How I can filter meetings which are going to start in given time range - google-calendar-api

I am working on a specific requirement to filter out any meetings that are going to start in next 15 mins of a given calendar.
I can see that there is timeMax query option which will give events starting before given time but the problem I am facing is that I am also getting older events (which are done in past). Any way to get records only froj now to next 15 mins?
I tried query using syncToken but I guess that doesnt works with timeMax so not able to get just the delta and instead getting all the events.

Calendar Event List API
As suggested under the comments, you could be using timeMin and timeMax. It should be something similar to:
timeMin = 2022-12-27T15:30:00+01:00
timeMax = 2022-12-27T15:45:00+01:00
Use the query parameters from above and make sure to respect that it must be RFC3339 timestamp.
This might be the only available option or suggestion when utilizing the event.list to filter them by the 15 minutes mark and check their status. It would be a loop process that could potentially hit a quota.
var request ={
'calendarId': calendar_id,
"singleEvents" : true,
"orderBy" : "startTime",
"timeMin": startDate.toISOString(),
"timeMax": maxDate.toISOString()
Calendar API limitation
If these suggestions or options are not enough or can be considered workarounds due to the limitations, you could always request a feature by going under Issue Tracker.
Events: list
Issue Tracker


Logic App using HTTP Action to access and GET Jira ticket

So I followed this answer and it works fine:
Provided URL:
However, it take a lot of time. So, if I want the url to check for specific ticket depending on created time and type of ticket. For example
I want ticket that is created within 15 days and that are NOT a sub-task.
so I tried something like this.
I'm not sure of how it should be written I just tried this and it doesn't work.
Here is the request result in JSON:
It should be earthier [subtask=false] OR [hierarchylevel=0] OR [name=Task]
After reproducing from my end, I could able to achieve this using Condition connector of logic apps. I have initialized an array variable first and then tried to append each item that satisfies the condition. Below is the flow of my logic app.
and then I used Parse Json to retrieve the required values for condition comparision
You can use the below Code view to reproduce the same in your environment.

How to read documents from Change Feed in Azure Cosmos DB since last checkpoint after restart?

I am using Change Feed processor library to read the Change Feed on a partitioned collection and below is the code for how I have configure it. I ma using most of the default options.
ChangeFeedProcessorOptions feedProcessorOptions = new
LeaseRenewInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15),
var docObserverFactory = DocumentFeedObserverFactory.Create(this.destinationCollectionInfo, this.dbRepository);
This runs fine as long as the Change Feed application is running and documents are being inserted/updated in the collection and the Change Feed app picks them up as expected.
The problem happens when I stop the Change Feed app for sometime and insert/update few documents in the Collection. Then when I start the Change Feed app, it doesn't pick changes from where it last left. Those changes that were inserted when the Change Feed app was stopped are lost. But when I set the flag StartFromBeginning to true, it picks everything from the start including changes that were inserted when the Change Feed app was stopped in between for sometime.
My understanding of read from current (StartFromBeginning to false) is that the Change Feed reads documents since it last left. But that doesn't seem to happen. Please help.
There are two ways to continue from exactly where you left it.
The first, and more accurate one, is to store the Continuation token of the last thing you read. That way you can specify it when you start again and it will win over both the StartTime and the StartFromBeginning flags.
The second one is to provide the StartTime property which will try and find the continuation token of a given time automatically. It has an approximate 5 second precision so there is a chance that you might miss some documents though.

