Returnfase is not working eventhough mandatory fields are not filled itsis going to save not stopping.How can i resolve it?This is my script - onsubmit

function po_num(){
//alert ("11")
var po = document.getElementById('add_service_order_service_order_no').value
//return false;
if (po == "")
alert("Please fill PO Number");
Returnfalse is not working eventhough mandatory fields are not filled it is going to save, not stopping.How can i resolve it?


Contact Form 7: Is it possible to have a greyed out Submit-Button until required fields are filled out?

Would it be possible to have the "Submit"-button in Contact Form 7 greyed out or inactive until all requiered fields are filled out?
Where do I have to implement the code?
Thank you! Cheers!
You can use jQuery to disable submit button untill it is filled.
You can place below code in .js file or in footer.php
var disableSubmit = false;
jQuery('input.wpcf7-submit[type="submit"]').click(function() {
if (disableSubmit == true) {
return false;
disableSubmit = true;
return true;
var wpcf7Elm = document.querySelector( '.wpcf7' );
wpcf7Elm.addEventListener( 'wpcf7submit', function( event ) {
disableSubmit = false;
}, false );

fetch the field data without post

I'm trying to get the field data from form textarea so i can store it when a user filling the textarea if he reload page or open an other page in same tab and come back to write data his previous work will be there
My code is
$_SESSION['textarea-133'] = $_POST["textarea-133"];
var a="<php echo $_SESSION['textarea-133']";
document.getElementById("business_a6").value =a ;
You could use window.sessionStorage to save a variable and check if it's there each time the page is loaded.
window.onload = function(){
var userText = sessionStorage.getItem('the_user_text');
if( userText ){
document.getElementById('the-text-area').innerHTML = userText;
It's up to you if you want to re-save the variable with each keypress or maybe after a setInterval
document.addEventListener('keypress', (event) => {
var newText = document.getElementById('the-text-area');
sessionStorage.setItem('the_user_text', newText);

google maps API v3 events

I have the following situation:
A polyline is added on the map and when the user clicks over it its state changes to editable. Also i have event where if the user clicks the last vertext of the polyline and starts moving the mouse to be able to extend the polyline with the mouse path the user is drawing.
However it seems that when i have an event and inside this event i try to add another one it simply does not work and i don't kwow why.
Just in case to make things simpler to undrstand i will paste a part of my code.
google.maps.event.addListener(polyLine, "mousedown", function(event){
if(polyLine.getEditable() === true)
if(typeof event.vertex !== "undefined")
if(event.vertex === polyLine.getPath().getLength() - 1)
if(mouseMoveDrawingEvent === null)
mouseMoveDrawingEvent = google.maps.event.addListener(map, "mousemove", function(event)
alert("1"); // <== this never fires
drawingLabel.setContents("<div style='background-color:white'>" + (google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeLength(polyLine.getPath()) / 1000).toFixed(2) + " ΠΊΠΌ.</div>");
map.getDiv().onmouseup = function(ev) {
map.getDiv().onmousedown = null;
map.getDiv().onmouseup = null;
mouseMoveDrawingEvent = null;
thre is another event here that listens for 'mouseup'....
Do you guys have any idea how to make this peace of code works.
I found a solution to my questions.
The problem was that when i set the polyline {clickable:false} the api removes the event ( and obviously everyhing inside it:)

Wordpress Force Post to select category

i am using WordPress post to build there any plugin or some function that warn be when i don't select a category for the post.its a headache ever time i post a category i miss some time as there is a lot of post to be made in the category after some time see those post in uncategory its a great headache.
**> the above code is nothing because stack over flow doesn't allow me to
post my question as it say standard low.**
thanks in advance.
hope i could find one suitable answer
hah.. its so funny but you can try as below in your functions.php file
function force_post_categ_init()
function force_post_categ()
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "
var cats = jQuery('[id^=\"taxonomy\"]')
for (counter=0; counter<cats.length; counter++)
if (cats.get(counter).checked==true)
alert('You have not selected any category for the post. Please select post category.');
setTimeout(\"jQuery('#ajax-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden');\", 100);
jQuery('[id^=\"taxonomy\"]').find('.tabs-panel').css('background', '#F96');
setTimeout(\"jQuery('#publish').removeClass('button-primary-disabled');\", 100);
return false;
echo "</script>\n";
add_action('admin_init', 'force_post_categ_init');
add_action('edit_form_advanced', 'force_post_categ');
NOte:- javascript must be enable to run this
I would suggest using a jQuery object to read the real value of the input since the page can be loaded with a checked value and then an input can be un-checked and saved. This uses the jQuery object .is('checked') method:
function force_post_categ()
$custom_js = <<<CUSTOM_JS
<script type='text/javascript'>
var cats = jQuery('[id^="taxonomy"]').find('.selectit').find('input');
category_selected = false;
$.each(cats, function(key,value){
if ( $(this).is(':checked') == true ) {
category_selected = true;
return false;
if (category_selected == false)
alert('You have not selected any metro or country for the post. Please select a metro.');
setTimeout("jQuery('#ajax-loading').css('visibility', 'hidden');", 100);
jQuery('[id^="taxonomy"]').find('.tabs-panel').css('background', '#F96');
setTimeout("jQuery('#publish').removeClass('button-primary-disabled');", 100);
return false;
echo $custom_js;

looping thru a list of checkboxes and saving the values, not working properly

I'm having a bit of a problem with this code.
The program gives me a list of checkboxes but a user ID. then u user can change his selection and push the save button (id="btnSaveUserIntersts") and i am trying to save in the hidden textbox all the values of the checkboxes that was choosen.
The problem is that i am getting all the time the same selections that came form the database and not getting the new selection that the user made.
Can any one tell me what am i doing wrong here?
var strCheckBoxChecked = new String();
strCheckBoxChecked += $(this).val();
strCheckBoxChecked += ',';
Try using:
strCheckBoxChecked += $(this).val();
strCheckBoxChecked += ',';
As the selector instead of what you're currently using.
Use .map, it's far prettier:
var strCheckBoxChecked = $('input:checkbox:checked').map(function()
return this.value;
And the selector you are using is close, $('input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]')
