swiftUI picker connects to button and the button calls a function - button

currently I’m creating an app that displays visualizations of different sorting algorithms. Right now I’m trying to get a SwiftUi picker to connect to different sorting algorithms, and connect the algorithms to a “SORT” button, so that when someone chooses a algorithm and presses “SORT”, the function will be called. Is there a way to set a ID (if that’s what it’s called) to a button and picker, so that the picker sorting algorithms functions connects to the SORT button? So far I have the picker change the ".navigaionTitle" to which algorithm I chose. Any help would be deeply appreciated, thanks.
Hopefully this is enough code so you folks can help
Button {
Task {
} label: {
selection: $selectAlgorithm,
label: Text(myTitle),
content: {
Text("bubble Sort").tag("Bubble sort")
Text("insertion sort").tag("Insertion sort")
func bubbleSort() async throws {
var isSorted = false
var counter = 0
while !isSorted {
isSorted = true
for i in 0 ..< data.count - 1 - counter {
if data[i] > data[i + 1] {
swapHelper(i, i + 1)
try await Task.sleep(until: .now.advanced(by: .milliseconds(10)), clock: .continuous)
isSorted = false
counter = counter + 1
func swapHelper(_ firstIndex: Int, _ secondIndex: Int) {
let temp = data[secondIndex]
data[secondIndex] = data[firstIndex]
data[firstIndex] = temp


SwiftUI - share dictionary among views, unclear what arguments to use at #Main / WindowGroup

