No access to wordpress backend anymore - "Your connection is not private" - wordpress

hope you can help me because I'm losing my mind here:
A couple of months ago, I started to build my new website (WordPress, hosted on Google Cloud, deployed with "Click to deploy" and I got the domain name on Google Domains).
Everything worked fine back then. But I needed to put this project on hold.
Now I wanted to continue working on the website, and I realized the VM was stopped. I successfully re-started it and wanted to access the WP back end with the link that can be found in the Deployment Manager of Google Clouds ([IP address]/wp-admin) but it doesn't work anymore. It only says the connection is not private, and I can't access the website. I can't even get to the login form.
What I have tried so far:
Changed ephemeral IP to static external IP & connected the VM to the IP
Pointed Domain toward static external IP - as shown in any tutorial
Updated NS on Google Domains
Created DNS Zones (A, CNAME)
Installed SSL for my domain successfull
Still not working, neither the IP nor the domain (server not found).
My guess - the Domain ( is not live yet, and therefore, the SSL certification doesn't work yet. If not, I messed something up, and I don't know where to look. I don't get why it worked well months ago and has stopped working now.
Does anyone have a guess? Do you need any further details?
Thank you so much in advance,

This problem may have many causes but the most common is that your SSL has NOT installed properly. I suggest you the following steps:
Make sure that your SSL works fine and reinstall your SSL.
If you have access to DB, go to *_options table and in the first two rows siteurl && home you will find your URL. In this point remove the "S" from the https:// and make it http://.
If you have other server take the DB locally an connect with WP files from fresh installation.
Also when you remove the -s from https:// visit your url with incognito mode/private mode.
I will stay here to help you.


Difficult situation with domain under VestaCP

Let's say I have domain
Hostname is, server is up and running. Unfortunately when I was typing in address, it automatically redirected me to IP address
My point was to make it as domain name, not IP address. So I changed something in VestaCP that didn't work.
As a next idea, I have installed a plugin, which was redirecting IP address into .. It worked! It started redirecting into The problem was that still didn't work e.g. didn't read files uploaded through ftp.
Then I've got genius idea of resetting the server from hosting support. I did it and then for whatever reason WordPress admin panel from stopped working. I couldn't access it.
I've changed everything in VestaCP in the way described in this video.
Before it was also changed similar, but some parts were missing. We were waiting for DNS propagation and unexpectedly started working! Almost there, but problem was that I still couldn't copy files from by plugin, because of no access to WP admin.
I know there are also different ways, but that was my first idea. In the meantime I've started installing WordPress according to config.php from zero on and website gone again! It just crashed somehow and started redirecting me once again to so I'm completely confused and don't know what to do.
Domain doesn't work at all.

Unable to access one custom domain in Azure Wordpress Multisite

I have moved my WordPress multisite installation successfully to Azure. My main blog and another that I have moved work fine: and
However, my third site,, does not resolve.
ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED or Can't Reach errors when using this address.
I can access the dashboard, because this resolves to, but not the actual site.
I have checked all DNS records, and they are identical for all three.
The web app on Azure verifies all three addresses, as well as *
Not sure whether this is a WP issue or an Azure issue.
I "solved" this by going into the WHM panel on the old server, and seeing that I had deleted the DNS zone for So I recreated the entry on the old server. Which makes absolutely no sense to me, as every ping/dns service I can find shows the new server. I'd still love suggestions on how this is happening from the old DNS zone server.
As mentioned in the edit, deleting a DNS zone in your old (yet active) WHM panel will cause this failure. However, I have also discovered that I can turn off the old server completely, and the new server functions correctly.
Actually, turning off the WHM server does eventually cause failure again, so I am in contact with my old host/domain registrar to try to fix this.

Restarting WordPress deployment on Google Compute Engine after prolonged instance stop

This one last shot before I delete my WordPress deployment installation on the Google Cloud Engine and start from scratch.
My WordPress site was working fine when first deployed about two months back. I then stopped the instance, as I didn't have time to work on it and didn't want to incur charges.
When it came to starting it last night, it seemingly starts ok, as per Google Developers console report, but the front end is everything, but ok. It is timing out, all I get is the index page (after a long time), but without any css and I can't get onto any other pages.
I can connect to the server using ssh command, I can even see the files via SFTP and I can't see anything obvious in phpmyadmin.
Does anybody have any pointers? What other info do you need? Sadly the documentation on Cloud Engine Wordpress deployment is very thin to offer much guidance beyond one click deployment.
Many thanks for any help.
HTTP traffic is allowed.
Update 26/03/2015:
As #Paolo P pointed out the problem was in the Google Compute Engine assigning an ephemeral address, which was replaced by a new one once the instance was restarted. To fix the issue I did:
login to phpmyadmin >wpdatabase > wp_options > edit siteurl and home with the new url.
edit wp-config.php > add (swap for your new url):
at this stage your front end will be still unavailable, next
login to /wp-admin, which seems to update some settings in the background and voila, your front end is available at the new address.
comment out/delete the above code from wp-config.php once your site is back up and running again. If you don't, you won't have the ability to change the site urls within the WordPress content management end.
Some further info on changing site url is here. Note, I didn't have to touch functions.php to make it work
If your instance had an ephemeral IP it could be changed after stopping it as documented here. After boot Wordpress internal configuration is still referring to a different IP and hence is not finding CSS and other page components.
Assign a static IP to instance and change WP configuration files accordingly. Note that some configurations may need to be updated inside DB data too.