Mobile data reported in GA Measurement Protocol appear in realtime but not in daily summary

I've been attempting to log activity on a mobile-like device using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol. All of these attempts have validated using the validation URL, and I can see activity when I look at the real-time reports on the Analytics website. But when I look at the Home or Overview reports for the day - no activity is shown.
The view is set for "All Mobile App Data".
The POST body looks something like this:
The ua field is just a pre-defined string. I found that if I omitted it, the Real Time monitoring listed the hits as desktop hits, although I was in a Mobile report and the ds field was "app".
Am I missing a field that is required? Is there some reason why it is showing up in the real-time report, but not in a daily report? Is there some other way to diagnose why the data is vanishing, or confirm the data is actually being captured?
When i check the debug endpoint the hit is valid
"hitParsingResult": [ {
"valid": true,
"parserMessage": [ ],
"hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026tid=UA-53766825-1\u0026ds=app\u0026qt=1601\u0026uid=uid-zzzzz\u0026t=screenview\u0026cd=Foo\u0026an=Foo%20App%20Name\\\u0026av=0.0.1\u0026ua=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Linux%3B%20Android%207.0%3B%20SM-G930V%20Build%2FNRD90M)%20AppleWebKit%2F537.36%20(KHTML%2C%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome%2F59.0.3071.125%20Mobile%20Safari%2F537.36"
} ],
"parserMessage": [ {
"messageType": "INFO",
"description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
} ]
I cannot use one of the mobile libraries from Firebase - this is not one of the platforms they support. I do not wish to pretend this is a web page - there is no associated hostname or path. I do not wish to use Events since I can't do event Behavior Flow, which is one of the things I'm interested in seeing.
I'm aware that it can sometimes take "a day or so" for results to first appear. The site was setup over five days ago at this point, and has received data during that time.
Good thought about the anti-spam setting, however the setting appears to be correct:
I've also tried using GET instead of POST - no change, it still shows the hit in real-time, but then it vanishes.
However, I know that it can record hits permanently. There were two hits from a spammer in Russia that have shown up in the daily report (I wasn't there to see it show up in real-time). I don't know what they did, but would love to find out since it might help figure out how I can add a record.
In the real-time reports, it correctly points out the data center all the hits are coming from. Perhaps that is filtering it out somewhere out of my control?
Try adding Cid I know it says this is an optional parameter but for mobile accounts I belive it may be required.
Client ID
This field is required if User ID (uid) is not specified in the request. This anonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance. For the web, this is generally stored as a first-party cookie with a two-year expiration. For mobile apps, this is randomly generated for each particular instance of an application install. The value of this field should be a random UUID (version 4) as described in
Example value: 35009a79-1a05-49d7-b876-2b884d0f825b
Although this says it needs to be a UUIDv4, it does work with other UUIDs (I've tested it with a v5, which is a hash against the value used for the uid parameter).

