it will be done.
I faced the same issue. But was able to resolve it after enabling the Places API from Google console. I used the 'server' key to make a call from application. Hope this helps for others looking for solution.
This issue has been discussed on many threads here... but the bottom line is you should check your code to see if u are sending out too many requests at a time to the google API.
You are only allowed to send 1 request per 1 minute.
MKErrorDomain error 4 iPhone
