Redirect studio flow to Frontline - twilio-studio

I have a Studio Flow that is sending and receiving messages from whatsapp users in order to offer some kind of support center.
What I need now is to, in case users reply with a "Connect to an agent" option on the whatsapp message the flow redirect the conversation to Twilio Frontline.
I used a Twiml response to redirect:
<Conversation serviceInstanceSid="ISdb207483328841f7a849739ded09bdea" />
but its not working and Frontline is not creating the conversation
Has anyone managed to do this?

I believe that you'll need to create a function to send this conversation to a specific Frontline's agent, follow an example of code that you can use to add a random agent to a conversation using Twilio Function
const users = await twilioClient.conversations.users.list();
const randomWorkerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * users.length);
//adding the agent to conversation
const agent = await conversation.participants().create({
identity: users[randomWorkerIndex].identity,


Sign in with Google - What should I do with `nonce`?

What I'm doing now:
Using the JavaScript API to render the button on my web page.
When the Sign in with Google flow is complete, my client-side JavaScript callback is called.
That callback sends the given .credentials string to my server.
The backend server (Node.js) calls the google-auth-library library's OAuth2Client.verifyIdtoken method on the .credentials string, which returns the user's email address (among other things), which my server uses to verify the user and create a session.
Everything works, but I'm wondering if there are any security concerns I'm missing. In particular there's a nonce field. The docs (link) don't explain how to use it.
Note: I'm using "Sign in with Google" and not the deprecated "Google Sign-In".
Edit: I'm familiar with the concept of nonces and have used them when doing the OAuth 2 server-side flow myself. What I can't figure out is how the Sign in with Google SDK expects me to use its nonce parameter with the flow above, where I'm using both their client-side and server-side SDKs.
Nonces are used as a CSRF-prevention method. When you make a request to Google, you include a nonce, and when authentication is complete, Google will send the same nonce back. The magic in this method is that if the nonce does not match what you sent then you can ignore the response, because it was probably spoofed.
Read more about CSRF here:
Nonces are usually crytographically secure random strings/bytes.
I use crypto-random-string as a base to generate nonces, but any package with this functionality should suffice.
Sometimes I store nonces with a TTL in Redis, but other times I store nonces with an ID attached to the request so I can later verify it.
I'm telling you this since it took a bit long for me to figure out this nonce stuff :P
Using the example from Google's website (, I added the code for the nonce:
const nonce = '...'; // Supplied by client in addition to token
const {OAuth2Client} = require('google-auth-library');
const client = new OAuth2Client(CLIENT_ID);
async function verify() {
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: token,
audience: CLIENT_ID, // Specify the CLIENT_ID of the app that accesses the backend
// Or, if multiple clients access the backend:
const payload = ticket.getPayload();
const serverNonce = payload['nonce'];
if (nonce != serverNonce) {
// Return an error
const userid = payload['sub'];
// If request specified a G Suite domain:
// const domain = payload['hd'];

ADFS 2016 On behalf of flow : cannot get any user informations

I'm trying to implement the "on behalf of" flow in an application using ADFS 2016 as STS. As a reference, I look at this Microsoft tutorial ( It's working as it should, I can login into my web application and then use my original access token in UserAssertion to generate a new access token with the proper audience to call my API BUT I found absolutely no way to include any user informations (sub, name, email, upn etc.) into the access token for my API, even if I set claim rules into my ADFS configurations for the API.
I checked the communication between my app and adfs using Fiddler and everything looks like the informations in the tutorial. See the screen shot of the "on behalf of" request below :
Here's the resulting access token :
Finally, here's the code I use to generate my new access token :
private async Task<string> GetAccessToken(ClaimsPrincipal user, string originalAccessToken)
var authority = "[authority]";
var context = new AuthenticationContext(authority, false);
string userName = user.FindFirstValue("upn");
var userAssertion = new UserAssertion(originalAccessToken, "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",userName);
var cc = new ClientCredential("https://localhost:44387/", "[client_secret]");
var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync("https://localhost:44339/", cc, userAssertion);
return result.AccessToken;
Have you struggle with that scenario and if yes, did you find a way to fix this ?
I've only used the Microsoft On Behalf Of flow with Azure AD and not ADFS, but it looks like you need to send a more detailed scope in your User Info request.
Maybe try sending 'openid profile email', to indicate that you want that type of detail, as in Section 17 of my blog post. Of course this assumes that this type of data has been registered for all users.
Looks like one of these will be the cause:
A suboptimal Microsoft library that does not allow you to send the required scope
Or ADFS 2016 perhaps lacks the scope features that work correctly in Azure AD
I would concentrate on making extra sure you are sending the correct form URL encoded request message, using a tool such as curl, Postman or a plain C# HttpClient. Here is the code I used to send the correct scope - using an open source library rather than a Microsoft one:
Sample NodeJS Code
If you can get the scope sent correctly then you should have a resolution either way:
Either you get the correct data and can update your code
Or the behaviour you want is not supported by ADFS
Good luck ...