Google Distance Matrix Api: travel time with traffic

I am trying to get the travel time with traffic between 2 sets of lat/long coordinates. I can call the Google Distance Matrix API, but I am only getting travel time without traffic. The API notes which I have read say to use a parameter called departure_time. Here is the excerpt:
departure_time specifies the desired time of departure as seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. The departure time may be specified by Maps for Business customers for to specify the departure_time to receive trip duration considering current traffic conditions. The departure_time must be set to within a few minutes of the current time.
I found this website to give me that time: epochconverter
However I am still getting the same travel time every time. Here is a sample request, the departure_time parameter would need to be updated (not that it matters).,-122.145287&destinations=37.482890,-122.150235
15 minutes is always returned.
Using "maps dot google dot com" a travel time of 19 mins is returned when traffic is taken into account.
If anyone can help me get the travel time with traffic from the Distance Matrix API, that would be greatly appreciated.
No need for business license, just need an API key from project on with Google distance Matrix enabled.
For results as on google map use traffic_model with values pessimistic,optimistic and do keep in mind "The departure_time must be set to within a few minutes of the current time" without that it will always return 15 minutes.
That feature appears to only be available to Maps for Business customers, according to the docs.
Even with business licence you can only query departure_time 5 minutes from now if you're using traveling mode is driving
According to the google docs "departure_time" can only be used if "mode"(travel mode) is set to "Driving"(which is the default travelMode) and an Api KEY is included in your request.
There is also an optional parameter "trafficModel".
Here is an example url with proper parameters.,-73.89188969999998&destinations=40.598566%2C-73.7527626&mode=driving&departure_time=now&traffic_model=optimistic&key=YOUR_API_KEY
To use distance matrix api as javascript code use it as mentioned in this doc.
**Imp:**There are many limitations with this API. Most of the features are available only for premium users.Read the above doc carefully.
Please try with below code.
var origin = new google.maps.LatLng(detectedLatitude,detectedLongitude);
var destination = new google.maps.LatLng(latitudeVal,langtitudeVal);
var service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
var DrivingOptions = {
departureTime: date,
trafficModel: 'pessimistic'
origins: [origin],
destinations: [destination],
travelMode: 'DRIVING',
drivingOptions : DrivingOptions,
unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.METRIC,
durationInTraffic: true,
avoidHighways: false,
avoidTolls: false
}, response_data);function response_data(responseDis, status) {
if (status !== google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK || status != "OK"){
console.log('Error:', status);
// OR
Please refer this document click here
This API can solve your problem -
It takes into consideration the traffic conditions, road constructions, and other restrictions when calculating travel time. And if you were using Google's API before for you will be easy, because you don't need to rewrite code.
Regarding the departure time, you will find the following in the documentation:
"departure_time — a desired time of the departure. You can specify the time as an integer in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC. Alternatively, you can specify a value of now, which sets the departure time to the current time (correct to the nearest second). If neither time is specified, the departure_time defaults to now (that is, the departure time defaults to the current time). The departure_time must be set to the current time or some time in the future. It cannot be in the past. Results for a given request may vary over time due to the changes in the road network, updated average traffic conditions, and the distributed nature of the service. Results may also vary between nearly-equivalent routes at any time or frequency."
Follow these recommendations, and you won't have this problem. Besides, you can easily contact the developers and ask any questions concerning your situation.
Disclaimer: I work at a company that creates this API.
If you are using golang client, set DepartureTime to "now" in the input parameter DirectionsRequest of the Directions func.

firebase more complex validation

I'm creating an angular app with firebase back end as an API.
People will be able to book appointments on a calendar but 2 persons CANNOT share the same hour slot. Furthermore, since appointments can start every half and hour, checking becomes a bit more complex.
Can I make firebase perform some more complex validation like that? It pretty much covers everything else I need and I'd hate to create something custom, only because of that feature!
If I am correct, you said you don't want to do the checking client-side. Sounds good. Here's what I would do:
When storing the appointments, I would name them based on their times. Client-side code:
var dataRef = new Firebase('');
dataRef.child('2014-6-9-0500').set('name'); // 5:00 6/9/2014 converted to a string
So the appointments will all be named based on their time, and their values will be equal to the name of the person being scheduled at that time. This will make it impossible for two people to be scheduled at the same time (because in Firebase, there cannot be two children with the same name).
In your security tab, check that the data doesn't already exist (to prevent over-writing existing appointments). Then, for the validate, you could check the appointment time and make sure it ends with either "00" or "30", and is 12 digits long. The rules would look something like this:
"rules": {
".read": true,
"$time": {
".write": "!data.exists()",
".validate": "$time.endsWith('00') || $time.endsWith('30')"
Although it's possible for a nonvalid time to be accepted (such as "0000-0-0-0030" or even "qt00"), a valid appointment which is submitted will not be scheduled at the same time as another appointment, and the appointments will be at times ending at ":00" or ":30" (half-hour intervals).
The only problem is if a person has an hour-long appointment starting at noon. You would have to schedule multiple appointments: one at 12:00, and another at 12:30. That could get a little annoying, but I don't know of any other way to do it.
In my understanding, it is possible with Firebase. However, Firebase does not have the dynamic querying capabilities like Mongo does. I believe you have to take a pretty primitive approach to solving this issue by doing something like:
db.child('calendar').once('value', function(snapshot){
var hours = snapshot.val();
// for each hour
// do validation here
