Right-click on App folder > new > Image Asset > Set up your icon.
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I want to open my .ipynb files with the jupyterlab desktop App, however when I change the configs of the jupyter_lab_config.py file to set the base directory to:
c.ServerApp.root_dir = 'C:/Users/Username/Desktop/',
it opens the app with the good home path, but it says: Directory not found
Directory not found: “” and I can’t open my file directly with the app.
Do you know how I can fix this?
I want to add libboost_filesystem.dylib to my Xcode target as a library to link to, but Boost is installed in /opt/local/lib.
/opt is hidden and not accessible from the open panel, so I cannot select the dylib:
How can I add the library to my target?
Cmd-Shift-G in any open dialog under OS X triggers "go to folder" (in which you can enter any path). Alternatively you can open /opt/local/lib in the Terminal (which opens the folder in a Finder window), then drag the library into your project.
You can first make the finder show all files.
Maybe "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true" will be worked.
Xcode 4 seems to have changed the deployment location of the application data which previously used to be in:
Users/INSERT_YOUR_USER_HERE/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
Does anybody knows where is it now?
PS: I am beginning to hate Xcode 4! Sick!!!
The Application is Sandboxed in the location you specified is correct.
/Users/INSERT_YOUR_USER_HERE/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/
That is this is the place where the Application(.app file) the installation file will be there.
I was wondering that you were searching for the build file or the binary file(.ipa). In Xcode4 they have changed it. Previously in Xcode 3 versions the build file will be in the folder where you have created your Project along with all your .h and .m files.
Now the build file is in this Path
EDIT: More simple solution would be In the left side Navigator window in the Project structure under the Products Folder you will find your app. Right click on that and select open in finder will you take you to folder containing your app .app file.
If you want .ipa file just drag and drop the .app file into itunes it will convert that into itunes file and again rightclik and show in finder will give you the ipa file
On my mac the folder never changed.
The sandbox of each application i have in the simulator can be found in:
${HOME}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/<SDK_VERSION>/Applications/<GUID>
If you right click on YOUR_APP_NAME.app file in xcode, it will take you to the sandbox folder.
You can find that in the following path:
My problem is simple.
How do I add an icon that appears in Windows Explorer ?
Not the specific window I want the whole application like the command prompt has the C:\ on the icon.
Is there any way I can do that without creating files and linking it to the .pro file ?
Can I change that base icon in the Qt Creator ?
If so, how ? If not how do I do it otherwise ?
Thank you
PS I have tried the other questions out there and none of them work at all
Basicaly, on Windows, you have to create an .rc file for your icon and then add a line in you .pro file for it :
RC_FILE = myapp.rc
All the details are available in Qt Documentation: Setting the Application Icon
In Qt 4, you need to create a .rc file like this:
You should add this to your .pro file :
win32: RC_FILE += MyApp.rc
In Qt 5 there is an automated process for setting an icon to the application executable file .
You can just add the following to the .pro file:
win32: RC_ICONS = myIcon.ico
Also store the .ico file in your application's source code directory.
Note that this is only for Windows. There are other ways to set application icon in Linux and Mac.
Please help me with solution of how to set the app icon for exe file on windows mobile platform? It means that icon should displays in explorer, task manager and so on.
This might be of helpful to you.
In Qt 4, you need to create a .rc file like this:
You should add this to your .pro file :
win32: RC_FILE += MyApp.rc
In Qt 5 there is an automated process for setting an icon to the application executable file .
You can just add the following to the .pro file:
win32: RC_ICONS = myIcon.ico
Also store the .ico file in your application's source code directory.
Note that this is only for Windows. There are other ways to set application icon in Linux and Mac.