How do you get multiple urls at the same time in a synchronus function - http

I am getting data from the open weather map API. Currently the data is being retrieved synchronously which is slow. However, the function has to be synchronous as it is part of a library, but it can call an async function. How might I still make concurrent requests to increase performance? A solution that does not use reqwests works, but reqwests is preferred.
fn get_combined_data(open_weather_map_api_url: String, open_weather_map_api_key: String,
coordinates: Vec<String>, metric: bool) -> Vec<HashMap<String, String>> {
let urls: Vec<String> = get_urls(open_weather_map_api_url, open_weather_map_api_key,
coordinates.get(0).expect("Improper coordinates").to_string() + "," +
coordinates.get(1).expect("Improper coordinates"), metric);
let mut data: Vec<HashMap<String, String>> = Vec::new();
for url in urls {
let request = reqwest::blocking::get(url).expect("Url Get failed").json().expect("json expected");
return data;

If your program isn't already async, probably the easiest way might be to use rayon.
use reqwest;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn get_combined_data(open_weather_map_api_url: String, open_weather_map_api_key: String,
coordinates: Vec<String>, metric: bool) -> Vec<HashMap<String, String>> {
let urls: Vec<String> = get_urls(open_weather_map_api_url, open_weather_map_api_key,
coordinates.get(0).expect("Improper coordinates").to_string() + "," +
coordinates.get(1).expect("Improper coordinates"), metric);
let data : Vec<_>= urls
.map(|&url| reqwest::blocking::get(url).expect("Url Get failed").json().expect("json expected"))
return data;

The easiest is probably to use tokios new_current_thread runtime and blocking on the data retreival.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use tokio::runtime;
pub fn collect_data() -> Vec<HashMap<String, String>> {
let rt = runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
.expect("couldn't start runtime");
let urls = vec!["", ""];
rt.block_on(async move {
let mut data = vec![];
for url in urls {
data.push(async move {
.expect("Url Get Failed")
.expect("json expected")

You need an asynchronous runtime in order to call asynchronous functions. The easiest way to get one is to use the #[tokio::main] attribute (which despite the name can be applied to any function):
fn get_combined_data(
open_weather_map_api_url: String,
open_weather_map_api_key: String,
coordinates: Vec<String>,
metric: bool,
) -> Vec<HashMap<String, String>> {
let urls: Vec<String> = get_urls(
.expect("Improper coordinates")
+ ","
+ coordinates.get(1).expect("Improper coordinates"),
futures::future::join_all ( (|u| {
async move {
.expect("Url Get Failed")
.expect("json expected")


Rust - return a future in a closure

I am trying to add a return type of a future in a closure. But the compiler is telling me that
`impl Trait` only allowed in function and inherent method return types, not in closure return
I have have also tried wrapping it in Box but that didn't work. I tried type aliases but they are nighly only features. I am unable to understand how else can I solve it.
pub async fn execute_event_handler(
event_handler: Option<Arc<PyFunction>>,
event_loop: Arc<Py<PyAny>>,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
if let Some(handler) = event_handler {
match &(*handler) {
PyFunction::SyncFunction(function) => {
println!("Startup event handler");
Python::with_gil(|py| -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
PyFunction::CoRoutine(function) => {
let future = Python::with_gil(
|py| -> impl Future<Output = Result<Py<PyAny>, PyErr>> + Send { // this is giving an error
println!("Startup event handler async");
let coroutine = function.as_ref(py).call0().unwrap();
pyo3_asyncio::into_future_with_loop((*event_loop).as_ref(py), coroutine)
PS: I want to wrap the closure output in an Result type and hence a return type is necessary.
Don't annotate the future.
If you need to annotate the enclosing type (e.g. Result), you can either annotate it when returning it (Result::<_, ErrorType>) or as the return type, but let inference find the future type itself with _: || -> Result<_, ErrorType>.

".eth() method not found" when returning Http struct in a function

I want to establish an http connection to a Ganache test blockchain.
Going through the GitHub page of the web3 crate I found this example:
async fn main() -> web3::Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let transport = web3::transports::Http::new("http://localhost:7545")?;
let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);
let mut accounts = web3.eth().accounts().await?;
However I want to implement the connection setup in a function. So I tried the following:
async fn establish_web3_connection_http(url: &str) -> web3::Result<Web3<Http>>{
let transport = web3::transports::Http::new(url)?;
async fn main() -> web3::Result<()> {
let web3_con = establish_web3_connection_http("http://localhost:7545");
println!("Calling accounts.");
let mut accounts = web3_con.eth().accounts().await?;
This results in the following error:
I am not sure why I do not return the correct value. There is not error when I
don't call web3_con, so the function seems to be fine.
Is the return value somehow wrong, or how I call it?
establish_web3_connection_http() is an async function, so it returns a future. You're trying to call .eth() on the future, when you probably want to call it on the value produced by the future. You need to await the result of this function:
let web3_con = establish_web3_connection_http("http://localhost:7545").await?;
// ^^^^^^^
However, you don't do any awaiting in establish_web3_connection_http(), so there's no reason it needs to be async in the first place. You could just remove async from its signature instead:
fn establish_web3_connection_http(url: &str) -> web3::Result<Web3<Http>>{