I'm trying to build an app (macOS, but would be the same for iOS) that creates a number of grids, the outcome of which is to be shown in a second screen. For this, I'm sharing data across these screens, and I'm running into an issue here, I hope someone can help or point me in the right direction. I'll share a simplified version of the code below (working in Xcode 14.0.1)
The code creates a dictionary that can be shown in a grid, on which calculations can be done. The idea is then to add this grid, with some descriptive variables, into another dictionary
The building blocks of the grid are cells
Import Foundation
struct Cell: Comparable, Equatable, Identifiable, Hashable {
static func == (lhs: Cell, rhs: Cell) -> Bool {
lhs.randomVarOne == rhs.randomVarOne
var randomVarOne: Double
var randomVarTwo: Bool
// other vars omitted here
var id: Int { randomVarOne }
static func < (lhs: Cell, rhs: Cell) -> Bool {
return lhs.randomVarOne < rhs.randomVarOne
this is also where there are a bunch of funcs to calculate next neighbor cells in the grid etc
then the grid is defined in a class:
class Info: ObservableObject, Hashable {
static func == (lhs: Info, rhs: Info) -> Bool {
lhs.grid == rhs.grid
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
#Published var grid = [Cell]()
var arrayTotal = 900
#Published var toBeUsedForTheGridCalculations: Double = 0.0
var toBeUsedToSetTheVarAbove: Double = 0.0
var rowTotalDouble: Double {sqrt(Double(arrayTotal)) }
var rowTotal: Int {
Int(rowTotalDouble) != 0 ? Int(rowTotalDouble) : 10 }
The class includes a func to create and populate the grid with Cells and add these Cells to the grid var. It also includes the formulas to do the calculations on the grid using a user input. The class did not seem to need an initializer.
This is the Scenario struct:
struct Scenario: Comparable, Equatable, Identifiable, Hashable {
static func == (lhs: Scenario, rhs: Scenario) -> Bool {
lhs.scenarioNumber == rhs.scenarioNumber
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
var scenarioNumber: Int
var date: Date
var thisIsOneSnapshot = [Info]()
var id: Int { scenarioNumber }
static func < (lhs: Scenario, rhs: Scenario) -> Bool {
return lhs.scenarioNumber < rhs.scenarioNumber
added hashable since it uses the Info class as an input.
Then there is the class showing the output overview
class OutputOverview: ObservableObject {
#Published var snapshot = [Scenario]()
// the class includes a formula of how to add the collection of cells (grid) and the additional variables to the snapshot dictionary. Again no initializer was necessary.
Now to go to the ContentView.
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.openURL) var openURL
var scenarioNumberInput: Int = 0
var timeStampAssigned: Date = Date.now
#ObservedObject private var currentGrid: Info = Info()
#ObservedObject private var scenarios: Combinations = Combinations()
var usedForTheCalculations: Double = 0.0
var rows =
// whole list of GridItems, I do not know how to calculate these:
// var rows = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible()), count: currentGrid.rowTotal)
//gives error "Cannot use instance member 'currentGrid' within property initializer;
// property iunitializers run before 'self' is available
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {
ScrollView {
LazyHGrid(rows: rows, spacing: 0) {
ForEach(0..<currentGrid.grid.count, id :\.self) { w in
let temp = currentGrid.grid[w].varThatAffectsFontColor
let temp2 = currentGrid.grid[w].varThatAffectsBackground
Text("\(currentGrid.grid[w].randomVarOne, specifier: "%.2f")")
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
.font(.system(size: 7))
.foregroundColor(Color(wordName: temp))
.background(Color(wordName: temp2))
HStack {
Button("Start") {
// then some buttons to do the calculations
Button("Add to collection"){
scenarios.addScenario(numbering: scenarioNumberInput, timeStamp:
Date.now, collection: currentGrid.grid)
} // this should add the newly recalculated grid to the dictionary
Button("Go to Results") {
guard let url = URL(string: "myapp://scenario") else { return }
} // to go to the screen showing the scenarios
Then the second View, the ScenarioView:
struct ScenarioView: View {
#State var selectedScenario = 1
#ObservedObject private var scenarios: OutputOverview
var pickerNumbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5]
// this is to be linked to the number of scenarios completed,this code is not done yet.
var rows =
// similar list of GridItems here....
var body: some View {
Form {
Section {
Picker("Select a scenario", selection: $selectedScenario) {
ForEach(pickerNumbers, id: \.self) {
Section {
ScrollView {
if let idx = scenarios.snapshot.firstIndex(where:
{$0.scenarioNumber == selectedScenario}) {
LazyHGrid(rows: rows, spacing: 0) {
id :\.self) { w in
let temp =
let temp2 =
Text("\(scenarios.snapshot[idx].thisIsOneSnapshot[w].randomVarOne, specifier: "%.2f")")
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
.font(.system(size: 7))
.foregroundColor(Color(wordName: temp))
.background(Color(wordName: temp2))
Now while the above does not (for the moment..) give me error messages, I am not able to run the PreviewProvider in the second View. The main problem is in #main:
import SwiftUI
struct ThisIsTheNameOfMyApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: ["main"])
WindowGroup("Scenarios") {
// error messages here: 'ScenarioView' initializer is inaccessible due to "private"
// protection level - I don't know what is set to private in ScenarioView that could
// cause this
// second error message: missing argument for parameter 'scenarios' in call
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: ["scenario"])
I am at a loss on how to solve these 2 error messages and would be very grateful for any tips or guidance. Apologies if this question is very long, I scanned many other forum questions and could not find any good answers.
I have tried adding pro forma data in #main as follows
struct FloodModelScenarioViewerApp: App {
#State var scenarios = Scenario(scenarioNumber: 1, date: Date.now)
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: ["main"])
WindowGroup("Scenarios") {
ScenarioView(scenarios: scenarios)
.handlesExternalEvents(matching: ["scenario"])
This still gives 2 error messages:
same issue with regards to ScenarioView initialiser being inaccessible due to being 'private'
Cannot convert value of type 'Scenario' to expected argument type 'OutputOverview'
Just remove the private from
#ObservedObject private var scenarios: OutputOverview
The value is coming from he parent so the parent needs access. So put
#StateObject private var scenarios: OutputOverview = .init()
in FloodModelScenarioViewerApp
#StateObject is for initializing ObservableObjects and #ObservedObject is for passing them around.
I don't know if your code will work after you read this question, and that's because there are many things to correct, but you can start with these:
In Cell, you shouldn't use an id that is a variable, this may cause inconsistent behavior. Use something like:
let id = UUID()
When you initialize ContentView, you can't use currentGrid inside a variable because currentGrid will not be available before all variables are initialized. Meaning, you are trying to initialize rows before currentGrid actually exists. You can try using the .onAppear modifier:
var rows = [GridItem]()
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
// ... view code in here
.onAppear {
var rows = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible()), count: currentGrid.rowTotal)
This creates the view and, before showing it, the grid is set to its proper value.
The message 'ScenarioView' initializer is inaccessible due to "private" protection level seems clear: you must provide a value to to the variable scenarios (it doesn't have a default value) but it's marked as private. Remove private.
#ObservedObject var scenarios: OutputOverview
Then, remember to pass a value of type OutputOverview for the variable when you call the view:
ScenarioView(scenarios: aVariableOfTypeOutputOverview)
The type mismatch error you get inside the #main code is also clear - you have defined a variable of type Scenario:
#State var scenarios = Scenario(scenarioNumber: 1, date: Date.now)
but ScenarioView requires another type:
#ObservedObject private var scenarios: OutputOverview
One of them needs change for your code to work.

