How to apply the Splash Screen so that a black screen isn't initailly shown at app startup? - splash-screen

I am troubleshooting my deployment on Android (not yet tested on iOS also).
I have a simple SplashView class that just centers an image.
public class MySplashView extends SplashView {
public MySplashView(String nextView) {
Image image = new Image(MySplashView.class.getResourceAsStream("/my_logo.jpg"));
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
imageView.setFitWidth(AppManager.getInstance().getGlassPane().getWidth() * .75);
StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(imageView);
I've tried to declare this SplashView as soon as possible in the Application's workflow.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void init() {
AppManager.getInstance().addViewFactory(SPLASH_VIEW, () -> new MySplashView("loginView"));
Before introducing this SplashView, the order I'd see at application start would be:
Black Screen
Login View
Now I see:
Black Screen
Splash View
Login View
What more/else can I do so to stop showing the User an initial black screen?


JavaFX tableview auto scroll to selected item when pressing a button to selectNext() or selectPrevious()

I'm writing a JavaFX program with a TableView called 'table' and 2 buttons called 'previous' & 'next'.
Here is part of the code:
previous.setOnAction(event -> {
next.setOnAction(event -> {
However, if I keep pressing the buttons, the table will not scroll automatically to keep the selected item visible. So I modified the code like this :
previous.setOnAction(event -> {
next.setOnAction(event -> {
But it will always try to keep the selected item at the top of the visible region. If I keep pressing 'next'. The selected item will stay at the top instead of staying at the bottom.
I want to mimic the natural behavior of a tableview in the way that if I press up or down on the keyboard with something selected, the tableview will scroll automatically to keep the selected item visible.
How should I modify the code to make the auto scrolling more natural when I press the buttons?
The problem is
missing fine-grained control of scrollTo target location on application level
the (somewhat unfortunate) implementation of virtualizedControl.scrollTo(index) which (ultimately) leads to calling flow.scrollToTop(index)
There's a long-standing RFE (reported 2014!) requesting better control from application code. Actually, VirtualFlow has public methods (scrollToTop, scrollTo, scrollPixels) providing such, only they are not passed on to the control layer (getVirtualFlow in VirtualContainerBase is final protected), so can't be overridden in a custom skin. Since fx12, we can hack a bit, and expose the onSelectXX of Tree/TableViewSkin and use those, either directly in application code (example below) or in a custom TableView.
Example code:
public class TableSelectNextKeepVisible extends Application {
* Custom table skin to expose onSelectXX methods for application use.
public static class MyTableSkin<T> extends TableViewSkin<T> {
public MyTableSkin(TableView<T> control) {
* Overridden to widen scope to public.
public void onSelectBelowCell() {
* Overridden to widen scope to public.
public void onSelectAboveCell() {
private Parent createContent() {
TableView<Locale> table = new TableView<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(Locale.getAvailableLocales())) {
protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() {
return new MyTableSkin<>(this);
TableColumn<Locale, String> country = new TableColumn<>("Column");
country.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("displayLanguage"));
Button next = new Button("next");
next.setOnAction(e -> {
// scrolls to top
// table.scrollTo(table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex());
((MyTableSkin<?>) table.getSkin()).onSelectBelowCell();
Button previous = new Button("previous");
previous.setOnAction(e -> {
// scrolls to top
// table.scrollTo(table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex());
((MyTableSkin<?>) table.getSkin()).onSelectAboveCell();
BorderPane content = new BorderPane(table);
content.setBottom(new HBox(10, next, previous));
return content;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
stage.setScene(new Scene(createContent()));;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try using getSelectedIndex as follows instead of using getSelectedItem
previous.setOnAction(event -> {
Platform.runLater( () -> TABLE_NAME.scrollTo(TABLE_INFORMATION_LIST.getList().size()-index) );
should work if you call it whenever you add information to the table.

javafx responsive design fullscreen

I need to reproduce this image in javafx see Interface
the way i approached this interface is as follows :
Created a BorderPane layout
BorderPane.TOP : set inside it a HBOX layout for the menu on top
BorderPane.Center : set inside it a Pane Layout which contains the the planets ( see image again )
this is end result i got click to see image
Clearly i am doing something wrong here , please clarify to me
this interface is supposed to be FULLSCREEN and responsive
i tried doing the following Controller Code:
public class HomeController implements Initializable
private BorderPane borderPane;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
// responsivity
Screen screen = Screen.getPrimary();
Rectangle2D bounds = screen.getVisualBounds();
Stage stage = Entry.getMainStage();
// this code gives an error

JavaFX 2. How to stop or pause all animations?

I am working on creating a small game.
I use scene switching (scene with a main game's screen and scene with some Help information). So, I decided to use HashMap scenes and set all scenes there. And clicking the button "Help" causes the scene switching.
But I have an issue. I want to stop all animations on non-active scene and currently I just set scene as NULL. I know that it is very bad realization.
Could somebody help me and also explain how to pause or stop all animations on scene?
Setting scene on primaryStage:
public static void setSceneToStage(String sceneId, Stage stage) {
Clearing non-active scene:
public void clearCurrentActiveScene() {
if(activeScene != null) {
public void clearScene() {
scene = null;
Initialize new scene:
public void setNewActiveScene(String sceneId) {
activeScene = sceneId;
public void init() {
scene = new Scene(new Pane(), 300, 300);
I think your program has to have a structure that you can have access to all transitions at time, for example you can have ''TransitonManager Class'' and in that class you have a arraylist of transitions and then you can add this transitions to that in their constructors and then when ever you want , you can have access to all transitions and stop them.
class TransitionManger{
public static ArrayList<Transition> transitions = new ArrayList<>();
class CustomTransition extends Transition{
protected void interpolate(double v) {
//todo do what you want
you can also use singleton design pattern for TransitionManger for better encapsulation.

