io_uring: What is the use case for flag IORING_REGISTER_FILES_SKIP - io-uring

In liburing library, after initial registration of file descriptors using io_uring_register_files api, we could use io_uring_register_files_update to update the file descriptors. The file descriptor can be set to special value IORING_REGISTER_FILES_SKIP. What is specific use case of this flag usage?
Note: Taken from liburing file_register.c test
io_uring_register_files(ring, files, 100);
io_uring_register_files_update(ring, 90, &files[90], 1);
test_fixed_read_write(ring, 90); // This will use file index 90 with sqe flag IOSQE_FIXED_FILE
In above code is test_fixed_read_write() be successful? If yes, then what is the use of flag IORING_REGISTER_FILES_SKIP?

-1 has been used to indicate that the entry has been removed


.Net Core 3 Preview SequenceReader Length Delimited Parsing

I'm trying to use SequenceReader<T> in .Net Core Preview 8 to parse Guacamole Protocol network traffic.
The traffic might look as follows:
5.error,14.some text here,1.0;
This is a single error instruction. There are 3 fields:
OpCode = error
Reason = some text here
Status = 0 (see Status Codes)
The fields are comma delimited (semi-colon terminated), but they also have the length prefixed on each field. I presume that's so that you could parse something like:
5.error,24.some, text, with, commas,1.0;
To produce Reason = some, text, with, commas.
Simple comma delimited parsing is simple enough to do (with or without SequenceReader). However, to utilise the length I've tried the following:
public static bool TryGetNextElement(this ref SerializationContext context, out ReadOnlySequence<byte> element)
element = default;
var start = context.Reader.Position;
if (!context.Reader.TryReadTo(out ReadOnlySequence<byte> lengthSlice, Utf8Bytes.Period, advancePastDelimiter: true))
return false;
if (!lengthSlice.TryGetInt(out var length))
return false;
element = context.Reader.Sequence.Slice(start, context.Reader.Position);
return true;
Based on my understanding of the initial proposal, this should work, though also could be simplified I think because some of the methods in the proposal make life a bit easier than that which is available in .Net Core Preview 8.
However, the problem with this code is that the SequenceReader does not seem to Advance as I would expect. It's Position and Consumed properties remain unchanged when advancing, so the element I slice at the end is always an empty sequence.
What do I need to do in order to parse this protocol correctly?
I'm guessing that .Reader here is a property; this is important because SequenceReader<T> is a mutable struct, but every time you access .SomeProperty you are working with an isolated copy of the reader. It is fine to hide it behind a property, but you'd need to make sure you work with a local and then push back when complete, i.e.
var reader = context.Reader;
var start = reader.Position;
if (!reader.TryReadTo(out ReadOnlySequence<byte> lengthSlice,
Utf8Bytes.Period, advancePastDelimiter: true))
return false;
if (!lengthSlice.TryGetInt(out var length))
return false;
element = reader.Sequence.Slice(start, reader.Position);
context.Reader = reader; // update position
return true;
Note that a nice feature of this is that in the failure cases (return false), you won't have changed the state yet, because you've only been mutating your local standalone clone.
You could also consider a ref-return property for .Reader.

How to set the "pcl::PointIndices" with the PCD file (existing point cloud sets)

I'm trying to implement a pointcloud background subtraction.
(eg. background.pcd = input.pcd - object.pcd)
I found following code
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr p_obstacles(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices());
pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZ> extract;
// Insert something.
Removing points from a pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>
In my understating, the inliers is subtracted from the input.pcd
(inliers = object.pcd ??)
I have no idea how to set the inliers value with the pre-existing x,y,z values(pcd)
Thank you!
There's a getIndices() method in the PCLBase class:
Here's how to use it:
pcl::PCLBase<pcl::PointXYZ> base; // Instantiate the PCLBase class
base.setInputCloud(object_cloud); // Set input cloud before grabbing the indices
auto object_indices = base.getIndices();
You might need to include the header file
#include <pcl/pcl_base.h>
And if you haven't created a point cloud from your pcd file, you can follow this tutorial:

NIO Http file server - connection closed prematurely

I want to create an HTTP static file server using java NIO and it works fine for small files, but seems to truncate the HTTP response for larger files (672 KB out of a 3.8 MB image is returned according to my Chrome Inspector, and my browser displays a a partially corrupted image). Is this code below incorrect?
(I know there are existing libraries for this and eventually I will use one in my project. But initially I want to implement a basic one myself to see if my project concept is feasible.)
Iterator<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey key =;
if (key.isAcceptable()) {
// New Client encountered
.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
} else if (key.isReadable()) {
// Additional data for existing client encountered
SocketChannel selectedClient = (SocketChannel);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(548);
String requestedFile2 = getRequstedFile(key, selectedClient, buffer);
FileChannel fc =;
String string = "HTTP/1.1 200 Ok\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\nContent-Length: "
+ (Files.size(Paths.get(requestedFile2)) + "\n\n");
while ( > -1) {
buffer.flip(); // read from the buffer
(Exception handling etc. omitted for brevity)
I have a content-length-mismatch error message. So what is the right way to determine the HTTP response size when reading a file's contents using the NIO API?
That should be
and the loop should be
while ( > 0 || buffer.position() > 0)
You're assuming everything got written by the write.
Also you need to change the HTTP header line terminators to \r\n.
And you need to study RFC 2616 about the content length.
I guess you have to check return value from selectedClient.write(), check the SocketChannel.write() documentation:
Unless otherwise specified, a write operation will return only after writing all of the r requested bytes. Some types of channels, depending upon their state, may write only some of the bytes or possibly none at all.
Which could be the case here. Either add another inner loop which would write to output as long as there are bytes remaining in the buffer. Or you can amend the loop according to example in ByteBuffer.compact():
while (buffer.position() > 0 || > 0) {
buffer.flip(); // read from the buffer
And remember that the code supposes that selectedClient is blocking. If that wasn't the case, you would need to invoke another select() waiting on the selectedClient becoming writable...