Unable to change pathBuff/path variable in async function

I was unsure if I should post this here or in code review.
Code review seems to have only functioning code.
So I've a multitude of problems I don't really understand.
(I’m a noob) full code can be found here: https://github.com/NicTanghe/winder/blob/main/src/main.rs
main problem is here:
let temp = location_loc1.parent().unwrap();
I’ve tried various things to get around problems with borrowing as mutable or as reference,
and I can’t seem to get it to work.
I just get a different set of errors with everything I try.
Furthermore, I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, but looking for separate solutions to the errors just gave me a different error. In a circle.
Full function
async fn print_events(mut selector_loc1:i8, location_loc1: PathBuf) {
let mut reader = EventStream::new();
loop {
//let delay = Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(1_000)).fuse();
let mut event = reader.next().fuse();
select! {
// _ = delay => {
// print!("{esc}[2J{esc}[1;1H{}", esc = 27 as char,);
// },
maybe_event = event => {
match maybe_event {
Some(Ok(event)) => {
//println!("Event::{:?}\r", event);
// if event == Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Up("Left").into()) {
// println!("Cursor position: {:?}\r", position());
// }
print!("{esc}[2J{esc}[1;1H{}", esc = 27 as char,);
if event == Event::Key(KeyCode::Char('k').into()) {
if selector_loc1 > 0 {
selector_loc1 -= 1;
//println!("go down");
} else if event == Event::Key(KeyCode::Char('j').into()) {
selector_loc1 += 1;
//println!("go up");
} else if event == Event::Key(KeyCode::Char('h').into()) {
let temp = location_loc1.parent().unwrap();
} else if event == Event::Key(KeyCode::Char('l').into()) {
//go to next dir
} if event == Event::Key(KeyCode::Esc.into()) {
Some(Err(e)) => println!("Error: {:?}\r", e),
None => break,
also, it seems using
use async_std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
makes the rust not recognize unwrap() function → how would I use using ?
There are two problems with your code.
Your PathBuf is immutable. It's not possible to modify immutable objects, unless they support interior mutability. PathBuf does not. Therefore you have to make your variable mutable. You can either add mut in front of it like that:
async fn print_events(mut selector_loc1:i8, mut location_loc1: PathBuf) {
Or you can re-bind it:
let mut location_loc1 = location_loc1;
You cannot have borrow it both mutable and immutably - the mutable borrows are exclusive! Given that the method .parent() borrows the buffer, you have to create a temporary owned value:
// the PathBuf instance
let mut path = PathBuf::from("root/parent/child");
// notice the .map(|p| p.to_owned()) method - it helps us avoid the immutable borrow
let parent = path.parent().map(|p| p.to_owned()).unwrap();
// now it's fine to modify it, as it's not borrowed
Your second question:
also, it seems using use async_std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; makes the rust not recognize unwrap() function → how would I use using ?
The async-std version is just a wrapper over std's PathBuf. It just delegates to the standard implementation, so it should not behave differently
// copied from async-std's PathBuf implementation
pub struct PathBuf {
inner: std::path::PathBuf,

