Change the HOSTNAME and PORT NUMBER for existing system DSN - odbc

How to change the Host name and Portnumber for above sytem dsn
How to change the HOSTNAME and Portnumber for existing system dsn


How to set up ip address in redhat linux for dns server

When I type cd/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 it shows no such file or directory why

RMySQL via ssh tunnel

I'm using RStudio on OSX and have a local vm running Ubuntu. I'm having issues with RMySQL connecting to mysql running on the local vm via ssh. I've tried forwarding port 3307 via
ssh -L
followed by the following in r
con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), host = "", user = "root", password = "pass", port=3307)
I'm still getting
Error in .local(drv, ...) : Failed to connect to database: Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (57)
Any ideas? I am able to successfully connect via SequelPro with the same ssh and mysql credentials.
ssh -L 3307:localhost:3306
I bet can't resolve hostname, because you may not have DNS entry for in the DNS server used by or for that matter a /etc/hosts entry.
Also you don't need to setup your local port to 3307, you can use 3306, provided you don't have anything listening on 3306 on your host.

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket error when using SSH tunel

I am trying to use dplyr to connect to a remote database, that I usually query through a ssh tunnel.
I first set up a ssh tunnel like the following:
alias tunnel_ncg='ssh -fNg -L 3307: mysqluser#myhost mysql5 -h -P 3307 -u mysqluser -p mypassword'
At this point I can access the database by connecting to localhost:3307. For example:
mysql -h '' -P 3307 -u mysqluser
If I try to access the same database through dplyr, I get an error complaining that it can't connect to the local MySQL socket:
> conDplyr = src_mysql(dbname = "mydb", user = "mysqluser", password = "mypassword", host = "localhost", port=3307)
Error in .local(drv, ...) :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
My understanding is that RMySQL/dplyr are trying to looking for a socket file in the local computer, however they should really be looking for it in the remote server. Is there a way to fix this, or a work-around?
If I try to connect through dbConnect/RMySQL, the connection works fine:
> dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), user="mysqluser", password="mypassword", dbname="mydb", host="", port=3307)
As silly as it sounds replacing localhost with an IP address ( solves the problem.
dbname = "mydb", user = "mysqluser", password = "mypassword",
host = "", port=3307)
For an explanation take a look at the MySQL documentation:
On Unix, MySQL programs treat the host name localhost specially, in a way that is likely different from what you expect compared to other network-based programs.
For connections to localhost, MySQL programs attempt to connect to the local server by using a Unix socket file. This occurs even if a --port or -P option is given to specify a port number.
To ensure that the client makes a TCP/IP connection to the local server, use --host or -h to specify a host name value of, or the IP address or name of the local server.

How to setup Static Ip in Fedora 19

While using Fedora 19 on VMware player(Harvard CS50x appliance 19) , the guest OS is not able to access the internet even though the host is .
How to set static Ip address to access Internet ?
First find out your interface using ifconfig
Edit the config file for that interface
using your favorite text editor:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 //where eth1 is your interface
You will need to change BOOTPROTO from dhcp to static and add IPADDR, NETMASK, BROADCAST and NETWORK variables.
Save the file :w !sudo tee % > /dev/null
Also add your DNS servers
vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver your_Router_ip
nameserver # Google's DNS Server
You are ready to browse!

Npgsql failed to establish connection to CentOS PostgreSQL through PgPool

I have a webapplication in connecting to a separate database-server running CentOS with PostgreSQL. This setup works fine.
To increase performance on the database-server I'm trying to install and confgure PgPool-II for pooling database-connections on the CentOS server.
After the configuration I can connect to PostgreSQL with the pgpool configured port from the CentOS command line, so I assume pgpool is up and running.
When I try to connect from my webapplication to the database-server with my new pgpool port I get the following NpgdslException in the eventlog:
Failed to establish a connection to '[ip-address of db-server]'
Some configuration files:
listen_address = '*'
port = 6432
pcp_port = 9898
enable_pool_hba = true
socket_dir = '/tmp'
pcp_socket_dir = '/tmp'
backend_hostname = ''
backend_port = 5432
num_init_children = 50
max_pool = 4
connection_life_time = 120
client_idle_limit = 0
debug_level = 0
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# Network access
host all all md5
I have all the ports open in my CentOS firewall configured in /etc/sysconfig/iptables.
So when I'm connecting to port 5432 in my webapplication everything is fine, but when I change the port to 6432, the port for pgpool) then I get the mentioned exception.
Can anybody help me?
The first thing to do is to make sure that pgpool is running on the right port. This can be done easily using fuser:
fuser -n tcp 6432
If it doesn't return anything nothing is listening on your port. In that case make sure pgpool is running:
ps -A | grep pgpool
If this only shows your grep, then your pgpool has not been started. Please refer to your rpm information for information on how to start it. This may involve chkconfig and system