How do I set up AWS Route 53 to handle an EC2 single instance domain

I have thoroughly reviewed both the Amazon Web Services documentation and many Stackoverflow posts related to my issue, but have not yet resolved it. My situation:
I have successfully set up:
an EC2 t2.micro instance with elastic IP, running Ubuntu 14.04.01 /
Apache2 / PHP / MySQL (LAMP)
WordPress 4.5 as a content management system
CiviCRM 4.1 as a constituent management app
I am able to access and run this configuration with the public DNS linked to the Elastic IP. I have a custom domain ( registered through Amazon Route 53 and have set up the necessary record sets (A, CNAME) to connect both and to the EIP. This configuration, accessed with HTTP, correctly serves the base page of the app, and I see what I expect from WordPress, with showing in the browser address window.
When I navigate to any other page, it breaks. I see the page, but the displayed URL is that of the EIP public DNS, not my custom domain. I suspect that rewriting the URL in the Virtual Hosts section of my provide a solution, but I haven't been able to determine the proper statements.
Further, I need to have this configuration support TLS / HTTPS. I have successfully obtained and installed the necessary certificates and set them up in my server configuration. I have edited the ssl.conf Virtual Hosts file, and have even been able, using HTTPS to successfully navigate to the base page of WordPress. It shows the basic HTML of the page, but all of the script driven formatting is missing. Again, navigating to any other page of the app breaks the TLS by using the EIP URL, not my custom URL.
I suspect the same solution to the initial issue will fix this issue, as well.
Thank you, in advance, for your advice and suggestions.
Bruce P pointed me in a good direction. I checked VirtualHosts in my .conf file; found it OK. Looked for httpd.conf without success, and reviewed my WordPress configuration, which is where I found the problem. The server information was not updated to reflect the changed URL. When I did that, all significant problems were resolved. Thanks, again, to Bruce P for pointing me in a good direction.

How can I solve the OpenShift Wordpress installation certificate and hence the https permalink issues?

I've migrated my Wordpress blog to OpenShift recently. It works perfect until when you try to add a custom domain alias to your installation.
The OpenShift URL for my blog is
I added the following URL as alias:
(Sorry I couldn't attach images since I don't have enough reputation points. Instead I put links to images. This is my first question in StackOverflow.)
I successfully added the CNAME record for my domain to point to in GoDaddy
The problem pops up when I try to reach my blog with this alias. It says:
Safari can't verify the identity of the website "".
The certificate for this website is invalid. You might be connecting to a website that is pretending to be "", which could put your confidential information at risk. Would you like to connect to the website anyway?
(I can't even post more than two links without 10 reputation points :( So please put the above URL in front of below images as well.)
If you click "Continue" it works fine but this alert is very scary for many users. I searched for hours for a solution with no luck. I considered buying a security certificate as well but then I thought this blog was working with an alias in its previous installation too. However we never had such an alert in browser while visiting either via the main domain or the alias.
The previous installation was on IIS and the binding were as following:
Then when my brain was about to explode I found out that the alert is due to https. When I checked Settings from my Wordpress dashboard I realised that somehow OpenShift installs Wordpress on https and sets the permalinks to https.
In fact whatever you type that points to * is converted to https. I know that because I added the CNAME for to point to as well but didn't add the alias in OpenShift Applications. So resolves to but since there is no alias defined (hence there is no vhost entry in Apache) it gives error. But even that error is in port 443!
My main problem is to get rid of the certificate error while visiting my blog via my alias domain name. I really appreciate any help on that one.
My related question is that why on earth permalinks start with https on OpenShift Wordpress installation? If I can solve that, probably I'll solve my main problem as well.
Thanks a lot!
I checked on safari,chrome,firefox, and opera and I didn't get any warnings so you much have figured out a solution. However for others who may stumble across this I've provided some information:
By default OpenShift applications accept traffic on both http and https. So if you're wanting to have a custom domain but aren't worried about ssl than you can simply just use the http connection to your application ( If you are wanting to apply a SSL certificate and you're on one of the plans that allow it (bronze or silver). The documentation to apply it, is in the SSL Section of the OpenShift Online User Guide.
