The APKs won't be signed and thus not installable unless you also pass a keystore via the flag --ks - jar

Bundle bundletool build-apks --bundle=app.aab --output=release_app.apks
WARNING: The APKs won't be signed and thus not installable unless you also pass a keystore via the flag --ks. See the command help for more information.
how can i know --ks path ??
Bundle bundletool build-apks --bundle=app.aab --output=release_app.apks
WARNING: The APKs won't be signed and thus not installable unless you also pass a keystore via the flag --ks. See the command help for more information.


Airflow cannot establish SFTP connection using encrypted private key

I am trying to establish a SFTP connection in Airflow 1.10.14 with the SFTPOperator from airflow.providers.sftp.operators.sftp or airflow.contrib.operators.sftp_operator.
The contrib operator and the providers package are equivalent ("providers" packages are backported from Airflow 2.0 which do not make use of the contrib operators anymore), and depend on the same Python modules: paramiko, pysftp, and sshtunnel.
My pip freeze:
paramiko==2.7.2 (latest release)
pysftp==0.2.9 (latest release)
sshtunnel==0.1.5 (latest release is 0.4.0)
It works fine with a simple user/password and a private key without a passphrase but it fails when I use an encrypted key protected by a passphrase:
"ERROR - private key file is encrypted" when I set "private_key_passphrase" param alone in the connection
"ERROR - Authentication failed" when I set the "password" alone or both "password" and "private_key_passphrase".
Note that it works well in all cases with the SSHOperator (in this case, the key passphrase is set in the "password" param), thus I believe the problem is in the pysftp module.
Thanks for your help.

SBT 1.1.1 not using credentials for Nexus proxy

We moved to a new authenticated Nexus to act as a proxy to get dependencies.
I've tried to to give SBT (1.1.1) the credentials it needs, in multiple ways, but I always endup getting :
[error] Unable to find credentials for [Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager #]
[debug] CLIENT ERROR: Unauthorized url=
It's repeated for a lot of dependencies.
I've created a .credentials file in my project as follow:
realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
Here's what I've tried, based on inputs I got from other threads on the internet:
Adding the path to this credentials file in the command : -Dsbt.boot.credentials=.credentials
Adding the path to this credentials file to an environment variable : $SBT_CREDENTIALS = PATH
Adding the following line in the build.sbt : credentials += Credentials(new File(".credentials"))
Adding the following line in the build.sbt : credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", "xxxxx", "xxxxxx")
Checking what's going on with a proxy : my requests don't seem to have any authorization header and all come back as HTTP 401
And yet, when I access the URL mentioned from the same machine, with the credentials in the file, there is no issue at all.
I'm running out of ideas here :(
After more attempts, adding :
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager", "", USER, PWD)
The SBT_CREDENTIALS variable mentioned above,
Seems to do the job.
I also updated the image we use for our pipelines, not sure if it helped.

Auth fail when running `sbt new`

Here's a transcript so far:
$ sbt new lagom/lagom-scala.g8
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/abrahma/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] Set current project to lagomlife (in build file:/Users/abrahma/Bitbucket/Practice-Scala/LagomLife/)
[info] Set current project to lagomlife (in build file:/Users/abrahma/Bitbucket/Practice-Scala/LagomLife/)
ssh:// Auth fail
I've verified authentication with
$ ssh -T
Hi agam! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Also verified that I can access the repo in question (i.e. I can do the following, in a separate location):
git clone ssh://
Edit: fwiw I'm able to work around whatever the root cause is here:
git clone ssh://
g8 file:///Users/abrahma/tmp/lagom-scala.g8
I ran into this problem as well, and solved it by removing the following from my ~/.gitconfig:
[url ""]
insteadOf =
Are you using OpenSSH 7.8 or newer, and have you recently created your private key?
If so you might be running into the issue described in “Invalid privatekey” when using JSch aka jsch#129.
The root cause was discovered to be the ssh private key mismatch.
The question has a workaround to convert the key file to an older format if that's the error you're seeing.
You need to add your SSH key to the agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

SBT Basic Auth Problems

I'm setting up SBT on our buildserver (bamboo) for multiple buildagents. For this I created for each agent a separate directory which contains the agent specific config and the .ivy home to make sure agent isolation is fullfilled.
The build itself is call like this:
/sbt-launcher-packaging-0.13.13/bin/sbt -java-home /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_79 -Dsbt.repository.config=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/sbt/sbt.conf -Dsbt.ivy.home=/data/bamboo/localbuildagents/${bamboo.agentId}/.ivy2 clean compile dist
The credentials (basic realm) are store under the user home which is starting the bamboo server (~/.sbt/.credentials and ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/credentials.sbt)
Each sbt.conf contains the agent-specific repos e.g the agent specific local maven repo and urls for the remote artifactory.
local-buildagent-mvn: file:///data/bamboo/home/.m2/AGENT-xxxxxxxx/repository/
ivy-release: http://xxx/artifactory/ivy-release/, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
mvn-release: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-release/
mvn-snapshot: http://xxx/artifactory/libs-snapshot/
ivy-home: file:///data/bamboo/localbuildagents/xxxxxxxx/.ivy2/
I'm encountering login problems while sbt is checking the remote artifactory repos (first http error 401 and then surprisingly 403). A curl with the same credentials and repo url is working as expected (first 401 and then 200).
I guess, that if -D switches are used for sbt startup, the credentials are not considered. I'm really stuck any advise warmly welcome...
From your question I don't see if you specified where your credentials are defined. In case you didn't do it, you must add something like this to your build definition (documentation):
// inline
credentials += Credentials("Some Nexus Repository Manager", "", "admin", "admin123")
// file
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials")

sbt publishSigned on Sonatype Nexus via Travis CI with using pgpPassphrase

I've build an OSS project
The Travis-ci pipeline works perfectly, but for 1 final step.
I followed these guides:
Locally I got all steps working fine and actually published to the Nexus.
In the .travis.yml I import the key before install (Encrypted in env)
- echo "$PGP_SECRET" | base64 --decode | gpg --import
- echo "$PGP_TRUST" | base64 --decode | gpg --import-ownertrust
The $PGP_PASS is also encrypted in Travis env and available for the build.sbt
I checked it actually gets the key in this command
pgpPassphrase := sys.env.get("PGP_PASS").map(_.toArray)
Now if Travis runs the command
sbt publishSigned
It still prompts for a passphrase for my key
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user:
"com.datlinq.datalabs (Key for Datalabs OSS) "
2048-bit RSA key, ID 305DA15D, created 2017-09-01
Enter passphrase:
I don't know what I should do to make this work
This moment in time is captured:
build log:
So, the reason it prompted for a password and ignored all sbt based configurations was due to the fact the build script used the local gnupg installation instead of the one packaged with sbt-pgp (bouncy castle).
The local gpg wants you to manually enter the password the first time. A bit hard using TravisCI
So the solution was ignore the local gpg and use the bundled one, that uses the pgpPassphrase setting
Looking back to the documentation:
In one of the first lines it actual says:
If you’re using the built-in Bouncy Castle PGP implementation, skip this step.
The first step towards using the GPG command line tool is to make sbt-pgp gpg->aware.
useGpg := true
So the solution was to set useGpg := false
For more details look at the current repo:
Or check this blog (which I found later)