How to retrieve email address from id_token Google Javascript API client (GAPI)

I have an SPA with Firebase backend and have integrated Google Calendar access.
To be able to authorise a user to use his/her Google Calendar I am using the gapi.auth2.authorize(params, callback) method. (this as opposed to the regular gapi.auth2.init and signIn flow because my users can link multiple Calendar accounts)
Docs: gapi.auth2.authorize
The problem I am experiencing:
Sometimes the id_token that is returned from authorize includes an email address, and sometimes it doesn't.
The id_token which is returned is a long string that can be read on the front end with a JavaScript function like so:
function parseJwt (token) {
let base64Url = token.split('.')[1]
let base64 = base64Url.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')
return JSON.parse(window.atob(base64))
When I parse the id_token, I am expecting an object including an email address. However sometimes it doesn't include the email property at all....
How can I retrieve the user's google calendar email address from this id_token in with JavaScript, so I can save it to the user's firestore DB?
Example of an expected result when parsing the id_token:
Example of an un-expected result (no email):
Possible cause:
I think that it might be related to the accounts not returning an email being a Google G-Suite account? And the ones that do return the email is a regular gmail account? But I don't know the solution.
My flow for re-authorisation for return users is to just use the same gapi.auth2.authorize but with {prompt: 'none', login_hint: 'emailaddress'} and fill in the user's saved email address. This works fine.
In case you want to authorise the JavaScript client with gapi.auth2.authorize but also require the email address the user authorised for, be sure to include email in the scope of the gapi.auth2.authorize(params, callback) parameters!!
A correct example of using JavaScript gapi for authorisation of Google calendar:
Step 1. Include in main HTML head:
<script type=text/javascript src="" async defer=defer></script>
Step 2. (once) Load the client: window.gapi.load('client', callbackFunction)Important: Only load the client!
Step 3. (once) Initialise the client for usage of Calendar API.
Important: Only include the discovery docs!
let calDocs = {
discoveryDocs: ['']
.then(_ => {
console.log('Calendar client initialised')
Step 4. (once) Authorise the gapi client for API calls with gapi.auth2.authorize(params, callbackFunction)
Important: Scope is a string with spaces! Include email in the scope. Do NOT include the discovery docs here!
params = {
client_id: clientId,
scope: ' email',
response_type: 'permission id_token'
You can repeat the gapi.auth2.authorize before any API call with extra params: {prompt: 'none', login_hint: 'emailaddress'} to refresh the user's access token. This will not show any prompt to the user if he already authorised once for your domain.

Where should I upload my telegram bot's code to run?

I know I create new bot, give it name, description from BotFather inside telegram
But this only adds the bot, when I modify my bot, code some functionality in python\lua\php etc - where should the code go and how telegram will know the behavior of my bot?
Who runs the new code, where should I upload my new additional code for my bot?
Does it go to telegram server and runs there on the cloud?
If so, how to upload it?
After you have setup your Bot's identity (#bot_name) with BotFather, the next step is to design the interaction/functions your Bot will perform.
Your bot code lives on YOUR server.
Requests from users interacting with your #bot_name will be routed from Telegram to your servers which ...
1) you have setup with a webHook (using the setWebhook method) so Telegram knows where to send your bot's requests
2) your bot polls Telegram's Bot-API repeatedly asking if there are any new updates (i.e. messages users sent to your bot) using the getUpdates method
Your bot receives these messages, and replies as directed by your bots "code or logic"
hope this helps.
You can run the code quite easily from your machine.
For example how I did it using NodeJS:
1)Install NodeJS on your machine (details -
2)Install Node Telegram Bot API (
3) create a file like this, filling in with necessary changes:
const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
// replace the value below with the Telegram token you receive from #BotFather
const token = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN';
// Create a bot that uses 'polling' to fetch new updates
const bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});
// Matches "/echo [whatever]"
bot.onText(/\/echo (.+)/, (msg, match) => {
// 'msg' is the received Message from Telegram
// 'match' is the result of executing the regexp above on the text content
// of the message
const chatId =;
const resp = match[1]; // the captured "whatever"
// send back the matched "whatever" to the chat
bot.sendMessage(chatId, resp);
// Listen for any kind of message. There are different kinds of
// messages.
bot.on('message', (msg) => {
const chatId =;
// send a message to the chat acknowledging receipt of their message
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Received your message');
4) Finally launch your command console (like cmd on Windows) navigate to telegram bot directory where the script is located and type node index.js (assuming your file with the bot script like above is named index.js)
Following these steps you will have a fully functioning bot. As you make changes to index.js you can simply rerun the command "node index.js" in console.
The procedure is similar if you need to set up a bot on a server.
Hope this helps.

