How to apply a long list of functions automatically in 10 imputed datasets in R - r

I have 10 datasets that are the result of multiple imputation, which i named: data1, data2, ..., data10. For each of them, I want to do:
Create a logistic regression model
Do multiple steps which include creating a LASSO model, resampling 200 times from my imputed dataset, recreate LASSO model in each resampling, evaluate measures of performance.
I'm able to do it separately for each dataset but I was wondering if there was a way to automatically do all of the steps for each imputed dataset. Below, I included an example of all the steps I do to get results separately for each imputation.
To do it automatically, i first thought about using lapply to create regressions for every imputation:
log01.1 <- lapply(paste0("data",1:10), function(x){lrm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data=eval(parse(text = x)), x=T, y=T)})
Then I wanted to use lapply again on the whole block of code below with something like :
lapply(log01.1,fun(x){*All the steps following the regression*}
But I realized it doesn't work since lapply can only be applied to one function at a time as I understand it + at model.L1 <- glmnet(x=log01.1$x, y=log01.1$y, alpha=1, lambda=cv.glmmod$lambda.1se, family="binomial")
it wouldn't work since my lambda would come from a list. And I can't use lapply both on log01.1 and on cv.glmmod at the same time. Add to that the resampling with the 200 repetitons and I'm sure I would run into other problems I can't even think of right now.
And that's about the extent of my knowledge on lapply and other functions that could do similar things. Is there a way to take the chunk of code I wrote below and tell R to repeat it for every one of my 10 imputations and then store into separate lists the objects that would have been created? Or maybe not in lists but I would get for example App1, App2, App3, etc.?
Or am I better off just repeating it 10 times and storing the results?
log01.1 <- lrm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 , data=data1, x=T, y=T)})
reps <- 200;App=numeric(reps);Test=numeric(reps)
for(i in 1:reps){
#1.Construct LASSO model in sample i
cv.glmmod <- cv.glmnet(x=log01.1$x, y=log01.1$y, alpha=1, family="binomial")
model.L1 <- glmnet(x=log01.1$x, y=log01.1$y, alpha=1,
lambda=cv.glmmod$lambda.1se, family="binomial") #use optimum penalty
lp1 <- log01.1$x %*% model.L1$beta #for apparent performance
#2. Draw bootstrap sample with replacement from sample i
j <- sample(nrow(data1), replace=T) #for sample Bi
#3. Construct a model in sample Bi replaying every step that was done in the imputed sample
#I, especially model specification steps such as selection of predictors.
#Determine the bootstrap performance as the apparent performance in sample Bi.
#3 Construct LASSO model in sample i replaying every step done in imputed sample i
cv.j <- cv.glmnet (x=log01.1$x[j,], y=log01.1$y[j,], alpha = 1, family="binomial")
model.L1j <- glmnet (x=log01.1$x[j,], y=log01.1$y[j,], alpha=1,
lambda=cv.j$lambda.1se, family="binomial") #use optimum penalty for Bi
lp1j <- log01.1$x[j,] %*% model.L1j$beta #apparent performance in Bi
App[i] <-$y[j,], x=lp1j)$stats[6] #apparent c for Bi
#4. Apply model from Bi to the original sample i without any modification to determine the test performance
lp1 <- log01.1$x %*% model.L1j$beta #Validated performance in I
Test[i] <-$y, x=lp1)$stats[6]} #Test c in I
That is the code I would like to repeat automatically for every imputed set.


