Magento2 catalog product grid - grid

Create a custom colum in the product grid. It shows that how many size options available against that product. If the product has (S,M,L) then 3, if product has (XS,S,M,L,XL) then 5 and if product has (X,M,L and Color options like Green, Blue, Black) then shows 6, in other words show how many child products does this product have? if simple product then it shows 0.
i have been trying to solve it through ui components but the column is not created and also try to solve it like order id but not found answer.


Woocommerce: Autoselect Variation based on Attribute Filtering

I already managed to pre-select the first on-stock variation as soon as you load the single product page. Now I wanted to take a step further, I wanted to make woocommerce pre-select a variation selected through filtering on Archive pages and Shop page if a choice has been made obviously. Like: On shop page I filter Size M and after I select the product that has Size M avaiable, make it already selected and not the first one that could be like an XS. For instance I'm using the Stock Woocommerce Filtering Widgets with Attributes.
Is it possible?
Thank you so much!

Preselect the product variation in Woocommerce

Currently working on a subscription based food ordering project which uses the product variations to select different options per recipe.
Option 1(working);
On the (man)=menu page I'm displaying each product with the corresponding variations (product -> white rice or brown rice). This works fine and customers can easily make their selection
Option 2:
Another option is that customer can re-order/change their menu selection (which updates the subscription with the new selection). This page is pretty much the same as option 1.
When viewing the products on the Option 2 page I would like to be able to show the previous selected variation options.

How to show variations order for each different product in woocommerce?

I mean not the order in attributes-terms for all products, like xs-s-m-l-xl for all. I mean exactly for one separate product. For example in one product the red color has to be the first, yellow the second and blue the third, in other separate product green has to be the first, blue the second, etc. I drag and drop variations in admin bar in variations tab, and in admin bar it's showing as I do, but on the front end in product they are still showing alphabetically. I don't need alphabetical order, how to change it? Is there a code snippet for it?

Woocommerce show product combination without selecting all combinations

I'm developing an e-commerce using Wordpress and I'm having a problem with product variations. I have about 40 photographic works
and each of them has different options:
print support
frame color
Currently only if a user selects all the choices the image is updated and a price is displayed based on the choices.
I would like a user to see the updated image and price even by selecting one or two of the options.
Is it possible to create a product variation by setting only one or two variations?
Here is a sample product that I would like to change already from the first or second choice of the user. (at the moment the image and the price are updated only by setting all three variations).
product link ->
Thanks in advance for any help
Try using the gravatar form plugin.

Woocommerce group products have show in related product area?

I have wanted my group products images and add to cart button shown in related product area for user direct add them. And the view of single page product using Group Products is looking good. I have solved in product summary area image showing, but not solving "Woocommerce group products have shown in related product area?", this problem.