View of the application javafx

i was searching in google for hours and i still cant find the right answer, so i have a last chance to come here and ask.
i'm making school year JAVA FX project. I'm using NetBeans.
I have a point that i can see on the application i have. The problem is: I would like to have a big map (background) and I need to be able to move with my view. For example move by 50 to the right (x).
I have Application where I use Stage, Scene, StackPane.
I heard something about Dimensions in Java, but i can't use it in javafx application. Is there something similar, what can I use in my Application?
Thank you very much.
What I think you are asking for is a Scene with a map (represented as an Image) in the background and controls layered on top of the map to allow interaction with the map at certain positions. Your question is a little unclear, so I'm not exactly sure if that is what you are asking.
If so, here is some sample code to implement that.
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.event.*;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
/** Constructs a scene with a pannable Map background. */
public class PannableView extends Application {
private Image backgroundImage;
#Override public void init() {
backgroundImage = new Image("");
#Override public void start(Stage stage) {
stage.setTitle("Drag the mouse to pan the map");
// construct the scene contents over a stacked background.
StackPane layout = new StackPane();
new ImageView(backgroundImage),
// wrap the scene contents in a pannable scroll pane.
ScrollPane scroll = createScrollPane(layout);
// show the scene.
Scene scene = new Scene(scroll);
// bind the preferred size of the scroll area to the size of the scene.
// center the scroll contents.
scroll.setHvalue(scroll.getHmin() + (scroll.getHmax() - scroll.getHmin()) / 2);
scroll.setVvalue(scroll.getVmin() + (scroll.getVmax() - scroll.getVmin()) / 2);
/** #return a control to place on the scene. */
private Button createKillButton() {
final Button killButton = new Button("Kill the evil witch");
killButton.setStyle("-fx-base: firebrick;");
killButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
#Override public void handle(ActionEvent t) {
killButton.setStyle("-fx-base: forestgreen;");
killButton.setText("Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead");
return killButton;
/** #return a ScrollPane which scrolls the layout. */
private ScrollPane createScrollPane(Pane layout) {
ScrollPane scroll = new ScrollPane();
scroll.setPrefSize(800, 600);
return scroll;
public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }
For the example use the mouse (or probably touch commands or trackpad scroll gestures - though I haven't a touch screen or trackpad to test it) to drag the map around. Click on the button to "Kill the evil witch".
The solution works by:
Creating an ImageView to hold the background map.
Constructing the scene contents in a StackPane over the stacked background ImageView.
Wrapping the scene in a ScrollPane bound to the scene's size.
Setting properties on the ScrollPane to make it pannable.

How to create a custom loading screen in JavaFX?

I'd like to create a custom loading screen for a JavaFX application. Don't want the user to see the Java coffee cup icon, I want to put my own graphic there!
I've found out how to provide a static image, or even an animated GIF, but I'm more interested in a Flash-like screen where I can specify what the state of the image looks like at certain percentages.
Any ideas?
For JavaFX2, you can set a custom preloader. You have complete control over then scene. I haven't used them personally, but this might be what you want.
JavaFX preloader class
I have created a very simple preloader screen using native JavaFX APIs. Here it's explained how to do this: (old but workable examples) - this is newer and seems to be the same: (Newer page and JavaFX version but I don't see the difference).
The older link is easier to read, because of page formatting.
Main class
import javafx.application.Application;
* Minimal reproducible example (MRE) - Example of a simple JavaFX preloader.
* Java Main class for starting up the JavaFX application with a call to launch MainApplication.
* #author Remzi Cavdar - - #Remzi1993
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* The following Java system property is important for JavaFX to recognize your custom preloader class.
* Which should extend javafx.application.Preloader.
System.setProperty("javafx.preloader", Preloader.class.getName());
// Launch the main JavaFX application class.
Application.launch(MainApplication.class, args);
Preloader class
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ProgressBar;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
* Minimal reproducible example (MRE) - Example of a simple JavaFX preloader class.
* #author Remzi Cavdar - - #Remzi1993
public class Preloader extends javafx.application.Preloader {
private ProgressBar progressBar;
private Stage stage;
private Scene createPreloaderScene() {
progressBar = new ProgressBar();
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();
return new Scene(borderPane, 800, 600);
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
this.stage = stage;
// I also recommend to set app icon: stage.getIcons().add();
stage.setTitle("YOUR TILE HERE");
public void handleProgressNotification(ProgressNotification pn) {
public void handleStateChangeNotification(StateChangeNotification evt) {
if (evt.getType() == StateChangeNotification.Type.BEFORE_START) {
Tested on: 01-11-2022
Tested OS: Windows 11 - Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.1098)
Tested with: OpenJDK 19 - Eclipse Temurin JDK with Hotspot 19.0.1+10 (x64) (See:
Tested with JavaFX (OpenJFX) version: OpenJFX 19 (See: and repo:
If you're setting things up as shown on This blog entry, it looks like the answer would be 'no' - the loading graphic is just part of the overall options that are passed to the applet. Because this applet could be any java code (not just javaFX), there's no way to tie your custom renderer in.
you should use java timer:
Timer tm= new Timer();
Stage ilk;
int count;
public void check() {
ilk=new Stage();
TimerTask mission;
gorev = new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene;
scene = new Scene(root, 960, 540);
ilk.setTitle("Splash Screen");
tm.schedule(mission, 0, 2000);
For changing the coffee cup icon:
stage.getIcons().add(new Image("images/myimage.png"));
and here is a reference for a very clear preloader screen out there and awesome css too:
