Karate : How to call java code in karate-config.js - automated-tests

Sometimes test fail because of random things such as network condition, some services occassionally chug, and many other things.
In this situation ,we hope the failed cases could rerun for specific times, and we can config the value of specific times.
I have add afterScenario in karate-config.js.
The "afterScenario===" is print as log,
but the java code doesn't executed.
What is the correct way to call java code in karate-config.js?
var afterScenario = function(){
karate.log('afterScenario===>', karate.info);
var retryClass = Java.type('utils.CheckUtils');
var retryInstance = new retryClass();
return retryInstance.reRunCases(karate.info.featureFileName, karate.info.scenarioName)
karate.configure("afterScenario", afterScenario)


Measuring request time in async requests

I need to run multiple web requests and measure time between request and corresponding response.
Both solutions with existing code using BackgroundWorker and new code using TPL library have following issue I cannot understand:
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
.FromAsync<WebResponse>(webRequest.BeginGetResponse, webRequest.EndGetResponse, null)
.ContinueWith(task =>
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)task.Result)
// Stopwatch shows wrong results
// After multiple request watch.Elapsed time arrives 10 seconds
// This is wrong be
// The same code running in Console Application works corectly
Debug.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", response.StatusCode, response.ContentType, watch.Elapsed);
// This lines are only in production WiForms app
if (EventWebRequestFinished != null)
// Update WinForm GUI elements (add to listboc)
The same issue I have also using DateTime.Now method.
If it's all code, without any static variables and etc., the cause of the problem may be closure of a variable 'watch'. Expression gets first value of variable and all next times uses only this value.
Try to send variable value via 3rd parameter 'state' of the FromAsync method.

How do I get a list of users with the Core Service?

I'm trying to get a list of the available users from the Core Service. I spend quite some time looking at the available service methods and the most obvious seemed to be this:
TrusteesFilterData trusteesFilterData = new TrusteesFilterData
BaseColumns = ListBaseColumns.IdAndTitle,
IsPredefined = false,
ItemType = ItemType.User
XElement listTrustees = client.GetSystemWideListXml(trusteesFilterData);
However, the code throws an error when calling GetSystemWideListXml - Unable to create Abstract Class. Am I using the correct approach and, if so what am I doing wrong? If not, what should I be doing instead?
Take a look at the samples in the open source project for workflow notification
Lines 22 - 26 in the DoWork() method should do what you need - I think need to use UsersFilterData rather than TrusteesFilterData
var users = client.GetSystemWideList(new UsersFilterData { BaseColumns = ListBaseColumns.IdAndTitle, IsPredefined = false });

asp.net app calling service says its not initialized?

So this code runs in an asp.net app on Linux. The code calls one of my services. (WCF doesn't work on mono currently, that is why I'm using asmx). This code works AS INTENDED when running from Windows (while debugging). As soon as I deploy to Linux, it stops working. I'm definitely baffled. I've tested the service thoroughly and the service is fine.
Here is the code producing an error: (NewVisitor is a void function taking 3 strings in)
//This does not work.
var client = new Service1SoapClient();
var results = client.NewVisitor(Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UrlReferrer == null ? String.Empty : Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), Request.UserAgent);
Logger.Debug("Result of client: " + results);
Here is the error generated: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Here is the code that works perfectly:
//This works (from the service)
[WebMethod(CacheDuration = _cacheTime, Description = "Returns a List of Dates", MessageName = "GetDates")]
public List<MySqlDateTime> GetDates()
return db.GetDates();
//Here is the code for the method above
var client = new Service1Soap12Client();
var dbDates = client.GetDates();
I'd love to figure out why it is saying that the object is not set.
Methods tried:
new soap client.
new soap client with binding and endpoint address specified
Used channel factory to create and open the channel.
If more info is needed I can give more. I'm out of ideas.
It looks like a bug in mono. You should file a bug with a reproducible test case so it can be fixed (and possibly find a workaround you can use).
Unfortunately, I don't have Linux to test it but I'd suggest you put the client variable in an using() statement:
using(var client = new Service1SoapClient())
var results = client.NewVisitor(Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UrlReferrer == null ?
String.Empty : Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), Request.UserAgent);
Logger.Debug("Result of client: " + results);
I hope it helps.

