Package manager error every time I create a new project in Unity
occurs. I'm removing the error from the package manager, but it's inconvenient to get the error every time I create a project. How can I resolve this?
I'm removing the error from the package manager, but it's inconvenient to get the error every time I create a project.
try using VPN when you create a new project
If the problem is not solved, install an LTS version of Unity
Change the directory of your project and delete the library and package folder then reopen the project.
I have a shiny app that I built using golem. The app is to be run locally on the user's computer, rather than on a shiny server. I deployed the package using the 03_deploy.R script that is automatically created by golem, using devtools::build() to build a new tar.gz. However, when I make changes to the app and redeploy it (create a new tar.gz), none of my changes appear. I also tried updating the version in the DESCRIPTION file, but that doesn't work either. The changes do appear if I change the name of the package.
How can I redeploy it, with the changes, without having to change the name of the package every time I want to update it?
It appears that my problem was on the installation end, not the building/deploying end. I needed to uninstall the earlier version of the package (remove.packages('mypackage')) and then restart my RStudio session.
I am getting error while restoring package from my Azure Artifacts Feed.
How I do is , I have one nuget.config file(which contains url for my Azure artifacts feed and credentials) which I am calling from nuget.exe from my build machine.
Problem is , From the same network's build machine this process is working fine. From another network's machine also packages are getting restored except one, for only one package I am getting an error here.
Errors in packages.config projects
Unable to find version '' of package 'MyPackage'.
https://MyOrg:8080/tfs/MyProj/_packaging/MyFeed/nuget/v3/index.json: Error downloading 'MyPackage.' from 'https://MyOrg.
The HTTP request to 'GET https://MyOrg:8080/tfs/MyProj/_packaging/56c70b71-9921-40e7-968e-1234567cfe4d/nuget/v3/flat2/MyPackage/' has timed out after 100000ms.
What I tried -
Checked with Disabling parallel processing.
Able to browse feed's url from all the build machines(also from another network's build machine)
Checked nuget.exe version 3.5.0/4.1.0/5.5.1
Deleted all nuget cache and checked again.
Can anyone help with this ?
You can also try:
Use dotnet restore if your projects target .net core. See note here
Use the .NET Core task, which has full support for all package scenarios currently supported by dotnet, including restore, pack, and nuget push.
Check the feed and make sure it do exist valid version of the package there.
Use Feeds I select here option to check if it makes any difference(I guess maybe this issue has something to do with your nuget.config file):
I have recently experienced a serious problem with Rstudio when developing a package. Whenever, I open an existing project with Rstudio where versions are controlled with Git, it takes so long for it to respond to any command. It is also impossible to type something in the console (e.g. 1+1) and obtain the result. Even quitting the Rstudio, should be done with task manager. There is no problem when I create a new project / package or when I open directly a R script.
This problem appears both when the project is saved on a dropbox or on a local repository.
To overcome this issue everytime I need to modify my code, I create a new project, and then I move toward the new repository all my current R scripts and the folder ".git".
I would appreciate if anybody could help me with this issue.
I had a similar problem to yours. Changing the attribute of my .git folder into hidden solved my problem.
We recently discovered an issue where projects using git for version control could become laggy / unusable on Windows if the .git folder within the project had become a non-hidden directory.
After having a 4-month break from my .NET project I suddenly run into this error:
Could not find a part of the path c:\Users\...myusername...\.nuget\packages\.tools\Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools
Can anybody explain why I should suddenly get this kind of error? I have checked that Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools is not found in the path listed here. I will try to install the SecretManager (although I installed it one year ago), but I'm still confused why I get the error now.
Take a look if you have the package folder in your local machine, maybe when you added the new packages to a project the TFS marked them as pending to check-in and then later you removed them manually from your hard drive, at that moment the tfs has a package pending to upload that is not physically present on the hard drive and that is the error you are getting
I'm getting the following error when I try and create a new meteor project:
throw error;
SyntaxError: Unexpected token
this is a new problem and as a bit of backstory of how I got to this point:
1) yesterday my project was working perfectly, however I realised that not all of my packages were up to date. It appeared if some had dependancies on others and so couldn't update any further, I removed most of them to see if I could update the specific one I wanted to update
2) now with many of the packages uninstalled I tried to update and I got the same error as I'm getting above. When trying to run the project I also get the same error. I put the packages back in where they were before in hopes that it will fix the problem
3) adding the packages back in doesn't fix the problem and I still get the same error when trying to run the project. I copied all of my document files into a new folder and tried to make a new project to get a clean start
4) when trying to create the new project I get the same error. However it appears as if all of the standard Meteor files are created - the clicking counter. I attempt to run the new clicking counter and once again get the same error, and I also got a firewall alert which I've never had before when trying to run a meteor project.
You can try deleting .meteor from your home directory, and re-install meteor.
for me deleting local meteor installtion on C:\Users\joshm\AppData\Local.meteor\ wasn't enough.
I also had to delete
.meteor/local folder inside my project folder