How can I mutate the HTML inside a hyper::Response? [duplicate]

I want to write a server using the current master branch of Hyper that saves a message that is delivered by a POST request and sends this message to every incoming GET request.
I have this, mostly copied from the Hyper examples directory:
extern crate futures;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate pretty_env_logger;
use futures::future::FutureResult;
use hyper::{Get, Post, StatusCode};
use hyper::header::{ContentLength};
use hyper::server::{Http, Service, Request, Response};
use futures::Stream;
struct Echo {
data: Vec<u8>,
impl Echo {
fn new() -> Self {
Echo {
data: "text".into(),
impl Service for Echo {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = FutureResult<Response, hyper::Error>;
fn call(&self, req: Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
let resp = match (req.method(), req.path()) {
(&Get, "/") | (&Get, "/echo") => {
.with_header(ContentLength( as u64))
(&Post, "/") => {
//; // argh. &self is not mutable :(
// even if it was mutable... how to put the entire body into it?
//req.body().fold(...) ?
let mut res = Response::new();
if let Some(len) = req.headers().get::<ContentLength>() {
_ => {
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = Http::new().bind(&addr, || Ok(Echo::new())).unwrap();
println!("Listening on http://{} with 1 thread.", server.local_addr().unwrap());;
How do I turn the req.body() (which seems to be a Stream of Chunks) into a Vec<u8>? I assume I must somehow return a Future that consumes the Stream and turns it into a single Vec<u8>, maybe with fold(). But I have no clue how to do that.
Hyper 0.13 provides a body::to_bytes function for this purpose.
use hyper::body;
use hyper::{Body, Response};
pub async fn read_response_body(res: Response<Body>) -> Result<String, hyper::Error> {
let bytes = body::to_bytes(res.into_body()).await?;
Ok(String::from_utf8(bytes.to_vec()).expect("response was not valid utf-8"))
I'm going to simplify the problem to just return the total number of bytes, instead of echoing the entire stream.
Futures 0.3
Hyper 0.13 + TryStreamExt::try_fold
See euclio's answer about hyper::body::to_bytes if you just want all the data as one giant blob.
Accessing the stream allows for more fine-grained control:
use futures::TryStreamExt; // 0.3.7
use hyper::{server::Server, service, Body, Method, Request, Response}; // 0.13.9
use std::convert::Infallible;
use tokio; // 0.2.22
async fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().expect("Unable to parse address");
let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(service::make_service_fn(|_conn| async {
Ok::<_, Infallible>(service::service_fn(echo))
println!("Listening on http://{}.", server.local_addr());
if let Err(e) = server.await {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
async fn echo(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, hyper::Error> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
match (parts.method, parts.uri.path()) {
(Method::POST, "/") => {
let entire_body = body
.try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut data, chunk| async move {
.await;|body| {
let body = Body::from(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len()));
_ => {
let body = Body::from("Can only POST to /");
Unfortunately, the current implementation of Bytes is no longer compatible with TryStreamExt::try_concat, so we have to switch back to a fold.
Futures 0.1
hyper 0.12 + Stream::concat2
Since futures 0.1.14, you can use Stream::concat2 to stick together all the data into one:
fn concat2(self) -> Concat2<Self>
Self: Sized,
Self::Item: Extend<<Self::Item as IntoIterator>::Item> + IntoIterator + Default,
use futures::{
future::{self, Either},
Future, Stream,
}; // 0.1.25
use hyper::{server::Server, service, Body, Method, Request, Response}; // 0.12.20
use tokio; // 0.1.14
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().expect("Unable to parse address");
let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(|| service::service_fn(echo));
println!("Listening on http://{}.", server.local_addr());
let server = server.map_err(|e| eprintln!("Error: {}", e));
fn echo(req: Request<Body>) -> impl Future<Item = Response<Body>, Error = hyper::Error> {
let (parts, body) = req.into_parts();
match (parts.method, parts.uri.path()) {
(Method::POST, "/") => {
let entire_body = body.concat2();
let resp =|body| {
let body = Body::from(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len()));
_ => {
let body = Body::from("Can only POST to /");
let resp = future::ok(Response::new(body));
You could also convert the Bytes into a Vec<u8> via entire_body.to_vec() and then convert that to a String.
See also:
How do I convert a Vector of bytes (u8) to a string
hyper 0.11 + Stream::fold
Similar to Iterator::fold, Stream::fold takes an accumulator (called init) and a function that operates on the accumulator and an item from the stream. The result of the function must be another future with the same error type as the original. The total result is itself a future.
fn fold<F, T, Fut>(self, init: T, f: F) -> Fold<Self, F, Fut, T>
F: FnMut(T, Self::Item) -> Fut,
Fut: IntoFuture<Item = T>,
Self::Error: From<Fut::Error>,
Self: Sized,
We can use a Vec as the accumulator. Body's Stream implementation returns a Chunk. This implements Deref<[u8]>, so we can use that to append each chunk's data to the Vec.
extern crate futures; // 0.1.23
extern crate hyper; // 0.11.27
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use hyper::{
server::{Http, Request, Response, Service}, Post,
fn main() {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = Http::new().bind(&addr, || Ok(Echo)).unwrap();
"Listening on http://{} with 1 thread.",
struct Echo;
impl Service for Echo {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = Box<futures::Future<Item = Response, Error = Self::Error>>;
fn call(&self, req: Self::Request) -> Self::Future {
match (req.method(), req.path()) {
(&Post, "/") => {
let f = req.body()
.fold(Vec::new(), |mut acc, chunk| {
futures::future::ok::<_, Self::Error>(acc)
.map(|body| Response::new().with_body(format!("Read {} bytes", body.len())));
_ => panic!("Nope"),
You could also convert the Vec<u8> body to a String.
See also:
How do I convert a Vector of bytes (u8) to a string
When called from the command line, we can see the result:
$ curl -X POST --data hello
Read 5 bytes
All of these solutions allow a malicious end user to POST an infinitely sized file, which would cause the machine to run out of memory. Depending on the intended use, you may wish to establish some kind of cap on the number of bytes read, potentially writing to the filesystem at some breakpoint.
See also:
How do I apply a limit to the number of bytes read by futures::Stream::concat2?
Most of the answers on this topic are outdated or overly complicated. The solution is pretty simple:
WARNING for beginners!!! This use statement
is important so we can later use .data() method!!!
use hyper::body::HttpBody;
let my_vector: Vec<u8> = request.into_body().data().await.unwrap().unwrap().to_vec();
let my_string = String::from_utf8(my_vector).unwrap();
You can also use body::to_bytes as #euclio answered. Both approaches are straight-forward! Don't forget to handle unwrap properly.

