Hi I try to upload to pcloud to one of my public folders.
If i try to access in Firefox: https://api.pcloud.com/uploadtolink?code=CodeOfMyFolder I get back:
{ "result": 2012, "error": "Invalid 'code' provided." }
I use the code from share link from pcloud: https://e1.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=CodeOfMyFolder
I am getting this response back when trying to execute a WebAPI request, but can't figure out why its erroring out. Moreover the error is not very helpful, as it doesn't tell which entity or which field, and I cannot identify any fields missing.
"error": {
"code": "90040100",
"message": "Attribute {0} cannot be found for table {1}.",
"innererror": {
"code": "90040100",
"message": "Attribute {0} cannot be found for table {1}.",
"type": "InvalidAttribute"
I tried this myself a few times but got the same errors that you describe here. According to the Microsoft documentation this is explicitly not supported.
Calling actions and functions using the portals Web API is not supported.
Im using the Firebase REST API to retrieve data with the GET method, this is the URL im executing:
const url = `https://firestore.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${projectId}/databases/${dataBase}/documents/${collectionName}/${documentId}?&key=${apiKey}&pageSize=${pageSize}&pageToken=${nextPageToken}&orderBy=timestamp&startAt=${startTime}`;
But it return this error:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"startAt\": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'startAt' could not be found in request message.",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest",
"fieldViolations": [
"description": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"startAt\": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'startAt' could not be found in request message."
If im omitting the paramemeter of startAt it works fine.
The format of startTime, id try it in all the following ways, and all return the same error:
Firebase return format: 2022-06-16T15:46:46.061Z
Unix Timestamp:1655394406
ISO 8601 date: 2022-06-16T15:46:46+00:00
What im doing wrong?
(For reference here is the official documentation where the startAt is explained)
You're calling the Firestore REST API, but are referencing the documentation for the REST API of the Realtime Database. While both products are part of Firebase, they are complete separate - and the API of one cannot be applied to the other.
For the documentation of the Firestore REST API, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/reference/rest
Good morning, When I try to contact the Amadeus API to get points of interest, it gives me an internal error.
Sometimes it returns to me this :
"errors": [
"code": 38189,
"title": "Internal error",
"detail": "An internal error occurred, please contact your administrator",
"status": 500
Or an html code.
If you want an example of request with more details:
I am getting the permission error after calling the here api.
I used this for APP Id and API Key for app_code but not working. How to fix this?
"_type": "ns2:RoutingServiceErrorType",
"type": "PermissionError",
"subtype": "InvalidCredentials",
"details": "This is not a valid app_id and app_code pair. Please verify that the values are not swapped between the app_id and app_code and the values provisioned by HERE (either by your customer representative or via http://developer.here.com/myapps) were copied correctly into the request.",
"metaInfo": {
"timestamp": "2021-12-14T14:26:21Z",
"mapVersion": "",
"moduleVersion": "7.2.202150-9770",
"interfaceVersion": "2.6.77",
"availableMapVersion": [
The app_code is not the same as the apiKey.
The app_id/app_code combination is a deprecated authentication method for the HERE location services, that's why you won't find the app_code that matches your app_id in the developer portal anymore.
Instead, try using apiKey only:
Notice that the base URL is slightly different when using apiKey.
When trying to invoke the Stackdriver Error Reporting API (via the API explorer or via the Client-Side JavaScript library), I receive the following error:
{ "message" : "test" }
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
The Stackdriver Error Reporting API is enabled and I have Owner rights to the App Engine project.
Is the API simply not functional? If I'm doing something wrong, can someone try to help?
The documentation for reporting events says that a ServiceContext is required.
If you're only sending a message (not a stacktrace / exception) you'll need to include a context with a reportLocation as well. This is noted in the documentation of the message field, but it's not obvious.
The following works from the API explorer:
"context": {
"reportLocation": {
"functionName": "My Function"
"message": "error message",
"serviceContext": {
"service": "My Microservice",
You might be interested in the docs on How Error are Grouped too.
FWIW, I work on this product and I think the error message is too generic. The problem is (?) that the serving stack scrubs the message unless they're annotated as being for public consumption. I'll chase that down.