MM Estimation in Robust Regression

I am working with different linear regression models in R. I used the DATASET, which has 21263 rows and 82 columns.
All of the regression models have acceptable time consumption except the MM-estimate regression using the R function lmrob.
I was waiting for more than 10 hours to run the first for loop (#Block A), and it does not work. By "does not work", I mean It may give me an output after two days. I tried this code with a smaller DATASET which has 9568 rows, 5 columns and it runs in a one minute.
I am using my standard Laptop.
The steps of my analysis as follows
Uploading and scaling the dataset and then used k-folds split with k=30 because I want to calculate the variance of coefficients for each variable within the k split.
Could you please provide me with any guide?
wdbc = read.csv("train.csv") #critical_temp is the dependent varaible. # scaling the variables
### k-folds split ###
k = 30
folds <- createFolds(wdbcc$critical_temp, k = k, list = TRUE, returnTrain = TRUE)
############ Start of MM Regression Model #################
#Block A
lmrob = list()
for (i in 1:k) {
lmrob[[i]] = lmrob(critical_temp~ .,
data = wdbcc[folds[[i]],],setting="KS2014")
#Block B
lmrob_coef = list()
lmrob_coef_var = list()
for(j in 1:(lmrob[[1]]$coefficients %>% length())){
for(i in 1:k){
lmrob_coef[[i]] = lmrob[[i]]$coefficients[j]
lmrob_coef_var[[j]] = lmrob_coef %>% unlist() %>% var()
#Block C
lmrob_var = unlist(lmrob_coef_var)
lmrob_df = cbind(coefficients = lmrob[[1]]$coefficients %>% names() %>%
, variance = lmrob_var %>%
colnames(lmrob_df) = c("coefficients", "variance_lmrob")
#Block D
lmrob_var_sum = sum(lmrob_var)
Not an answer, but some code to help you test this for yourself. I didn't run lmrob() on the full dataset, but everything I show below suggests that one full realization of the model (all observations, all predictors) should run in about 10-20 minutes [on a 10-year old MacOS desktop machine], which would extrapolate to approximately 5 hours for 30-fold cross-validation. (It looks like the time scales a little worse than the square root of the number of observations, and nonlinearly even on the log scale with the number of predictors ...) You can try the code below to see if things are much slower on your machine, and to predict how long you think it should take to do the whole problem. Other general suggestions:
is there a chance you're running out of memory? Memory constraints can make things run much slower
if the problem is just that things are too slow, you can easily parallelize across folds if you have access to multiple cores (probably don't do this on a laptop, you'll burn it up)
AWS and other cloud services can be very useful
I set up a test function to record the time taken by lmrob() running on a random subset of predictors and observations from your data set.
Extract data, load packages:
xx <- read.csv("train.csv")
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
Define a test function for timing lmrob runs for different numbers of observations and predictors:
nc <- ncol(xx) ## response vble is last column, "critical_temp"
test <- function(nobs=1000,npred=10,seed=NULL, ...) {
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
dd <- xx[sample(nrow(xx),size=nobs),
tt <- system.time(fit <- lmrob(critical_temp ~ ., data=dd, ...))
t0 <- test()
The minimal example here (1000 observations, 10 predictors) is very fast (0.2 seconds).
This is the basic loop I ran:
res <- expand.grid(nobs=seq(1000,10000,by=1000), npred=seq(10,30,by=2))
res$user.self <- res$sys.self <- res$elapsed <- NA
for (i in seq(nrow(res))) {
res[i,-(1:2)] <- test(res$nobs[i],res$npred[i],seed=101)
(As you can see in the plot below, I did this again with larger numbers of observations and predictors and used rbind() to combine the results into a single data frame.) I also tried fitting linear models to make predictions of the time taken to do the full data set with all predictors. (Plotting [see below] suggests that the time is log-log-linear in number of observations but nonlinear in number of predictors ...)
m1 <- lm(log10(elapsed)~poly(log10(npred),2)*log10(nobs), data=resc)
pp <- predict(m1, newdata=data.frame(npred=ncol(xx)-1,nobs=nrow(xx)),
10^pp ## convert from log10(predicted seconds) to seconds
Test the full data set.
t_all <- test(nobs=nrow(xx),npred=ncol(xx)-1)
I then realized that you were using setting = "KS2014" (as suggested in the documentation) rather than the default: this is at least 5x slower, as suggested by the following comparison:
test(nobs=10000,npred=30,setting = "KS2014")
I re-ran some of the stuff above with setting="KS2014". Making the prediction for the full data set suggested a run-time of about 700 seconds (CI from 300 to 2000 seconds) - still nowhere near as slow as you're suggesting.
gg0 <- ggplot(resc2,aes(x=npred,y=elapsed,colour=nobs,linetype=setting))+
gg1 <- ggplot(resc2,aes(x=nobs,y=elapsed,colour=npred, linetype=setting))+

variance-covariance HAC matrix - Bootstrap

I realized a bootstrap on my data, but when I want to print the variance-covariance HAC matrix, the result is a bit chaotic:
tbs <- tsbootstrap(u, nb= 199, b=8, type=c("block")) #bootstrap on residuals
ytbs = tbs
fmtbs <- lm(ytbs ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
covHACtbs <- NeweyWest(fmtbs, lag = 10, prewhite= FALSE, sandwich = TRUE)
The data were generated with rnorm(n) and we assume the presence of autocorrelation.
I would like to have distinct var-covar HAC matrices for each bootstrap, because I need to perform a Wald Test on each of them. How can I fix this?
Your code currently estimates a single multivariate linear model object simultaneously for all 199 bootstrap responses you created. If you want to perform inferences on each replication you can loop over this in some for(i in 1:199) or lapply(1:199, function(i) ...) approach or so. Each model would then be
fmtbs <- lm(ytbs[,i] ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
coeftest(fmtbs, vcov = NeweyWest(fmtbs,
lag = 10, prewhite= FALSE, sandwich = TRUE))
or something similar. The details depend on what exactly you want to store.
As you have fixed that lag and use noe prewhitening, the standard errors obtained from the individual lm (as suggested by me above) and the multivariate mlm (that you used) will in fact coincide. So you might even save a bit of time if you do everyting in the multivariate approach. However, the code and its result is likely to be more intelligble if you use the less efficient loop/apply. That's what I would do if time was not a serious concern.

how to use previous observations to forecast the next period using for loops in r?