How to convert a Future into a Stream?

I'm trying to use async_std to receive UDP datagrams from the network.
There is a UdpSocket that implements async recv_from, this method returns a future but I need a async_std::stream::Stream that gives a stream of UDP datagrams because it is a better abstraction.
I've found tokio::net::UdpFramed that does exactly what I need but it is not available in current versions of tokio.
Generally speaking the question is how do I convert Futures from a given async function into a Stream?
For a single item, use FutureExt::into_stream:
use futures::prelude::*; // 0.3.1
fn outer() -> impl Stream<Item = i32> {
async fn inner() -> i32 {
For a stream from a number of futures generated by a closure, use stream::unfold:
use futures::prelude::*; // 0.3.1
fn outer() -> impl Stream<Item = i32> {
stream::unfold((), |()| async { Some((inner().await, ())) })
async fn inner() -> i32 {
In your case, you can use stream::unfold:
use async_std::{io, net::UdpSocket}; // 1.4.0, features = ["attributes"]
use futures::prelude::*; // 0.3.1
fn read_many(s: UdpSocket) -> impl Stream<Item = io::Result<Vec<u8>>> {
stream::unfold(s, |s| {
async {
let data = read_one(&s).await;
Some((data, s))
async fn read_one(s: &UdpSocket) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut data = vec![0; 1024];
let (len, _) = s.recv_from(&mut data).await?;
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let s = UdpSocket::bind("").await?;
.for_each(|d| {
async {
match d {
Ok(d) => match std::str::from_utf8(&d) {
Ok(s) => println!("{}", s),
Err(_) => println!("{:x?}", d),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error: {}", e),
Generally speaking the question is how do I convert Futures from a given async function into a Stream?
There is FutureExt::into_stream, but don't let the name fool you; it is not a good fit for your situation.
There is a UdpSocket that implements async recv_from, this method returns a future but I need a async_std::stream::Stream that gives a stream of UDP datagrams because it is a better abstraction.
It is not necessarily a better abstraction here.
Specifically, async-std's UdpSocket::recv_from returns a future that has output type of (usize, SocketAddr) — the size of the data received and the peer address. If you were to use into_stream to convert it to a stream, it would give you just that, not the data received.
I've found tokio::net::UdpFramed that does exactly what I need but it is not available in current versions of tokio.
It has been moved to tokio-util crate. Unfortunately, you can't (easily) use that either. It requires a tokio::net::UdpSocket, which is not the same as async_std::net::UdpSocket.
You can, of course, use futures utility functions such as futures::stream::poll_fn or futures::stream::unfold to give UdpSocket::recv_from a futures::stream::Stream facade, but then what will you do with that? If you end up calling StreamExt::next to poll a value out of it, you could have used recv_from directly.
It is only necessary to reach for Stream if some API you are using requires a Stream input, such as rusoto:
Is it possible to create a Stream from a File rather than loading the file contents into memory?

