I have a data in excel with 13 columns defined as year and months. I want to run time series analysis but finds it difficult to plot the data. Please how can I convert this file such that I can analyse the data?
My excel file
Tried plotting but gets error. Error reads "can not plot morethan 10 series"
Say your data is df.
Using base R,
rownames(df) <- df$Year
df$Year <- NULL
start=..., end=..., frequency=12)
You may change start and end depends on your data.
I have imported a netCDF file into R and created a dataset which has 58196 time stamps. I’ve then fitted an Arima model to it and forecasted. However, the format of the time is ‘hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:00’. Each of the times are just in a numerical order up to 58196, but I would like to use ggplot to plot the forecast with dates on the xaxis.
Any ideas? Here is some code I have put in.
I have read in the required variable and taken it along what pressure level I want, so that it is a single variable at 58169 times, 6hourly intervals up to the end of the year in 2018. I have then done the following:
data <- data_array[13, ] # To get my univariate time series.
[58176] -6.537371e-01 -4.765177e-01 -4.226107e-01 -4.303621e-01
[58181] -2.706966e-01 -1.864843e-01 -9.974014e-02 2.970415e-02
[58186] -1.504763e-01 -3.968417e-01 -4.864971e-01 -5.934973e-01
[58191] -7.812654e-01 -7.622807e-01 -8.968482e-01 -9.414597e-01
[58196] -9.908477e-01
datafit <- auto.arima(data)
datamodel <- Arima(data, order = c(5, 0, 2))
datafcst <- forecast(datamodel, h=60, level=95)
plot(datafcst, xlim=c(58100, 58250))
enter image description here
I have attached the image it yields too. The idea is that I can use ggplot to plot this rather than the standard plot, with dates on the xaxis instead of the numerical values. However, ggplot also won't work for me as it says it isn't considered a data frame?
Many thanks!
as you did not provide a minimal example it is hard to help you but I try. Assume your date is called "date".
dater = as.Date(strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
And from ?strptime:
A character string. The default for the format methods is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" if any element has a time component which is not midnight, and "%Y-%m-%d" otherwise.
Hope that helps
I am very new to R, I watched a youtube video to do various time series analysis, but it downloaded data from yahoo - my data is in Excel. I wanted to follow the same analysis, but with data from an excel.csv file. I spent two days finding out that the date must be in USA style. Now I am stuck again on a basic step - loading the data so it can be analysed - this seems to be the biggest hurdle with R. Please can someone give me some guidance on why the command shown below does not do the returns for the complete column set. I tried the zoo format, but it didn't work, then I tried xts and it worked partially. I suspect the original import from excel is the major problem. Can I get some guidance please
> AllPrices <- as.zoo(AllPrices)
> head(AllPrices)
Index1 Index2 Index3 Index4 Index5 Index6 Index7 Index8 Index9 Index10
> AllRets <- dailyReturn(AllPrices)
Error in NextMethod("[<-") : incorrect number of subscripts on matrix
> AllPrices<- as.xts(AllPrices)
> AllRets <- dailyReturn(AllPrices)
> head(AllRets)
2012-11-06 0.000000e+00
2012-11-07 -2.220249e-02
2012-11-08 1.379504e-05
2012-11-09 2.781961e-04
2012-11-12 -2.411128e-03
2012-11-13 7.932869e-03
Try to load your data using the readr package.
Then, look at the documentation by running ?read_csv in the console.
I recommend reading in your data this way. Specify the column types. For instance, if your first column is the date, read it in as a character "c" and if your other columns are numeric use "n".
data <- read_csv('YOUR_DATA.csv', col_types = "cnnnnn") # date in left column, 5 numeric columns
data$Dates <- as.Date(data$Dates, format = "%Y-%m-%d") # make the dates column a date class (you need to update "Dates" to be your column name for the Dates column, you may need to change the format
data <- as.data.frame(data) # turn the result into a dataframe
data <- xts(data[,-1], order.by = XAU[,1]) # then make an xts, data is everything but the date column, order.by is the date column
I have an Excel data file with two columns: the first is a column of dates in the format dd-mmm-yy and the second is a column of (jogging) times in minutes. I saved the Excel file as a .CSV file. The name of the file is RunningD.CSV.
First, I extracted the data in R with:
dataD<- read.csv("RunningD.csv")
I then plotted the data in R with the following code:
qplot(as.Date(dataD$Date,'%d-%b-%y'), dataD$Time, xlab="Date",
ylab="Time (mins)", color=dataD$Time)
However, the x-axis only shows the month of the dates, not, as desired, the day-month-year.
See data plot
Does anyone know why?
Thanks in advance.
In R,
I have 1 year of csv timeseries data in format DateTime and Close. I want to plot 1 day graphs of each day and then export them, ideally having the file name be the date of the graph.
The steps in this link http://www.r-bloggers.com/automatically-save-your-plots-to-a-folder/ are very helpful and are what I will use, but I need help figuring out how to automate the plotting of one day graphs first.
Currently using chart_Series to chart and then zoom_Chart to focus on the dates I want, and then manually exporting.
I am doing
spxxts <- xts(spx$Close, order.by = spx$DateTime)
and then
Here is some code that will loop through the dates in your data and save the charts via: saveChart() by quantmod but you can change it to whatever you use to save charts:
# Required data
spxxts <- xts(spx$Close, order.by = spx$DateTime)
# Creates a Vector of all the ACTUAL days in your data (trading days)
INDX <- unique(as.Date(index(spxxts)))
# Loop
for(ii in 1:length(INDX)){
# plot:
chart_Series(spxxts[paste(INDX[ii])], name=paste0(",INDX[ii]),"")
# save:
the saveChart function will use the name of the chart & make that the name of the .jpeg and save it to your working directory... as requested the name of the chart is the trading date
I'm trying to automate some seasonal adjustment with the x12 package. To do this I need a ts object. However, I do not need a simple ts object, but one whose start date and frequency has been set. For any given series I could type that, but I will be feeding a mix of monthly or weekly data in. I can get the data from a quantmod as an xta object, but can't seem to figure out how to extract the frequency from the xts.
Here is some sample code that works the the whole way through, but I would like to pull the frequency info from the xts, rather than explicitly set it:
getSymbols("WILACR3URN",src="FRED", from="2000-01-01") # get data as an XTS
lax <- WILACR3URN #shorten name
laxts <- ts(lax$WILACR3URN, start=c(2000,1), frequency=12) #explicitly it works
x12out <- x12(laxts,x12path="c:\\x12arima\\x12a.exe",transform="auto", automdl=TRUE)
laxadj <- as.ts(x12out$d11) # extract seasonally adjusted series
Any suggestions? Or is it not possible and I should determine/feed the frequency explicitly?
This is untested for this specific case, but try using xts::periodicity for the frequency:
freq <- switch(periodicity(lax)$scale,
And use the year and mon elements of POSIXlt objects to calculate the start year and month.
pltStart <- as.POSIXlt(start(lax))
Start <- c(pltStart$year+1900,pltStart$mon+1)
laxts <- ts(lax$WILACR3URN, start=Start, frequency=freq)
The xts::periodicity suggestion was helpful to me. I've also found the following approach using xts::convertIndex works well for monthly and quarterly data. It is untested for weekly data.
getSymbols("WILACR3URN",src="FRED", from="2000-01-01") # get data as an XTS
lax <- WILACR3URN #shorten name
laxts <- lax %>%
convertIndex("yearmon") %>% # change index of xts object
as.ts(start = start(.), end = end(.)) # convert to ts