How clean architecture project web get reference of core project - ardalis-cleanarchitecture

I m really curious about to know how you core project class can be called into web project, I see there is no reference project called in Project Reference only showing Infrastructure project?
how it is working? I tried multiple time in other project but still showing me in references


Having trouble referencing .NET Standard class library using SQLProvider from .NET Core project

Reproduction of problem here:
I'm fairly new to the .NET world so am having trouble wrapping my head around exactly what the problem is.
I've tried to use the SQL type provider directly in an F# .NET Core project, but had a bunch of problems getting it to work. From what I can tell that's due to incompatibilities between .net core and type providers.
So what I am trying instead is to have the SQL type provider code encapsulated in a .NET Standard project that I can reference from my main Core project.
I've managed to reproduce the problem in a minimal GitHub repo located here which demonstrates both that
the type provider is working in Visual Studio 2019 with IntelliSense, but
despite this I still get a build error when I try to start the Main project
The build error is
Unable to find the file 'C:\projects\SqlProviderTest\SQLStuff\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\SQLStuff.dll' in any of
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\NuGetFallbackFolder\\2.2.0\ref\netcoreapp2.2
Why isn't the project reference simply working as expected? I've tried adding <Private>True</Private> to the project reference but that didn't make any difference
P.S. in case it matters, I'm developing on Windows but the app gets deployed on a Docker container.

How to add project reference to ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC project

I have a ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC app in solution X and I have some common projects (.net 4.5.2 class libs) in solution Y.
I want to reference the projects in solution Y from my app, when I do so via add reference -> Browse .. I get:
.NET Core projects only support referencing .NET framework assemblies in
this release. To reference other assemblies,
they need to be included in a NuGet package and reference that package.
I then created a nuget package of those projects, added the folder that contains the nuget packages as a repo source and loaded the projects. This adds the projects successfully to my project.json, but 'nothing' else actually happens, I still can't use the code in my app.
Now ASP.NET Core is past its beta status, what is the official way of dealing with this?
Many people have struggled with this issue and there is a long running thread on GitHub about it. Even the people using the latest RC3 build are reporting the same problem that you are having.
The only way I've been able to reference class library projects in an ASP.NET Core web application is to create both the web application and the class library projects in Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. And they all have to target .NET Framework 4.6.1.
I had to copy the code from my old class library projects to the new ones. But in the end I think I saved myself time by not having to mess with all the workarounds that don't seem to work for a lot of people.

What default dll's are imported into an webforms project

I've inherited a legacy code base that doesn't currently compile and has no project or solution file (there are multiple repositories including winforms and
I'm not certain what .net version the original code was written in, nor what the project template was, although I know some are web forms.
I'm re-creating new solution and project files to import the code into, but need to find some of the default dll's included in old Visual Studio project templates (e.g. webforms).
Any ideas where I might find this information?
Anyone know an MSDN link with this on it?
P.S. I don't have access to the production code, although it is running in production.

Deploying MEF components with the web project that consumes them

My apologies if this has already been covered, but I can't find an answer anywhere.
I've got an MVC4 web application that consumes MEF components. These components live in another project within the same solution, like so:
My Solution
Web Project
Dll Project defining MEF interfaces (referenced by all)
Dll Project containing an actual MEF class
Another Dll project containing an actual MEF class
The web project references the project containing the MEF interfaces (#2), but not the projects containing the actual MEF classes (#3 & #4), since that's the whole point of the framework. I have a post-build step on #3 and #4 that copy their compiled assemblies into the bin folder of the web project, and the web project is also marked as dependent on projects #3 and #4.
This works brilliantly on my machine, compiling and shuffling Dlls around, but when I actually have to deploy the thing, I'm required to do two steps: deploy the web project like any other, then manually copy the assemblies created by project #3 and #4 onto the server. Because they're not really referenced by the web project, they don't get picked up by the Web Publishing stuff.
I've looked through the Web Publish project settings, and while I can apparently set it to copy every little thing in the project's folder, I can't set it to just copy specific ancillary files. Is there a way around this besides adding hard references to the #3 and #4 assemblies in the Web Project?
Have you tried copying the MEF classes assembly into the "_bin_deployableAssemblies" folder in your website. For me that worked great

Adding project reference in visual studio

I added a project reference of my Business Logic project to my console application. I can reference the project and its classes in the code of my console application. Weirdly, when I build the project, the build fails and the classes which referenced says Type is not defined.Has anybody come across an issue like this?
You have to import name space in your console application class where you are trying to use the business logic application class.
I have selected the incorrect target framework .net framework client profile 4.0 where it should be .net framework 4. Issue rectified and now I can build the project.