How would I make a TcpClient request per item in a futures Stream?

I have a concept project where the client sends a server a number (PrimeClientRequest), the server computes if the value is prime or not, and returns a response (PrimeClientResponse). I want the client to be a simple CLI which prompts the user for a number, sends the request to the server, and displays the response. Ideally I want to do this using TcpClient from Tokio and Streams from Futures-Rs.
I've written a Tokio server using services and I want to reuse the same codec and proto for the client.
Part of the client is a function called read_prompt which returns a Stream. Essentially it is an infinite loop at which each iteration reads in some input from stdin.
Here's the relevant code:
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use std::env;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use tokio_prime::protocol::PrimeClientProto;
use tokio_prime::request::PrimeRequest;
use tokio_proto::TcpClient;
use tokio_service::Service;
mod cli;
fn main() {
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let addr_string = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or("".to_string());
let remote_addr = addr_string.parse::<SocketAddr>().unwrap();
println!("Connecting on {}", remote_addr);
let tcp_client = TcpClient::new(PrimeClientProto).connect(&remote_addr, &handle);|client| {
.call(PrimeRequest { number: Ok(0) })
.and_then(|response| {
println!("RESP = {:?}", response);
use futures::{Future, Sink, Stream};
use futures::sync::mpsc;
use std::{io, thread};
use std::io::{Stdin, Stdout};
use std::io::prelude::*;
pub fn read_prompt() -> impl Stream<Item = u64, Error = ()> {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(1);
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let thread_tx = tx.clone();
let input = prompt(io::stdout(), io::stdin()).unwrap();
let parsed_input = input
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid u64"));
fn prompt(stdout: Stdout, stdin: Stdin) -> io::Result<String> {
let mut stdout_handle = stdout.lock();
stdout_handle.write(b"> ")?;
let mut buf = String::new();
let mut stdin_handle = stdin.lock();
stdin_handle.read_line(&mut buf)?;
With the code above, the client sends a single request to the server before the client terminates. I want to be able to use the stream generated from read_prompt to provide input to the TcpClient and make a request per item in the stream. How would I go about doing this?
The full code can be found at joshleeb/tokio-prime.
The solution I have come up with (so far) has been to use the LoopFn in the Future-Rs crate. It's not ideal as a new connection still has to be made but it is at least a step in the right direction.
use futures::{future, Future};
use std::{env, io};
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio_core::reactor::{Core, Handle};
use tokio_prime::protocol::PrimeClientProto;
use tokio_prime::request::PrimeRequest;
use tokio_proto::TcpClient;
use tokio_service::Service;
mod cli;
fn handler<'a>(
handle: &'a Handle, addr: &'a SocketAddr
) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + 'a {
cli::prompt(io::stdin(), io::stdout())
.and_then(move |number| {
.connect(addr, handle)
.and_then(move |client| Ok((client, number)))
.and_then(|(client, number)| {
.call(PrimeRequest { number: Ok(number) })
.and_then(|response| {
println!("{:?}", response);
.or_else(|err| {
println!("! {}", err);
fn main() {
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let addr_string = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or("".to_string());
let remote_addr = addr_string.parse::<SocketAddr>().unwrap();
println!("Connecting on {}", remote_addr);
let client = future::loop_fn((), |_| {
handler(&handle, &remote_addr)
.map(|_| -> future::Loop<(), ()> { future::Loop::Continue(()) })
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Stdin, Stdout};
use std::io::prelude::*;
pub fn prompt(stdin: Stdin, stdout: Stdout) -> io::Result<u64> {
let mut stdout_handle = stdout.lock();
stdout_handle.write(b"> ")?;
let mut buf = String::new();
let mut stdin_handle = stdin.lock();
stdin_handle.read_line(&mut buf)?;
fn parse_input(s: String) -> io::Result<u64> {
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid u64"))
