What is column and row in CSS Grid and what are the differences? - css

What are the differences between rows and columns in CSS Grid?
When I look at a Grid Model, it makes sense that the columns flow from left to right across the page and rows flow from top to bottom down the page.
Even the number of rows to columns match up and don't appear completely different from the standard definition.


Differential heights for two adjacent CSS rows either in flex box or css grid

The problem is I have two columns that will be filled with rows that are implicitly defined, and that I DO NOT want to resize the adjacent row items such that there is a space beside the components. I have tried using grid, but the result is the second image. Similarly, I use flexbox, and the row space emerges implicitly. Does anyone know a way to get this kind of 'dense' packing as in the first image?

Empty grid space in component

I have a grid inside a component which has some rows and columns. The problem is that there is some empty space after the last row of the grid and I want to get rid of it. This is what it looks like in the inspector, it actually shows that the whole content is the grid, whereas only the rows with actual information are the content of the grid. I want to remove this white space which is there for no reason. For clarification this is the empty unwanted space:
You could use setHeightByRows to set the Grid to contain a fixed amount of rows, or setHeightUndefined to always show all the rows (bad idea if your Grid ever has massive amounts of data in it).

Organize semi-tabular grid so that columns are all the same width based

I have an object with keys and values that I want to represent in a responsive way so that are always next to each other, but two k/v entries are stacked because of overflow on the horizontal direction, they will be aligned like a table.
Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish:
This looks close to what I want, but does not account for the content size. max-content does not work
This also touches on it but recommends flex instead, but flex rows are all calculated independently so that rules that out.

How to wrap and stack items in QML, into rows and columns

I have a series of buttons that I want to appear in columns at the bottom of my QML page. The number of columns across should depend on the width of the window, as the window width increases I want more columns to be added. (And fewer rows as a result as components are pulled up to the previous line)
This is sort of like a Flow component, but I want the items to appear in columns, evenly spaced across the page, in rows and columns (columns centered vertically, at the bottom of the page). Sort of like GridLayout.
I can't figure out what QML component(s) to use to achieve this.
I think what you're looking for is a GridView. See the layout documentation.
I'm not positive, but based on your description I think you would just need to set the flow property to GridView.FlowTopToBottom.

What is a way of creating a reactive grid with dynamic rows

So basically, I have a react app and I am trying to create a grid of square elements but:
i dont want to
shrink them below a certain size (meaning that when the page
shrinks, the last elements on a row are pushed to the next row
I was also hoping to put in a few special 2x2 elements in the grid (realistically not
many, between 1-3)
I am looking to be able input a series of objects (ordered by priority) and have the page dynamically allocate them into the grid space as best it can.
I have done bootstrap grids in the past, 1. could be achieved fairly easily by changing the .col-x value at certain screen widths so the elements wrap
But 2. seems really hard:
making a static row with a 2x2 element and some 1x1 elements seems
easy, but then it will all break when the above row tries to wrap, or
when i have to wrap elements in this static row.
I was also thinking of offsetting 2 consecutive rows and just placing a div with the 2x2 boxes over the offset, but then i would have to change the row elements that are being offset on the fly, and i dont know how to get an element to tell me what row and column it is in.
Any ideas?