Is it possible to find the function and/or line number that caused an error in ActionScript 3.0 without using debug mode?

I'm currently trying to implement an automated bug reporter for a Flex application, and would like to return error messages to a server along with the function/line number that caused the error. Essentially, I'm trying to get the getStackTrace() information without going into debug mode, because most users of the app aren't likely to have the debug version of flash player.
My current method is using the UncaughtErrorEvent handler to catch errors that occur within the app, but the error message only returns the type of error that has occurred, and not the location (which means it's useless). I have tried implementing getStackTrace() myself using a function name-grabber such as
private function getFunctionName (callee:Function, parent:Object):String {
for each ( var m:XML in describeType(parent)..method) {
if ( this[m.#name] == callee) return m.#name;
return "private function!";
but that will only work because of arguments.callee, and so won't go through multiple levels of function calls (it would never get above my error event listener).
So! Anyone have any ideas on how to get informative error messages through the global
error event handler?
EDIT: There seems to be some misunderstanding. I'm explicitly avoiding getStackTrace() because it returns 'null' when not in debug mode. Any solution that uses this function is what I'm specifically trying to avoid.
Just noticed the part about "I don't want to use debug." Well, that's not an option, as the non-debug version of Flash does not have any concept of a stack trace at all. Sucks, don't it?
Not relevant but still cool.
The rest is just for with the debug player.
This is part of my personal debug class (strangely enough, it is added to every single project I work on). It returns a String which represents the index in the stack passed -- class and method name. Once you have those, line number is trivial.
* Returns the function name of whatever called this function (and whatever called that)...
public static function getCaller( index:int = 0 ):String
throw new Error('pass');
catch (e:Error)
var arr:Array = String(e.getStackTrace()).split("\t");
var value:String = arr[3 + index];
// This pattern matches a standard function.
var re:RegExp = /^at (.*?)\/(.*?)\(\)/ ;
var owner:Array = re.exec(value);
var cref:Array = owner[1].split('::');
return cref[ 1 ] + "." + owner[2];
catch( e:Error )
re = /^at (.*?)\(\)/; // constructor.
owner = re.exec(value);
var tmp:Array = owner[1].split('::');
var cName:String = tmp.join('.');
return cName;
catch( error:Error )
return "No caller could be found.";
As a side note: this is not set up properly to handle an event model -- sometimes events present themselves as either not having callers or as some very weird alternate syntax.
You don't have to throw an error to get the stack trace.
var myError:Error = new Error();
var theStack:String = myError.getStackTrace();
good reference on the Error class
Nope after reading my own reference getStackTrace() is only available in debug versions of the flash player.
So it looks like you are stuck with what you are doing now.

Multiple instances of views in PureMVC: Am I doing this right?

What I'm doing NOW:
Often multiple instances of the view component would be used in multiple places in an application. Each time I do this, I register the same mediator with a different name.
When a notification is dispatched, I attach the name of the mediator to the body of the notification, like so:
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.mediatorName = this.getMediatorName();
obj.someParameter = someParameter;
sendNotification ("someNotification", obj);
Then in the Command class, I parse the notification body and store the mediatorName in the proxy.
var mediatorName:String = notification.getBody().mediatorName;
var params:String = notification.getBody().someParameter;
getProxy().someMethod(params, mediatorName);
On the return notification, the mediatorName is returned with it.
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.mediatorName = mediatorName;
obj.someReturnedValue= someReturnedValue;
sendNotification ("someReturnedNotification", obj);
In the multiple mediators that might be watching for "someReturnedNotification," in the handleNotification(), it does an if statement, to see
if obj.mediatorName == this.getMediatorName
returns true. If so, process the info, if not, don't.
My Question is:
Is this the right way of using Multiton PureMVC? My gut feeling is not. I am sure there's a better way of architecting the application so that I don't have to test for the mediator's name to see if the component should be updated with the returned info.
Would someone please help and give me some direction as to what is a better way?
I checked with Cliff (the puremvc.org guy) and he said it's fine.