Sending vector data in the bus

I have a vector data (an array variable for example float32 mydata[5];). for transmitting a single primitve/basic data in a bus its pretty simple.
inside_data.SampleTime = -1;
this element can be put inside a using
But this works when the input is a primitive. But what if my data is a vector. like float32 a[5]; then how can i send this data element in a bus.
So I tried to use a constant block named a with datatype single in which the input part i changed it as [1 2 3] which is a vector input.
another element is b with uint8 datatype.
i used the s-function builder just to check the working of this model. i already set everything (bus_mode on , datatype to be bus type etc). in the output part i used something like:
But it throws error as
c:\program files (x86)\matlab_v7111_r10bsp1\extern\include\matrix.h(313) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'mxLogical'
c:\program files (x86)\matlab_v7111_r10bsp1\extern\include\matrix.h(313) : error C2059: syntax error : ';'
my final aim is to use it for s_function
so if i declare a variable in s_func as
real32_T *a_output[5]=(real32_T *)ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);
and then i have a strcuture(because am transmitting data with a bus so the bus header file has this structure) and how do i declare and assign the input to the output.
but the problem is with the declaration. it gives me error cannot convert from real32_T to real32_T * .
The main idea is to create Bus of type you need.
I did it this way:
num = zeros(15,15,15);
move = zeros(15,15,15);
a = struct('number',num,'movement', move);
busInfo = Simulink.Bus.createObject(a);
You can see it's possible to create any data structure, array, vector anything you want and then create Bus Signal of the same type.
I use this in callbacks/preLoadFcn (Model Explorer) to define this type in workspace, it creates slBus1 variable (its Bus Signal of my type), so I need to define output (or input if necessary) of any block like slBus1 only. And then use Bus Selector to work array data.
Can it helps to you?
It depends of what you want.
For example: I create s-function for feedback system. It use my structure like this:
function a = fcn(BusSignal)
num = zeros(15,15,15);
move = zeros(15,15,15);
%...some math actions with num and move...
a = struct('number',num,'movement', move);
%...and some action with a structure... for example:
if (c>b)
a.number(1,2,3) = 15;
a.movement(1,2,3) = 42;
a = BusSignal;
Look at this - I use Bus signal at entrance and at exit and use Bus Selector to work it's data with.
REMEMBER to define input and output data as Bus Signals!

how to save qundocommand to file and reload it?

I am using qt's undo framework , which use qundocommand to do some application support undo.
Is there an easy way I can use to save those qundocommand to a file and reload it?
There's no built-in way. I don't think it's very common to save the undo stack between sessions. You'll have to serialize the commands yourself by iterating through the commands on the stack, and saving each one's unique data using QDataStream. It might look something like this:
dataStream << undoStack->count(); // store number of commands
for (int i = 0; i < undoStack->count(); i++)
// store each command's unique information
dataStream << undoStack->command(i)->someMemberVariable;
Then you would use QDataStream again to deserialize the data back into QUndoCommands.
You can use QFile to handle the file management.
Use Qt's serialization as described here:
Serialization with Qt
Then within your QUndoCommands you can use a temp file to write the data to it:
However this might cause you an issue since each file is kept open and so on some platforms (Linux) you may run out of open file handles.
To combat this you'd have to create some other factory type object which handles your commands - then this could pass in a reference to a QTemporaryFile automatically. This factory/QUndoCommand care taker object must have the same life time as the QUndoCommands. If not then the temp file will be removed from disk and your QUndoCommands will break.
The other thing you can do is use QUndoCommand as a proxy to your real undo command - this means you can save quite a bit of memory since when your undo command is saved to file you can delete the internal pointer/set it to null. Then restore it later.
Here's a PyQt solution for serializing/pickling QUndoCommands. The tricky part was getting the parent to call __init__ first, then the children. This method relies on all the children's __setstate__ to be called before the parent's, which happens upon pickling as children are returned in the parent's __getstate__.
class UndoCommand(QUndoCommand):
For pickling
def __init__(self, text, parent=None):
QUndoCommand.__init__(self, text, parent)
self.__parent = parent
self.__initialized = True
# defined and initialized in __setstate__
# self.__child_states = {}
def __getstate__(self):
return {
**{k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items()},
'_UndoCommand__initialized': False,
'_UndoCommand__text': self.text(),
[self.child(i) for i in range(self.childCount())]
def __setstate__(self, state):
if hasattr(self, '_UndoCommand__initialized') and \
text = state['_UndoCommand__text']
parent = state['_UndoCommand__parent'] # type: UndoCommand
if parent is not None and \
(not hasattr(parent, '_UndoCommand__initialized') or
not parent.__initialized):
# will be initialized in parent's __setstate__
if not hasattr(parent, '_UndoCommand__child_states'):
setattr(parent, '_UndoCommand__child_states', {})
parent.__child_states[self] = state
# init must be called on unpickle-time to recreate Qt object
UndoCommand.__init__(self, text, parent)
for child in state['_UndoCommand__children']:
self.__dict__ = {k: v for k, v in state.items()}
def from_QUndoCommand(qc: QUndoCommand, parent=None):
if type(qc) == QUndoCommand:
qc.__class__ = UndoCommand
qc.__initialized = True
qc.__parent = parent
children = [qc.child(i) for i in range(qc.childCount())]
for child in children:
UndoCommand.from_QUndoCommand(child, parent=qc)
return qc
