CreatePassengerNameRecordRQ Proper values for FOP_Remark - sabre

I have an issue while passing Credit Card information using FOP_Remark in CreatePassengerNameRecordRQ.
My intention is to pass in the FOP_Remark type properly so that it appears on the Sabre client in the proper format: 1.-*VI************9999¥10/24
When using CHECK which is suggested in the docs, it will appear as: 1.-CHECKVI************9999¥10/24. By passing in * or any other value (except for CREDIT CARD or CK), the FOP completely disappears.
<FOP_Remark Type="CHECK">
<PaymentCard CardSecurityCode="XXX" Code="VI" ExpireDate="2024-10" Number="XXXXXXXXXXXX9999" SuppressApprovalCode="true"/>
So the question is what should be passed in as Type to FOP_Remark, for it to appear in the format 1.-*VI************9999¥10/24 aka the proper format.


USA 'aka Title' returned as default?

Trying to get the Title for "Blood Oath" from 1990 .In this example am using Jupyter, but it works the same in my .py program:
movie = ia.get_movie('0100414')
<Movie id:0100414[http] title:_Prisoners of the Sun (1990)_>
Am I doing something wrong? This seems to be the 'USA aka' title. I do know how to get the AKA titles back via the API, but just puzzled as to why it's returning this one. On the IMDB web page "Blood Oath" is listed - under the AKA section - as the "(original title)". Thank you.
What you do is correct.
IMDbPY takes the movie title from the value of a meta tag with property set to "og:title". So, what's considered the title of a movie depends on the decisions made by IMDb.
You can also use "original title" key, that is taken from what it's actually shown to the reader of the web page. This, however, is even more subject to change since it's usually shown in the language guessed by the IMDb web servers using the language set by a registered user, the settings of your browser or by geolocation of the IP.
So, for example, for that title I get "Blood Oath" via browser since my browser is set to English and "Giuramento di sangue (1990)" if I access movie['original title'] (geolocation of my IP, I guess)
To conclude, if you really need another title, you may get the whole list this way:
ia.update(movie, 'release info')
print(movie.get('akas from release info'))
You will get a list that you can parse looking for a string ending in '(original title)'
(disclaimer: I'm one of the main authors of IMDbPY)

Number sequences hiding in TravelItineraryReadRQ

I'm using TravelItineraryReadRQ to get information about Price Quotes in pnr. In some cases service response hides number sequences with ("XXXX") even if it was not credit card information. For example:
PQ creation commatnd: WPASU‡EDUFS123456‡FINVOICE*QUW12345‡RQ«
and here is what I get in response:
<tir39:PricedItinerary DisplayOnly="false" InputMessage="WPASU¥EDUFS1XXXX6¥FINVOICE*QUW1XXX5¥RQ" RPH="1" StatusCode="A" StoredDateTime="2018-12-21T09:13" TaxExempt="false" ValidatingCarrier="SU">
<tir39:BaseFare Amount="1980" CurrencyCode="RUB"/>
<tir39:Tax Amount="2541" TaxCode="XT"/>
<tir39:TaxBreakdownCode TaxPaid="false">2265YQ</tir39:TaxBreakdownCode>
<tir39:TaxBreakdownCode TaxPaid="false">276RI</tir39:TaxBreakdownCode>
<tir39:TotalFare Amount="4521" CurrencyCode="RUB"/>
<tir39:BaseFare Amount="1980"/>
<tir39:Tax Amount="2541"/>
<tir39:TotalFare Amount="4521"/>
<tir39:PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="01"/>
<tir39:Endorsement type="PRICING_PARAMETER">
Is there any way to get those numbers?
I believe Sabre has logic on their end due to GDPR requirements that masks credit card info from being viewed unless you have the CC in the correct form of payment field AND your EPR has the "CCVIEW" attribute assigned.
Essentially, Sabre doesn't want CC data stored anywhere but the secured Form of Payment field and they control who can and cannot see that data by using the EPR Keywords (the login info you get from Sabre).
So, for your example, my guess is that Sabre's regex or whatever they use to identify credit card data sees your strings in those fields, assumes they are CC numbers, and masks them. You may want to open a ticket with Sabre to address this, or as Andy K suggested above, try adding CCVIEW to that EPR (although I think that probably won't work).

How can reserve Air Seats for all segments in a given PNR?

