encoding lavarel 8 using ioncube 12 - ioncube

i need help for encoding lavarel 8 the blade php
because i trying https://blog.ioncube.com/2016/12/19/ioncube-encoding-laravel-project-controllers-models-templates/
that not working...
anyone can help ?
just show error like this
The encoded file /home/cdn/public_html/whatsweb/storage/framework/views/d64368f1761105f8e13edc9af04af5ab49ddea2d.php is corrupt.
if i put
code on ViewServiceProvider.php
$this->app->singleton('blade.compiler', function () {
return new BladeCompiler(
$this->app['files'], $this->app['config']['view.compiled']
the show is original blade.php with the TAG
{{ __('PHP Version') }} {{ $requirements['php']['version'] }} {{ $requirements['php']['current'] }}


How to change template of controller rendered in twig file (Symfony 3)?

I know that we can render the content of a controller in twig file like this:
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"baseTemplate": true})) }}
However, I don't know if we can pass the new template so that the controller will use it instead of the default. Anyone tried to override template in this way?
I don't really understand the issue here
If you do
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"baseTemplate": true})) }}
You could aswell do:
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"template": "your_template.html.twig"})) }}
{{ render(controller('FOSUserBundle:Security:login',{"templateNumber": "4"})) }}
Where templateNumber is used in a condition inside your controller ?

Value from query string not seen in twig output

I have a working Drupal 8 site with the following in THEME.theme:
function THEME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
$vars['get']['vguid'] = \Drupal\Component\Utility\XSS::filter($_GET['vguid']);
If I add the same line to THEME_preprocess_page() I get "Undefined index: in 'THEME_preprocess_page' when I attempt page loads.
In the the twig I have {{ get.vguid }} and have also tried {{ app.request.parameter.get("vguid") }}
In the twigs (after cache is cleared) I get no value when page is accessed like /mobile-video?vguid=15991b1f-2ad2-11e7-8da8-22000aeb1f8b
How do I get a sanitized query string value into my twig?
I did it like this and I had no problems:
function THEME_preprocess_TEMPLATE(&$variables)
$variables['query__param'] = XSS::filter($_GET['keys']);
In your function you are using $vars and defining $variables as a parameter, maybe you should change that? $vars['get']['vguid'] => $variables['get']['vguid']
{{ app.request.query.get("vguid") }}

Timber & WPML string translation

Hi I'm using Timber and what it used to be as simple as
_e('string', 'theme')
to translate strings with WPML, seems to not been working on Timber any idea on how to translate strings?
I have tried the following and nothing is working
{{ _e('string') }} & {{ _('string') }}
{{ _e('string', 'theme') }}
{{ function("icl_translate", 'theme', 'string_identifier', 'string) }}
{{ dump(ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE) }} // Doesn't return anything, so not an option either
Yes I use this;
{{ __('All items', 'theme') }}
And it's working perfectly.
I just did a quick test and was able to get this to work....
Created files with a translation for "thingy" ==> "foobar" in en_US.mo and en_US.po in wp-content/themes/mytheme/languages from there...
$lang_dir = get_stylesheet_directory().'/languages';
load_theme_textdomain('mytheme', $lang_dir);
I like {{ __('thingy', 'mytheme') }}
I like foobar
Try replicating that to see if it works. At least at that point we can isolate things to WPML versus native translate stuff

Cannot render text filtered with trans in twig template using Sandbox Security Policy

I am a little bit confused. First of all, look at my code, I guess.
public function renderTemplate($templateType, $data)
$layoutName = "$templateType.layout.html.twig";
$policy = new \Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy(
['if', 'for', 'block', 'set', 'extends'],
['escape', 'format', 'dateformat', 'trans', 'raw', 'striptags'],
$sandboxExt = new \Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy);
$intlExt = new \Twig_Extensions_Extension_Intl();
$i18nExt = new \Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n();
$twig = new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__ . "/../Resources/views/Something/", "__main__"));
try {
$result = $twig->render($layoutName, $data);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $result;
Here it is the template I want to render
{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}{{ entity.id }}{% endblock %}
{% block bodyTitle %}
{{ entity.id }} {{ 'translation_key.created_at'|trans({}, 'entities', locale) }} {{ entity.createdAt|dateformat(null, locale) }}
{% endblock %}
Here, as you can see, I want to render a template according to its type. The problem is: half of the template renders just fine, and then, when it tries to render the translated string, it throws an error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function gettext() in /home/dev/vhosts/my-project/vendor/twig/twig/lib/Twig/Environment.php(403) : eval()'d code on line 69
I checked if this function existed right before trying to call render method, and it was really undefined. Basically, I have 2 questions here:
Question 1
How does it work in other parts of my project, but not in this specific handler? See "Important update" below.
Question 2
Can I solve my problem in another way? For example, without using Sandbox or using Sandbox with some kind of a flag "everythingAllowed=true"?
Previously, I misunderstood my own question. I thought the error was thrown while rendering the variable, but I re-checked the situation (When Alain Tiemblo asked me for twig template code here in comments) and now 100% sure it's thrown while trying to translate smth. Also, I have translations all over my project, and it works just fine, but in this specific situation it's not. I think it worth to mention, that I also tried to render the template without using Sandbox. I tried to render it directly from Twig Engine like this
return $this->templating->render($layoutName, $data);
//$this->templating is injected in the constructor via services.yml like this
// - "#templating"
The result - not properly translated text. When I dumped "locale" - I got one specific language, but the text was translated in another. But at least using this method - I didn't get any errors.. Can anybody clarify this for me? Because I really don't understand how the Intl/i18n extension works and why it doesn't want to work in Sandbox or not in Sanbox?
P.S. My guess, why it doesn't work directly from Twig Engine - probably I should inject not like "#templating" or it injects just right, but the Intl or I18n extensions are not enabled? How to enable. And I have no clues why it doesn't work with Sandbox

Keep leading 0 in Twig

In my database, I have a field containing the following data : 000010 (the type is integer)
In my twig tpl, I want to display it, then I do : {{ spending.documentName }}
But the browser displays "10". As if Twig was automaticcaly performing a trim on my data.
I tried {{ spending.documentName|raw }} but it doesn't work. I dont find anything on Google about how to keep leading 0 with Twig.
Does anyone know how to proceed ?
I think you must force the format (as your type is integer).
You can use the format filter :
{{ "%06d"|format(spending.documentName) }}
Or better create a twig extension (http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/templating/twig_extension.html):
public function strpad($number, $pad_length, $pad_string) {
return str_pad($number, $pad_length, $pad_string, STR_PAD_LEFT);
It's clearer in your template :
{{ spending.documentName | strpad(6,'0') }}
You need to use the format filter.
Since placeholders follows the sprintf() notation, you should be able to convert sprintf('%06d', $integer); in PHP to {{ '%06d'|format($integer) }} in Twig.
Kinda late here, but ran into the same.
With twig 3.x you can use:
{{your.number | format_number({min_integer_digit:'2'})}}