Getting SwiftUI wrapper of AVPlayer to pause when view disappears

Can't seem to use binding to tell wrapped AVPlayer to stop — why not? The "one weird trick" from Vlad works for me, without state & binding, but why?
See Also
My question is something like this one but that poster wanted to wrap an AVPlayerViewController and I want to control playback programmatically.
This guy also wondered when updateUIView() was called.
What happens (Console logs shown below.)
With code as shown here,
The user taps "Go to Movie"
MovieView appears and the vid plays
This is because updateUIView(_:context:) is being called
The user taps "Go back Home"
HomeView reappears
Playback halts
Again updateUIView is being called.
See Console Log 1
But... remove the ### line, and
Playback continues even when the home view returns
updateUIView is called on arrival but not departure
See Console log 2
If you uncomment the %%% code (and comment out what precedes it)
You get code I thought was logically and idiomatically correct SwiftUI...
...but "it doesn't work". I.e. the vid plays on arrival but continues on departure.
See Console log 3
The code
I do use an #EnvironmentObject so there is some sharing of state going on.
Main content view (nothing controversial here):
struct HomeView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var router: ViewRouter
var body: some View {
ZStack() { // +++ Weird trick ### fails if this is Group(). Wtf?
if router.page == .home {
Button(action: { self.router.page = .movie }) {
Text("Go to Movie")
} else if router.page == .movie {
which uses one of these (still routine declarative SwiftUI):
struct MovieView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var router: ViewRouter
// #State private var isPlaying: Bool = false // %%%
var body: some View {
VStack() {
// PlayerView(isPlaying: $isPlaying) // %%%
Button(action: { self.router.page = .home }) {
Text("Go back Home")
}.onAppear {
print("> onAppear()")
self.router.isPlayingAV = true
// self.isPlaying = true // %%%
print("< onAppear()")
}.onDisappear {
print("> onDisappear()")
self.router.isPlayingAV = false
// self.isPlaying = false // %%%
print("< onDisappear()")
Now we get into the AVKit-specific stuff. I use the approach described by Chris Mash.
The aforementioned PlayerView, the wrappER:
struct PlayerView: UIViewRepresentable {
#EnvironmentObject var router: ViewRouter
// #Binding var isPlaying: Bool // %%%
private var myUrl : URL? { Bundle.main.url(forResource: "myVid", withExtension: "mp4") }
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PlayerView {
PlayerUIView(frame: .zero , url : myUrl)
// ### This one weird trick makes OS call updateUIView when view is disappearing.
class DummyClass { } ; let x = DummyClass()
func updateUIView(_ v: PlayerView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<PlayerView>) {
print("> updateUIView()")
print(" router.isPlayingAV = \(router.isPlayingAV)")
// print(" isPlaying = \(isPlaying)") // %%%
// This does work. But *only* with the Dummy code ### included.
// See also +++ comment in HomeView
if router.isPlayingAV { v.player?.pause() }
else { v.player?.play() }
// This logic looks reversed, but is correct.
// If it's the other way around, vid never plays. Try it!
// if isPlaying { v?.player?.play() } // %%%
// else { v?.player?.pause() } // %%%
print("< updateUIView()")
And the wrappED UIView:
class PlayerUIView: UIView {
private let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer()
var player: AVPlayer?
init(frame: CGRect, url: URL?) {
super.init(frame: frame)
guard let u = url else { return }
self.player = AVPlayer(url: u)
self.playerLayer.player = player
override func layoutSubviews() {
playerLayer.frame = bounds
required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("not implemented") }
And of course the view router, based on the Blckbirds example
class ViewRouter : ObservableObject {
let objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<ViewRouter, Never>()
enum Page { case home, movie }
var page = Page.home { didSet { objectWillChange.send(self) } }
// Claim: App will never play more than one vid at a time.
var isPlayingAV = false // No didSet necessary.
Console Logs
Console log 1 (playing stops as desired)
> updateUIView() // First call
router.isPlayingAV = false // Vid is not playing => play it.
< updateUIView()
> onAppear()
< onAppear()
> updateUIView() // Second call
router.isPlayingAV = true // Vid is playing => pause it.
< updateUIView()
> onDisappear() // After the fact, we clear
< onDisappear() // the isPlayingAV flag.
Console log 2 (weird trick disabled; playing continues)
> updateUIView() // First call
router.isPlayingAV = false
< updateUIView()
> onAppear()
< onAppear()
// No second call.
> onDisappear()
< onDisappear()
Console log 3 (attempt to use state & binding; playing continues)
> updateUIView()
isPlaying = false
< updateUIView()
> onAppear()
< onAppear()
> updateUIView()
isPlaying = true
< updateUIView()
> updateUIView()
isPlaying = true
< updateUIView()
> onDisappear()
< onDisappear()
Well... on
}.onDisappear {
print("> onDisappear()")
self.router.isPlayingAV = false
print("< onDisappear()")
this is called after view is removed (it is like didRemoveFromSuperview, not will...), so I don't see anything bad/wrong/unexpected in that subviews (or even it itself) is not updated (in this case updateUIView)... I would rather surprise if it would be so (why update view, which is not in view hierarchy?!).
So this
class DummyClass { } ; let x = DummyClass()
is rather some wild bug, or ... bug. Forget about it and never use such stuff in releasing products.
OK, one would now ask, how to do with this? The main issue I see here is design-originated, specifically tight-coupling of model and view in PlayerUIView and, as a result, impossibility to manage workflow. AVPlayer here is not part of view - it is model and depending on its states AVPlayerLayer draws content. Thus the solution is to tear apart those entities and manage separately: views by views, models by models.
Here is a demo of modified & simplified approach, which behaves as expected (w/o weird stuff and w/o Group/ZStack limitations), and it can be easily extended or improved (in model/viewmodel layer)
Tested with Xcode 11.2 / iOS 13.2
Complete module code (can be copy-pasted in ContentView.swift in project from template)
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import AVKit
struct MovieView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var router: ViewRouter
// just for demo, but can be interchangable/modifiable
let playerModel = PlayerViewModel(url: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "myVid", withExtension: "mp4")!)
var body: some View {
VStack() {
PlayerView(viewModel: playerModel)
Button(action: { self.router.page = .home }) {
Text("Go back Home")
}.onAppear {
self.playerModel.player?.play() // << changes state of player, ie model
}.onDisappear {
self.playerModel.player?.pause() // << changes state of player, ie model
class PlayerViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var player: AVPlayer? // can be changable depending on modified URL, etc.
init(url: URL) {
self.player = AVPlayer(url: url)
struct PlayerView: UIViewRepresentable { // just thing wrapper, as intended
var viewModel: PlayerViewModel
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> PlayerUIView {
PlayerUIView(frame: .zero , player: viewModel.player) // if needed viewModel can be passed completely
func updateUIView(_ v: PlayerUIView, context: UIViewRepresentableContext<PlayerView>) {
class ViewRouter : ObservableObject {
enum Page { case home, movie }
#Published var page = Page.home // used native publisher
class PlayerUIView: UIView {
private let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer()
var player: AVPlayer?
init(frame: CGRect, player: AVPlayer?) { // player is a model so inject it here
super.init(frame: frame)
self.player = player
self.playerLayer.player = player
override func layoutSubviews() {
playerLayer.frame = bounds
required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("not implemented") }
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var router: ViewRouter
var body: some View {
Group {
if router.page == .home {
Button(action: { self.router.page = .movie }) {
Text("Go to Movie")
} else if router.page == .movie {