New user email verification [duplicate]

Question says it all. In Firebase, how do I confirm email when a user creates an account, or, for that matter, do password reset via email.
I could ask more broadly: is there any way to send emails out from Firebase? E.g. notifications, etc. This isn't the kind of thing you would usually do client-side.
Note that this was never a very secure way of handling email verification, and since Firebase now supports email verification, it should probably be used instead.
Original answer
I solved the email verification using the password reset feature.
On account creation I give the user a temporary (randomly generated) password. I then trigger a password reset which will send an email to the user with a link. The link will allow the user to set a new password.
To generate a random password you can use code similar to this:
function () {
var possibleChars = ['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!?_-'];
var password = '';
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {
password += possibleChars[Math.floor(Math.random() * possibleChars.length)];
return password;
Note that this is happening on the client, so a malicious user could tamper with your logic.
This would need to be done outside of firebase. I store users at /users/ and keep a status on them (PENDING, ACTIVE, DELETED). I have a small service that monitors users of a PENDING status and sends out a confirmation email. Which has a link to a webservice I've created to update the user status to ACTIVE.
[Engineer at Firebase - Update 2014-01-27]
Firebase Simple Login now supports password resets for email / password authentication.
Each of the Simple Login client libraries has been given a new method for generating password reset emails for the specified email address - sendPasswordResetEmail() on the Web and Android, and sendPasswordResetForEmail() on iOS.
This e-mail will contain a temporary token that the user may use to log into their account and update their credentials. This token will expire after 24 hours or when the user changes their password, whichever occurs first.
Also note that Firebase Simple Login enables full configuration of the email template as well as the sending address (including whitelabel email from your domain for paid accounts).
To get access to this feature, you'll need to update your client library to a version of v1.2.0 or greater. To grab the latest version, check out
Also, check out for the latest Firebase Simple Login - Web Client docs.
As at 2016 July, you might not have to use the reset link etc. Just use the sendEmailVerification() and applyActionCode functions:
In short, below is basically how you'll approach this, in AngularJS:
// thecontroller.js
$scope.sendVerifyEmail = function() {
console.log('Email sent, whaaaaam!');
// where currentAuth came from something like this:
// routerconfig
templateUrl: 'bla.html',
resolve: {
currentAuth:['Auth', function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn() // this throws an AUTH_REQUIRED broadcast
// intercept the broadcast like so if you want:
$rootScope.$on("$stateChangeError", function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, error) {
if (error === "AUTH_REQUIRED") {
$state.go('login', { toWhere: toState });
// So user receives the email. How do you process the `oobCode` that returns?
// You may do something like this:
// catch the url with its mode and oobCode
.state('emailVerify', {
url: '/verify-email?mode&oobCode',
templateUrl: 'auth/verify-email.html',
controller: 'emailVerifyController',
resolve: {
currentAuth:['Auth', function(Auth) {
return Auth.$requireSignIn()
// Then digest like so where each term is what they sound like:
.controller('emailVerifyController', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'currentAuth', 'DatabaseRef',
function($scope, $stateParams, currentAuth, DatabaseRef) {
$scope.doVerify = function() {
.then(function(data) {
// change emailVerified for logged in User
console.log('Verification happened');
.catch(function(error) {
$scope.error = error.message;
console.log(error.message, error.reason)
And ooh, with the above approach, I do not think there's any need keeping the verification of your user's email in your user data area. The applyActionCode changes the emailVerified to true from false.
Email verification is important when users sign in with the local account. However, for many social authentications, the incoming emailVerified will be true already.
Explained more in the article Email Verification with Firebase 3.0 SDK
What I did to work around this was use Zapier which has a built in API for firebase. It checks a location for added child elements. Then it takes the mail address and a verification url from the data of new nodes and sends them forwards. The url points back to my angular app, which sets the user email as verified.
As I host my app files in firebase, I don't need have to take care of any servers or processes doing polling in the background.
There is a delay, but as I don't block users before verifying mails it's ok. Zapier has a free tier and since I don't have much traffic it's a decent workaround for time being.
The new Firebase SDK v3 appears to support email address verification, see here (put your own project id in the link) but it doesn't appear to be documented yet.
I have asked the question on SO here
See #SamQuayle's answer there with this link to the official docs.
As noted by various others Firebase does now support account related emails but even better, as of 10 days ago or so it also supports sending any kind of email via Firebase Functions. Lots of details in the docs and example code here.
I used following code to check the email verification after creating new account.
let firAuth = FIRAuth.auth()
firAuth?.addAuthStateDidChangeListener { auth, user in
if let loggedUser = user {
if loggedUser.emailVerified == false {
loggedUser.sendEmailVerificationWithCompletion({ (error) in
else {
} else {
// No user is signed in.
print("No user is signed in.")
I used MandrillApp. You can create an API key that only allows sending of a template. This way even thought your key is exposed it can't really be abused unless someone wants to fire off tonnes of welcome emails for you.
That was a hack to get myself off the ground. I'm now enabling CORS from a EC2 that uses the token to verify that the user exists before extending them a welcome via SES.