I am planning to use the <AirSeatRQ> request using Sabre's SOAP API, but according to the documentation, you have to request a seat assignment for each passenger on each segment with the user's preference.
Something like this according to the example on Dev Studio:
<AirSeatRQ ReturnHostCommand="false" TimeStamp="2011-10-27T15:30:00-06:00" Version="2.0.0">
<!--Repeat Factor=0-->
<Seat BoardingPass="true" ChangeOfGauge="true" NameNumber="1.1" Number="21A" Preference="AN" SegmentNumber="1"/>
Also, according to the request documentation, the repeat factor for the <Seats> request is zero. Does that mean that if I want to assign seats for all passengers on all segments do I have to send several requests?
Ideally, I would like to have the seats for all passengers in all segments automatically assigned after reading the PNR. Is that possible through Web Services?
Checking the <PassengerDetailsRQ> XML Schema definition, an <AirSeatRQ> can be sent along. I guess you can perform a standalone <AirSeatRQ> request, but bundling it with the passenger details is easier and save us from making extra requests to Sabre's API.
You have to send a <Seat\> request for each passenger in each segment of the itinerary. This is a working example I did for a two legs itinerary, each leg consisting of two segments for two adults:
I'm omitting most of the passenger details properties and focusing on the AirSeat element:
<PassengerDetailsRQ Version="2.3.0">
<PriceQuoteInfo HaltOnError="true"></PriceQuoteInfo>
<Remark Code="H" Type="General">
<Seat NameNumber="1.1" Preference="AN" SegmentNumber="1"/>
<Seat NameNumber="1.2" Preference="AN" SegmentNumber="2"/>
<Seat NameNumber="1.1" Preference="AN" SegmentNumber="3"/>
<Seat NameNumber="1.2" Preference="AN" SegmentNumber="4"/>
<SpecialServiceRQ HaltOnError="true">
<TravelItineraryAddInfoRQ HaltOnError="true">
This way, right after the PNR is created, all seats for all passengers in every segment are already assigned and there is no need for further requests asking for seat assignments.
that seems to be the case.
Testing multiple <Seat> elements inside <Seats> returns a schema validation error. Same when using multiple <Seats> elements.
Looks like the only option right now is to send multiple requests, one for each passenger on each segment.

using MS exchange API to create appointment

I am creating appointment using MS exchange API as described here:
and it is working fine.
But it does not show in Resource/Location Calendar means i am specifying the Conference room using Location property but didn't work then i tried
appointment.Resources.Add(new Attendee(""));
but it subject is showing only my domain Username(credential i am using for API) but in my calendar it is showing everything means subject,body.
what is the right way to show appointment in conference room calendar?
By default, when a CR accepts an invite, it replaces the subject with the organizer's name. This is a configuration setting for the room. It can be changed using the Set-CalendarProcessing cmdlet. The parms you need will be -DeleteSubject and -AddOrganizerToSubject. Setting the first to $false will keep the original subject around; setting the second to $false will prevent adding the organizer. (Setting -DeleteComments:$false will also preserve the message body.) You'll have to change this for every CR you plan inviting, and it presumes you have this kind of access to the Exchange console. Otherwise, you have to befriend your local Exchange admin. :-)

How to track custom parameter with Google Analytics and utm.gif

The situation
I'd like to use GA to track some serverside operations. That's why I cant make use of the GA JavaScript functions. But, as you might know, you can request the utm.gif right from your server. This already works fine.
The Problem
I'd like to trackt custom parameters. But I have no idea how to add them in the right format to the url-request
This one should do the custom parms. But I didn't get any results in GA.
Full list of params:
ref ts
utmac UA-XXXXXX-5
utmcc __utma=186215409.1789216404.1265552708.1280074861.1280493144.21;+__utmz=;
utmcs ISO-8859-1
utmdt Button
utme 5(Init*load_success*
utmfl -
utmje -
utmn 1114675642
utmp button
utmsc -
utmsr -
utmul de-de
utmwv 4.5.7
not sure what's going wrong, given what you posted, but how about you write out what you want to send the traditional way (with javascript) and put it on a test page. Use firebug or whatever to grab the requested url that's built and compare it to what you have now.
The value of the utme gif Request parameter is encoded by ga.js--it's the only one that is, as far as i know.
Calling __trackEvent is the usual way to set the value of utme. These are client-side events though, which is no doubt why you are trying to set utme directly.
So if you just want to bind 5(Initload_success to the variable utme, and you can't rely on user-behavior to trigger that binding, then here's what i suggest:
Pack your data into a 'custom variable' scoped to the page--this way, when the __trackPageview() is called, the value will be set.
Here's the analytics code required in your HTML to implement that:
The method signature for a custom variable:
pageTracker._setCustomVar(slot, // integer between 1 and 5, inclusive (just use '1')
name, // user-defined name for the custom variable
value, // string representing the value for the custom variable
scope, // you want '3' for page-level (an int, not a string though)
Within the HTML (order matter, of course):
pageTracker.__setCustomvar(1, "A Name", "A Value", 3);
A key point here is that the parameter 'value' can be set dynamically, so for the 'value' parameter, i guess you want to pass in 5(Initload_success
Finally, here are the two key sources (Implementation Guide, Usage Guide) on Custom Variables from the GA Team
