I can't change color menubar
I try:
qt5ct set dark theme
cd /usr/lib/rstudio/bin/plugins/platformthemes
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/libappmenu-qt5.so libappmenu-qt5.so
This problem is on debian and arch
the same problem arch
This question is answered here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/131011/use-system-clipboard-in-vi-copy-mode-in-tmux
In my tmux config I have
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
So that when I run :
C-b [
The navigation is with vim keys, which is good.
But what I'm not sure about is how I copy to the system clipboard from within this mode.
For example - if i select a couple of lines in this mode (vim keys Vkk) and want to copy them to the system keyboard, how is this done?
system info
> lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Pop
Description: Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
> tmux -V
tmux 3.2a
I recently installed the data science notebook for Jupyter but i cant seem to install any themes on it.
Using the local version i have installed a dark theme and i am used to it.
Following this guide and the install section I tried making /custom/ folder and added a cascading style sheet into the mounted volume. But it doesn't seem to work.
Is there anyway i can install a custom theme on the docker image?
My workaround is: add the custom.css file locally under '~/.jupyter/custom/'. When the docker container runs, it will automatically adopt the theme.
You can actually install jupyter-themes and opt for a theme on Dockerfile itself. Here is a example for reference
Install jupyter-themes using pip
RUN pip3 install jupyterthemes
Opt for a theme
CMD ["bash", "-c", "jt -t solarizedd -T -N && jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --notebook-dir=/home/user/workdir"]
Here is a complete docker file sample for reference
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Install Python and other dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
python3 \
python3-pip \
# Install Jupyter
RUN pip3 install jupyter
RUN pip3 install jupyterthemes
# Create a user with a home directory
RUN useradd --create-home --home-dir /home/user user
USER user
# Mount a volume for the working directory
VOLUME /home/user/workdir
# Set the default command to launch Jupyter
CMD ["bash", "-c", "jt -t solarizedd -T -N && jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --notebook-dir=/home/user/workdir"]
# CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--no-browser", "--ip=", "--allow-root", "--notebook-dir=/home/user/workdir"]
You can also include the said command on a docker-compose file, if you are using a docker image
version: "3"
image: jupyter/datascience-notebook
- "8888:8888"
- .:/home/user/workdir
command: bash -c "pip install jupyterthemes && jt -t solarizedd -T -N"
Here i have chosen the solarizedd theme, just tweak and include the theme that best suits for you.
Hope this helps
I've just installed Arch and LxQt, when I lookup things on the ArchWiki it shows weird characters (black/white circles, squares...) at the place where the quoted texts are. I did uncomment "en_US.UTF-8" and "zh_TW.UTF-8" and ran localegen.
Any pointer ? I am an Arch beginner.
Jonathan MONDAUT
Please check if you have ttf-dejavu installed in your computer. If not, you can install it with the following command.
pacman -S ttf-dejavu
You can check with the following in your Terminal.
if (pacman -Q ttf-dejavu >/dev/null) ; then echo "ttf-dejavu installed"; fi
I have created a chroot using
sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r precise -t unity
I did some config in the chroot and ran a -u update.
Then I moved it to a flash drive with
sudo edit-chroot -m ~/media/removable/MYFLASHDRIVE precise
where I can run it with -c /media/removable/MYFLASHDRIVE as per this issue
I now wish to add the keyboard target with
sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -n raring -t keyboard -u
but there is no option to modify the path (like -c for edit-chroot), and the issue above indicated there is no way to modify crouton's default chroot directory.
How can further targets be added to the chroot without moving it back off the usb drive?
I was able to make it work for me by symlinking to a directory on my external drive, and then running the commands as normal.
Back up your chroots, this worked for me, but I can't guarantee that it will work for you, or that it won't somehow delete your stuff.
1. Label your drive "external." Using a separate Ubuntu box is the easiest way. Install gparted through apt-get or the software store. Run that, make sure your external drive is selected in the top right hand drop down, right click your drive's partition and select "Label". Type "external", click ok, click apply.
2. Create a folder on your drive called "chroots". Move your chroot's folder into it.
3. Set up sym-link on your chromebook. Open a new chronos shell on your chromebook. Run these commands:
cd /mnt/stateful_partition/crouton
sudo mv chroots chroots.old
sudo ln -s /media/removable/external/chroots ./chroots
4. Run crouton commands as normal. You shouldn't need to specify -c on any of your crouton commands, you can just run them as if the chroot was installed locally.
When I tried to make a link inside the rules file it didn't allow me.How can I make it?
Here is what I did.
#!/usr/bin/make -f
icon = $(CURDIR)/frontpage.png
script = $(CURDIR)/guilotinga.py
launcher = $(CURDIR)/internation.desktop
DEST1 = $(CURDIR)/debian/internation/usr/share/internation
DEST2 = $(CURDIR)/debian/internation/usr/share/applications
build: build-stamp
touch build-stamp
rm -f build-stamp
install: build clean $(icon) $(script) $(launcher)
mkdir -m 755 -p $(DEST1)
mkdir -m 755 -p $(DEST2)
install -m 666 $(icon) $(DEST1)
install -m 777 $(script) $(DEST1)
install -m 777 $(launcher) $(DEST2)
ln -s usr/share/internation/guilotinga.py /usr/bin/internation
(That's where I stopped)
The line above is giving error saying I don't have enough privileges.What was my fault?
binary-indep: build install
binary-arch: build install
binary: binary-indep binary-arch
.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install
I'm assuming that what you wanted was to make a symlink to /usr/bin/internation, and have the link show up as /usr/share/internation/guilotinga.py when the package is installed. If so, you're just giving the link command backwards. You want
ln -s /usr/bin/internation usr/share/internation/guilotinga.py
As a further note, though, symlinks in Debian packages should not ever be absolute, unless you're symlinking one toplevel directory to another (see Debian Policy section 10.5).
In your case, you probably don't need to change anything, since you have a call to dh_link in your build script. That tool will automatically fix noncompliant symlinks in the package build area (unless you're running in a super-ancient debhelper compat mode).
But if you want to avoid potentially confusing readers (or yourself), perhaps you ought to do
ln -s ../../bin/internation usr/share/internation/guilotinga.py