After completing the training process using YOLOv4 Tiny model, I save the weight file of the best mAP for later use. However, when I test that weight file, it gives me different mAP for the same folder of darknet and test, train, cfg, data, names files. Am I doing something wrong anywhere?
I tried to use the best mAP weight file for testing images for later use, but it gives me different mAP from the best mAP, most of the time lower mAP than it showed afte the training process finished as best mAP.
This is a long shot and more of a code designing sort of ask for a rookie like me but I think it has real value for real world applications
The core questions are:
Can I save a trained ML model, such as Random Forest (RF), in R and call/use it later without the need to reload all the data used for training it?
When, in real life, I have a massive folder of hundreds and thousands files of data to be tested, can I load that model I saved somewhere in R and ask it to go read the unknown files one by one (so I am not limited by RAM size) and perform regression/classification etc analysis for each of the file read in, and store ALL the output together into a file.
For example,
If I have 100,000 csv files of data in a folder, and I want to use 30% of them as training set, and the rest as test for a Random Forest (RF) classification.
I can select the files of interest, call them "control files". Then use fread() then randomly sample 50% of the data in those files, call the CARET library or RandomForest library, train my "model"
model <- train(,x,y,data,method="rf")
Now can I save the model somewhere? So I don't have to load all the control files each time I want to use the model?
Then I want to apply this model to all the remaining csv files in the folder, and I want it to read those csv files one by one when applying the model, instead of reading them all in, due to RAM issue.
What is a good method of keeping track of what weights go where? When I do get_weights(model), I get a list of arrays, and I have to guess which ones correspond to which part of my model by their dimensionality. How can I figure out which layers they're emanating from and connecting to, so that I can manipulate them programmatically?
I'm working in R, but answers in python can probably be translated.
I would suggest using tensorflow debugger in combination with naming your layers with names that make sense. After that you can execute a certain amount of iterations and check the values of the weights for a layer by using its name. Also you can check gradients for these layers.
I have used pretrained network weights that I have downloaded from Caffe zoo to build a feature extractor (VGG-16) in tensorflow.
I have therefore redefined the architecture of the network in TF with the imported weights as constants and added an extra fully connected layer with tf.Variables to train a linear SVM by SGD on Hinge loss cost.
My initial training set is composed of 100000 32x32x3 images in the form of a numpy array.
I therefore had to resize them to 224x224x3 which is the input size of VGG but that does not fit into memory.
So I removed unnecessary examples and narrowed it down to 10000x224x224x3 images which is awful but still acceptable as only support vectors are important but even then I still get OOM with TF while training.
That should not be the case as the only important representation is the one from penultimate layer of size 4096 which is easily manageable and the weights to backprop on are of size only (4096+1bias).
So what I can do is first transform all my images to features with TF network with only constants to form a 10000x4096 dataset and then train a second tensorflow model.
Or at each batch recalculate all features for the batch. In the next_batch method. Or use the panoply of buffers/queue runners that TF provides but it is a bit scary as I am not really familiar with those.
I do not like those method I think there should be something more elegant (without too much queues if possible).
What would be the most Tensorflow-ic method to deal with this ?
If I understand your question correctly, 100K images are not fitting in memory at all, while 10K images do fit in memory, but then the network itself OOMs. That sounds very reasonable, because 10K images alone, assuming they are represented using 4 bytes per pixel per channel, occupy 5.6GiB of space (or 1.4GiB if you somehow only spend 1 byte per pixel per channel), so even if the dataset happens to fit in memory, as you add your model, that will occupy couple more GiBs, you will OOM.
Now, there are several ways you can address it:
You should train using minibatches (if you do not already). With a minibatch if size 512 you will load significantly less data to the GPU. With minibatches you also do not need to load your entire dataset into a numpy array at the beginning. Build your iterator in a way that will load 512 images at a time, run forward and backward pass (, load next 512 images etc. This way at no point you will need to have 10K or 100K images in memory simultaneously.
It also appears to be very wasteful to upscale images, when your original images are so much smaller. What you might consider doing is taking convolution layers from VGG net (dimensions of conv layers do not depend on dimensions of the original images), and train the fully connected layers on top of them from scratch. To do that just trim the VGG net after the flatten layer, run it for all the images you have and produce the output of the flatten layer for each image, then train a three layer fully connected network on those features (this will be relatively fast compared to training the entire conv network), and plug the resulting net after the flatten layer of the original VGG net. This might also produce better results, because the convolution layers are trained to find features in the original size images, not blurry upscaled images.
I guess a way to do that using some queues and threads but not too much would be to save the training set into a tensorflow protobuf format (or several) using tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter.
Then creating a method to read and decode a single example from the protobuf and finally use tf.train.shuffle_batch to feed BATCH_SIZE examples to the optimizer using the former method.
This way there is only a maximum of capacity (defined in shuffle_batch) tensors in the memory at the same time.
This awesome tutorial from Indico explains it all.
I am interested in exploring surrogate based optimization. I am not yet writing opendao code, just trying to figure out to what extent OpenMDAO will support this work.
I see that it has a DOE driver to generate training data (, I see that it has several surrogate models that can be added to a meta model ( Yet, I haven't found an example where the results of the DOE are passed as training data to the Meta-model.
In many of the examples/tutorials/forum-posts it seems that the training data is created directly on or within the meta model. So it is not clear how these things work together.
Could the developers explain how training data is passed from a DOE to a meta model? Thanks!
In openmdao 1.x, this kind of process isn't directly supported (yet) via a DOE, but it is definitely possible. There are two paths that you can take, which offer different benefits depending on your eventual goal.
I will separate the different scenarios based on a single high level classification:
1) You want to do gradient based optimization around the whole DOE/Metamodel combination. This would be the case if, for example, you wanted to use CFD to predict drag at a few key points, then use a meta-model to generate a drag polar for mission analysis. A great example of this kind of modeling can be found in this paper on simultaneous aircraft-mission design optimization..
2) You don't want to do gradient based optimization around the whole model. You might want to do gradient free optimization (like a Genetic algorithm). You might want to do gradient based optimization just around the surrogate itself, with fixed training data. Or you might not want to do optimization at all...
If you're use case falls under scenario 1 (or will eventually fall under this use case in the future), then you want to use a multi-point approach. You create one instance of your model for each training case, then you can mux the results into an array you pass into meta-model. This is necessary so that derivatives can
be propagated through the full model. The multi-point approach will work well, and is very parallelizable. Depending on the structure of the model you will use for generating the training data itself, you might also consider a slightly different multi-point approach with a distributed component or a series of distributed components chained together. If your model will support it, the distributed component approach is the most efficient model structure to use in this case.
If you're use case falls into scenario 2, you can still employ the multi-point approach if you like. It will work out of the box. However, you could also consider using a regular DOE to generate the training data. In order to do this, you'll need to use a nested-problem approach, where you put the DOE training data generation in a sub-problem. This will also work, though it will take a bit of extra coding on your part to get the array of results out of the DOE because thats not currently implemented.
If you wanted to use the DOE to generate the data, then pass it downstream to a surrogate that would get optimized on, you could use a pair of problem instances. This would not necessarily require that you make nested problems at all. Instead you just build a run-script that has one problem instance that uses a DOE, when its done you collect the data into an array. Then you could manually assign that to the training inputs of a meta-model in a second problem instance. Something like the following pseudo-code:
prob1 = Problem()
prob1.driver = DOE()
#set up the DOE variables and model ...
training_data = prob1.driver.results
prob2 = Problem()
prob2.driver = Optimizer()
#set up the meta-model and optimization problem
prob2['meta_model.train:x'] = training_data
I am currently doing a speaker verification project using hidden markov models no accurate results on voice signals yet, though i have tested the system to various data samples (not involved with voice).
I extracted the MFCC of the voice signals using scikits talkbox. I assumed that no parameters must be changed and that the default ones are already fit for such project. I am suspecting that my problem is within the vector quantization of the mfcc vectors. I chose kmeans as my algorithm using scipy's kmeans clustering function. I was wondering if there is a prescribed number of clusters for this kind of work. I originally set mine to 32. Sample rate of my voice files are 8000 and 22050. Oh additionally, I recorded them and manually removed the silence using Audacity.
Any suggestions?