DatasetType is not defined - fast-ai

I am trying to classify a medical images using straitified cross folding. The following line gives me hardtime :
preds_test, y_test = learn.get_preds(DatasetType.Valid)
as it give "Errortype: "DatasetType" is not defined"
could someone help me to solve this matter ?
I am expecting to safe the result and get the usual metrics


Sage TypeError positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations

I am new to sage and have got a code (link to code) which should run.
I am still getting an error message in the decoding part. The error trace looks like this:
in decode(y)
--> sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1]*(z)\
in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__
--> return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel_cache_maps.bin_op
--> action = self.get_action(xp,yp,op,x,y)
...... some more traces (don't actually know if they are important)
TypeError: positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations
Does anybody know if there is something wrong in this code snipped? Due to previous errors, I changed the following to get to where I am at the moment:
.coeffs() changed to .coefficients(sparse=False) due to a warning message.
in the code line sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1](z)\
-(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*z^(i-mu)*sigma[mu+1](z); where the error occurs, i needed to insert * eg. sigma[i+1]*(z)
I would be grateful for any guess what could be wrong!
Your issue is that you are multiplying things not of characteristic zero (like elements related to Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)) with elements of symbolic computation like z which you have explicitly defined as a symbolic variable
Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)
PR = PolynomialRing(Phi,'z')
z = var('z')
Basically, the z you get from PR is not the same one as from var('z'). I recommend naming it something else. You should be able to access this with PR.gen() or maybe PR(z).
I'd be able to be more detailed, but I encourage you next time to paste a fully (non-)working example; trying to slog through a big worksheet is not the easiest thing to track all this down. Finally, good luck, hope Sage ends up being useful for you!

Resolving "Error: subscript out of bounds" in a code loop

I am trying to run an R loop on an individual based model. This includes two lists referring to grid cells, which I originally ran into difficulties with because they returned the error: Error: (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'. I think I have resolved this error by typing "as.numeric(unlist(x))."
Example from code:
List 1:
dredging<-as.numeric(unlist(dredg)). I refer to 'dredging' in my code, not 'dredg.'
List 2:
dcells<-as.numeric(unlist(nodredg)) I refer to 'dcells' in my code, not 'nodredg.'
However, now when I use these two number arrays (if that's what they are) my code returns the error
Error in dcells[[dredging[whichD]]] : subscript out of bounds
I believe this error is referring to the following lines of code:
if(julday>=dstart[whichD] & julday<=dend[whichD] & dredging[whichD]!=0){
whichcells<-which(gridd$inds[gridd$julday==julday] %in% dcells[[ dredging[whichD] ]]) #identify cells where dredging is occurring
Here is the full block of code:
for (i in 1:time.steps){
qday <- qday + 1
for (p in 1:pop){
if ([p,1,i]!=dolphin.q[p,2,i])) {
if(julday>=dstart[whichD] & julday<=dend[whichD] & dredging[whichD]!=0){
whichcells<-which(gridd$inds[gridd$julday==julday] %in% dcells[[ dredging[whichD] ]])
usP<-usP/sum(usP) #rescale the home range surface to 1
I was wondering if anyone could show me what is going wrong? I apologize if this is a very simple mistake I am making, I am a novice learner that has been scouring the internet, manuals, and Stack for days with no luck!
Thanks in advance!

Unable to build inline segments in RSiteCatalyst package in R

I am trying to build the inline segment to filter the pages (ex. to separate the pages for blogs and games) using the function BuildClassificationValueSegment() to get the data from Adobe Analytics API,
I have tried some thing like <- QueueTrended(,date.from,,metrics,elements,
segment.inline = BuildClassificationValueSegment("evar2","blog","OR")).
Got error like :
Error in ApiRequest(body = report.description, = "Report.Validate") :
ERROR: segment_invalid - Segment "evar2" not valid for this company
In addition: Warning message:
In if (segment.inline != "") { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
Please help on the same.Thanks in advance...
I recommend you to declare the InlineSegment in advance and store it in a variable. Then pass it to the QueueTrended function.
I've been using the following syntax to generate an inline segment:
InlineSegment <- list(container=list(type=unbox("hits"),
name=c("Page Name(eVar48)"),
You can change the name and element arguments in order to personalize the query.
The next step is to pass the InlineSegment to the QueueRanked function:
Report <-"reportsuite",
date.from = dateStart, = dateEnd,
metrics = c("pageviews"),
elements = c("element"),
segment.inline = InlineSegment,
I borrowed that syntax from this thread some time ago:
Please note that there might be easier ways to obtain this kind of report without using InlineSegmentation. Maybe you can use the selected argument from the QueueRanked function in order to narrow down the scope of the report.
Also, I'm purposefully avoiding the BuildClassificationValueSegment function as I found it a bit difficult to understand.
Hope this workaround helps...

glm probit "cannot find valid starting values" error message

I am trying to use R for the first time to do some probit analaysis.
I get the following error:
Error in if (!(validmu(mu) && valideta(eta))) stop("cannot find valid starting values: please specify some", :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
This is the command I am using:
m1=glm(Good~Stg.Days+Dev.Deployments+Check.Ins+NoOfDevelopers,family=poisson(link = "probit"),data=deploy[1:4,])
My data deploy[1:4,] are as loaded in from a CSV file follows:
Good,Application Type,Project,Start Date,End Date,Stg Days,Dev Deployments,Check Ins,NoOfDevelopers
deploy is in reality a much bigger vector than 1:4 I am just using a subset of the data to help determine the problem.
Any ideas what is wrong?
As i commented: Using ?glm I found tha the poisoon family supports the following links: log, identity, and sqrt.
Testing on another link:
test <- data.frame('Good'=c(1,1,0,1),'Stg Days'=c(0.6,0.4,10,7.1),'Dev Deployments'=c(0,0,0,0),'Check Ins'=c(12,4,7,18),'NoOfDevelopers'=c(4,1,3,2))
m1=glm(Good~ . ,family=poisson(link = "log"),data=test)
Gives no errors. So I think your link = "probit" is the problem.

How to setCenter using Just co-ordinates

Hi I've tried this a couple of ways and I'm not sure what I'm missing. The documentation here states that I should be able to set the center of my Map using the coordinates like this:
which I am guessing means I can use the syntax:
but I get the error "Uncaught Error: Invalid value for property : -37.8025182 "
Is there something I'm missing - the documentation doesn't really give me any clues.
The documentation says the single argument for setCenter is a LatLng. setCenter doesn't take two Numbers.
var centerpoint = new google.maps.LatLng(-37.8025182,144.9987055);
or combine everything together:
myMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(-37.8025182,144.9987055));
