Not Opening JAR Files On Windows 10 - jar

I am unable to open JAR files on my Windows 10 computer. Is it necessary to install a tool or software to open JAR files? I am utterly confused. Please help friends.
No, I am not expert on this field. So I am asking it here.


Nuclide + Atom failed to find symbol with ctags

So I've installed Facebook's Nuclide on top of my Atom editor.
Seems it provides many features.
My problem is that when I setup a remote project folder, I cannot get find symbol functioning any more.
The alt+cmd+g will through errors instead of generating ctags file in the project folder.
I ssh to the server and manually ctags -R . in the folder.
However, inside Atom/Nuclide, cmd+shift+r complains no tags file...
Please help. Any clues welcome.
This functionality is provided by the symbols-view package, which ships as part of Atom. Unfortunately it reads from the filesystem directly, so it is not compatible with Nuclide's remote connection. There has been some talk of refactoring it to use Atom's service-hub (which is how Atom packages are supposed to talk to each-other).
If that happens, Nuclide could provide it with the information from outline view and it would be able to work remotely. The functionality would not be exactly the same but for most purposes it would be fine.
However, nobody has yet put in the resources to drive the refactoring home. Here is a recent effort; I hope it is completed.

Qt5 VideoPlayer: Does not play .mp4 file

My problem is little bit strange for me. I wrote a mediaPlayer program.
And I move the executable file to another directory in the same machine. Put the dlls beside the exe. It works fine. It can plays .mp4,.avi etc. But when i move the exe and dlls another machine it doesn't play mp4 files.
I tried compile both MinGW and VS2012 and result is same. Didn't find why.
Is there a advice for me ?
Install a default codec pack onto the end user's machine or convert the mp4 to a codec sponsored by windows.
Codec Pack Recommendation
It is hard to go wrong with K-lite Basic Codec Pack. Just be careful when downloading because the main download site is riddled with ads and false download buttons.
My preferred way to install something like this on my development machine is to use chocolatey. First install chocolatey then in your admin cmd, run:
choco install k-litecodecpackbasic
Video Conversion Tool Recommendation
Handbrake. Occasionally ffmpeg or libav might be better suited, but for most cases go with Handbrake.
If You Can't Install New Codecs...
On the end user's machine (missing admin privileges) or something else, then you probably need to use vlc's library for video playback if you need to support more than the minimum supported out of the box by Windows.
Hope that helps.

Step by step how to install and configure Alfresco 5 from source code to be up and running on Tomcat

I have already downloaded Alfresco 5 source code into eclipse. Is there any guide illustrates how to install and configure it to be up and running on Tomcat web server?
Many peoples are making mistakes like this.So for people like that.Please keep in mind that
Most of the CMS are extendable without editing source code.

how to package JRE with jar file so as to run on Java independent machine

I have to run my jar file on a machine which does not have java installed. I went through this link:
but I dont know how to do it. Can anybody tell me the steps that are required to be done to achieve this?
Wrap with launch4j to get an EXE file or deploy with java Webstart to get a clickable link on a web page (which prompt you to install Java)

deploying a Qt application

In a nutshell, the question is: I just finished my first application using Qt Creator on a computer running under Linux Ubuntu, now how do I make this available for everyone. Now follows the more detailed version ;)
I must apologize for asking this, I am aware that this question has probably been asked many times and that there is official documentation that I can read. I am just completely new to programming and I am very confused by everything I've read so far. If you are kind enough to help, please assume I know absolutely nothing :)
Here we go: I've just finished designing my first application (a scientific program) with Qt creator on my laptop which runs under Linux Ubuntu. It works fine and I'm very proud of it ;)
Here's what my project consists of: 40 header files, 42 source files, 1 pro file, 1 qrc file, 1 html file and 7 png files. In the code, I use #include for a bunch of fairly standard Qt classes (QWidget, QTextBrowser and so forth, maybe like 40 of those).
Now I'd like to make it available to other people. For Linux and Mac users, I've figured a way to do that: I can compress the folder containing my project, tell them to install Qt on their computer, then download and extract the files on their hard disk, open a terminal in the folder and run
That seems to work fine (by the way, does it matter that this is not precisely what Qt creator does? The qmake step there is qmake-qt4 -r -spec linux-g++ and the make step is make -w). Now, I assume there is a solution where I don't ask them to download and install something like 200Mo of Qt material. As for Microsoft Windows users, I don't have a clue.
I would be very grateful if you could explain to me in a very concrete way what I need to do. Needless to say, I'll go for the best and easiest solution, I don't need to understand everything about deployment. Many thanks in advance!
Edit: In case that's useful : I've been using Qt Creator 2.5.0 based on Qt 4.8.1 (64 bit), I'm working on a laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 64bits
For Linux and Mac users, I would compile the software for them in 32 and 64bit formats - no-one likes compiling unknown software from source. Obviously keep the source code option for those on more unusual architectures/OSs (and provide a shell script for them that mimics the commands Qt Creator calls!). As Qt runtimes are available from package managers on just about every distro (and come pre-installed on most anyway, KDE requires them for example), by not asking them to compile from source your users will have a much smaller download (if any) and won't require them to download software from a website potentially unknown to them. Of course the best way would be to try to get your software added as a package into the major distros' repositories, but that may take some time to organise.
Compile your software for Windows users for both 32 and 64bit formats. It's generally frowned upon to ask users to download runtime libraries they potentially don't know, and put them into their system32 folder... So most applications bundle all the libraries they need with their application. Qt-based applications are no different, and so put the runtimes into the folder where the executable is. Also it is much more professional to create a proper installer, there are a few free installer applications for Windows, a web search will give you the most popular (I think I saw a thread on SO about it as well).
As you can see the platforms aren't too dissimilar, the main point I would make is: Do not force people to compile from source! The vast majority of people on Earth do not even know what compiling is, so provide for the major arrchitectures/OSs yourself.