Xamarin.Forms UI Test - Tap Button multiple (5) times

I'm working on writing an UI-Test for my Xamarin.Forms Application.
Therefore I need to tap a button 5-times. This invokes a dialog and I need the result of the user's input to this dialog.In code I realised this by implementing an GestureRecognizer:
private bool HandleMultipleTouch()
if (iLastTap == null || (DateTime.Now - iLastTap.Value).Milliseconds < iToleranceInMs)
if (NumberOfTaps == 4)
NumberOfTaps = 0;
iLastTap = null;
return true;
iLastTap = DateTime.Now;
return false;
NumberOfTaps = 0;
iLastTap = null;
return false;
Do you know any method how to use Xamarin.UITest to get the button taped 5 times in a short time?
I tried used double tap twice and one single tap, but this is not working because of the time needed to execute the taps.
I had a similar issue, where I had to tap a morse code using Xamarin.UITest and concluded that it's impossible to ensure consistent timing between taps. My solution was therefore to abandon the morse code and only check in the app whether the button was hit 5 times.

actionscript 2 functions for detecting when no keys are pressed

I would like to know how to detect when no buttons are pressed on a movieclip,
such as
if (no keys are pressed){
Firstly if you expand your question as you expand your purpose of what you achieve, maybe I can present a more in depth solllution ... ;) I can not imagine why you need a no buttons pressed event. Anyway you can use this code snippet.
//This belongs to no button pressed event.
var def = 0;
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
def = 1;
keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
def = 0;
//First Part for the whole movie clip
_root.onEnterFrame = function (){
if(def == 1){
