Storybook v6 with storybook-readme - storybook

So I have a app created with create react app with typescript. I have some components in a component folder and they have a file called
Now when I run storybook I se the readme part in the sidebar, but it says it can not find the readme file. If I in the storie file do a console.log on the Readme variable I import. I get the content from the readme.
My storybook/addons.js looks like this:
import 'storybook-readme/register';
Storybook dont allow me to have a config.js and a main.js. Now the storybook-readme documentations says I need to put the following code in config.js and it does not work to put in in main.js. Så where does this part go?
import { addReadme } from 'storybook-readme';


You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file , tsx file problem

I am adding my project to monorepo , my project is nextJS 12.1.4 and when i import the UI from Package folder after all steps from the docs of Monorepo i have this problem.
I already have .babelrc file and tsconfig and it is working fine , but when adding the webpack.config.js with ts-loader it fire this error

Using node_modules in Symfony 6

I want to use some node_modules in my Symfony 6 project. For example, Feather icons. But I can't figure out how to include these files without copying them to the public folder or using a CDN.
I have attempted to import the files into app.js using:
import './feather';
Sadly, this does not appear to work. Can anyone help me figure this out because I can also not find any relevant google search results.
This is what my app.js currently looks like:
import './styles/app.css';
// start the Stimulus application
import './bootstrap';
import feather from 'feather-icons'; // <-- added line from comment

Single File component export - not using vuetify styling

I have a vuetify project (Windows / VSCODE).
Our plan is to create components for our internal teams to use - no NPM.
I created a hello-world.vue component and ran a script (below) from package.json to create a dist folder with that component. This works fairly well, but in another application demo.html or such the Vuetify Button v-btn does not have any of the styling from vuetify... The script creates the individual components based off the vue file.
script executed to generate components "buildSFC": "cross-env vue-cli-service build --target wc --name jcdc-sfc 'src/components/*.vue'"
What am I missing to get VUETIFY styling and such?
See GIT HUB for code:
If you pull the git down, in a vue command line execute this script: npm run buildSFC
Then look for a dist folder in the project and open the html file in chrome to see the issue.
So see what it is suppose to look like (the button) execute: nmp run serve
Your publicPath in vue.config.js probably defaults to / which is you root drive. So if you have it running on Windows and on your C: drive then your demo.html will look in C:\ for the files.
Add a publicPath: "./" to your vue config.
Also check your package-json scripts. buildLib has a ./src/ but buildSFC does not.

Webpack - Import Less from TypeScript fails (css-loader)

I'm trying to build a test project with TypeScript via Webpack. Have just index.ts file and base.less (or base.css) file imported in index.ts and it fails with errors on css-loader. Without imported LESS (CSS) file in a .ts file all working good.
I have got another big project with JS only (no TypeScript) and it working good with the same webpack.config file (babel instead of ts loader).
All needed loaders are installed.
webpack.config.js and Bitbucket link to the test project
ERROR in ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js
Module build failed: Error: Final loader didn't return a Buffer or String
You have a wrong RegExp rule for TypeScript loader in your webpack.config.js. You need this:
`test: /(.ts|.tsx)$/`
but you have this:
`test: /(.ts|.tsx)?/`
Which says: load as TypeScript file no matter what.

How to add js and css files that are part of an npm dependency to <head> in Meteor 1.4?

For example, I want to use Slider Pro in my meteor project as an npm package without having to create an Atmosphere package out of it, however the docs ( say to include files in <head>. See Image Snippet of Docs. How would I do that?
There are a few ways you could do this. Either way you choose you still need to add it as an npm package through Meteor:
meteor npm install --save slider-pro
And then what I commonly do, is create a file inside imports/startup/client directory called vendor.js, and just use this code in the vendor.js file:
import '../../../node_modules/slider-pro/dist/js/jquery.sliderPro.js';
import '../../../node_modules/slider-pro/dist/css/slider-pro.css';
Then in the file located at imports/startup/index.js just add this to include that vendor.js file:
import './vendor.js';
You just need to make sure that the path is correct, in the vendor.js file, as you can see, since my vendor.js file is nested 3 directories deeper than the node_modules directory, all files have to be prepended with ../../../ which basically means "go back three directories"
