Embed a powerapp url in iframe - iframe

getting 400 bad request
I'm trying to embed a Microsoft Dynamics 365-powerapp url in my angular6 application inside an iframe. I'm getting bad request.


Communicating with website on apache tomcat from website on IIS

We have a website written in ASP.NET hosted on an IIS server.
We want to start developing a new website using Java, Springboot, and AngularJS and want to deploy on a web server on the same machine (most probable apache tomcat).
For certain DOM elements on the ASP.NET website, after clicking on them I should be routed to the appropriate web page on the new website hosted on the tomcat.
How can we achieve this communication between these two websites?
If your DOM element is a link (the HTML anchor tag) you can just put the new website page's link as the href property and will just work. You can pass parameters in the query string.
If you are trying to submit a form on the ASP.net page to an end point on Tomcat, then use the Tomcat endpoint as the action property of form. Here you have an option of choosing GET/POST as the method.
If you are tyring to do Ajax requests from the ASP.net page to a Tomcat endpoint, you will get into a CORS issue. There are plenty of articles/tutorials on how to add a CORS header on Tomcat-SpringBoot that will help you out.

Why does DocFX serve content over an internal server?

I've just started studying DocFX. According to its official guide we build content with a command similar to docfx docfx.json --serve and then view the generated site from http://localhost:8080. My question is: if DocFX is a static site generator, why does it serve content via a web server? Why does it not just say click index.html to view the generated site ? Is there a difference?
DocFX does generate static content, however the main index.html page will attempt to load some assets such as table of contents (toc.html) using an XMLHttpRequest from the browser. Such requests will be blocked by the browser if you have loaded the site by opening the index.html page from disk.
If you try, run the F12 dev tools in Chrome (or browser of your choice) and you will see warnings such as:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'file:///your-path/_site/toc.html' from
origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests
are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome-extension,
edge, https.
As a result, the site really needs to be loaded from a web server over HTTP to get the best result

http iframe content on https site

asp.net 4.5.2, html5 etc
Our site is on https. However, we need to embed an iframe which calls out to a service that is not available over https.
Chrome blocks this so the embedded content does not display.
Is there any way in asp.net config to reliably force this content to be displayed in spite of it only being available over http?

Intelligencia url rewriting with jquery mobile

My site is working correctly with Inteligencia url rewriting and jquery mobile on local,but when i run it on server it shows the error that The resource cannot be found.
HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
I developed my whole site with asp.net and jquery-mobile combination.

Facebook app with asp.net

I am trying to get my first hello world application on facebook using asp.net with facebook toolkit.
I am hosting my files on www.aspspider.info/jasminm89/ using it as a canvasurl
and link to my facebook app is http://apps.facebook.com/mytesterapp/
At that location i have: default.html page with the h1 tag with plain text.
When I visit my app on facbook I get message:
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid
method (HTTP verb) was used to attempt access. Please try the
Contact the Web site administrator if you believe that this request
should be allowed. Make sure that the Web site address displayed in
the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly.
HTTP Error 405 - The HTTP verb used to access this page is not
allowed. Internet Information Services (IIS)
Technical Information (for support personnel)
Go to Microsoft Product Support Services and perform a title search
for the words HTTP and 405. Open IIS Help, which is accessible in IIS
Manager (inetmgr), and search for topics titled Setting Application
Mappings, Securing Your Site with Web Site Permissions, and About
Custom Error Messages.
here source code from facebook, where it loads my page:
<form action="http://aspspider.info/jasminm89/"
method="post" target="iframe_canvas"
onsubmit="return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event)"><input
type="hidden" autocomplete="off" name="signed_request"
One point here.
I setup my account on 000webhost.com and by default there is default.php created,
I copy the link to my facebook and it loads the page, it worked as well with plain index.html.
This error is because with IIS we can't use static html pages to be called in this way
I now upload plain .aspx page with some text and it worked.
First this sounds like an error with your server configuration, not with accessing the Facebook API/SDK.
Secondly, don't you need to add the call to the facebook SDK and include the <div id="fb-root"></div> ?
Or are you using the C# Facebook SDK?
I iis you can not handle post method coming from facebook including signed_request.
So firstly reconfigure IIS allowing handle post method. Or for simple start make index.html as the default document, put inside "hello world", then process the second step.