I have made 1000 observations for xt = γ1xt−1 + γ2xt−2 + εt [AR(2)].
What I would like to do is to use the first 900 observations to estimate the model, and use the remaining 100 observations to predict one-step ahead.
This is what I have done so far:
data2=arima.sim(n=1000, list(ar=c(0.5, -0.7))) #1000 observations simulated, (AR (2))
arima(data2, order = c(2,0,0), method= "ML") #estimated parameters of the model with ML
fit2<-arima(data2[1:900], c(2,0,0), method="ML") #first 900 observations used to estimate the model
predict(fit2, 100)
But the problem with my code right now is that the n.ahead=100 but I would like to use n.ahead=1 and make 100 predictions in total.
I think I need to use for loops for this, but since I am a very new user of Rstudio I haven't been able to figure out how to use for loops to make predictions. Can anyone help me with this?
If I've understood you correctly, you want one-step predictions on the test set. This should do what you want without loops:
data2 <- arima.sim(n=1000, list(ar=c(0.5, -0.7)))
fit2 <- Arima(data2[1:900], c(2,0,0), method="ML")
fit2a <- Arima(data2[901:1000], model=fit2)
fc <- fitted(fit2a)
The Arima command allows a model to be applied to a new data set without the parameters being re-estimated. Then fitted gives one-step in-sample forecasts.
If you want multi-step forecasts on the test data, you will need to use a loop. Here is an example for two-step ahead forecasts:
fcloop <- numeric(100)
h <- 2
for(i in 1:100)
fit2a <- Arima(data2[1:(899+i)], model=fit2)
fcloop[i] <- forecast(fit2a, h=h)$mean[h]
If you set h <- 1 above you will get almost the same results as using fitted in the previous block of code. The first two values will be different because the approach using fitted does not take account of the data at the end of the training set, while the approach using the loop uses the end of the training set when making the forecasts.

Feature selection + cross-validation, but how to make ROC-curves in R

I'm stuck with the next problem. I divide my data into 10 folds. Each time, I use 1 fold as test set and the other 9 as training set (I do this ten times). On each training set, I do feature selection (filter methode with chi.squared) and then I make a SVMmodel with my training set and the selected features.
So at the end, I become 10 different models (because of the feature selection). But now I want to make a ROC-curve in R from this filter methode in general. How can I do this?
You can indeed store the predictions if they are all on the same scale (be especially careful about this as you perform feature selection... some methods may produce scores that are dependent on the number of features) and use them to build a ROC curve. Here is the code I used for a recent paper:
k <- 10
n <- dim(aSAH)[1]
indices <- sample(rep(1:k, ceiling(n/k))[1:n])
all.response <- all.predictor <- aucs <- c()
for (i in 1:k) {
test = aSAH[indices==i,]
learn = aSAH[indices!=i,]
model <- glm(as.numeric(outcome)-1 ~ s100b + ndka + as.numeric(wfns), data = learn, family=binomial(link = "logit"))
model.pred <- predict(model, newdata=test)
aucs <- c(aucs, roc(test$outcome, model.pred)$auc)
all.response <- c(all.response, test$outcome)
all.predictor <- c(all.predictor, model.pred)
roc(all.response, all.predictor)
The roc curve is built from all.response and all.predictor that are updated at each step. This code also stores the AUC at each step in auc for comparison. Both results should be quite similar when the sample size is sufficiently large, however small samples within the cross-validation may lead to underestimated AUC as the ROC curve with all data will tend to be smoother and less underestimated by the trapezoidal rule.

plot multiple fit and predictions for logistic regression

I am running multiple times a logistic regression over more than 1000 samples taken from a dataset. My question is what is the best way to show my results ? how can I plot my outputs for both the fit and the prediction curve?
This is an example of what I am doing, using the baseball dataset from R. For example I want to fit and predict the model 5 times. Each time I take one sample out (for the prediction) and use another for the fit.
#Exclude rows with NA values
#Create vector replacing the Leage (A our N) by 1 or 0.
#Model the player be league A in function of the Hits,Runs,Errors and Salary
for (k in 1:5){
There are a number of issues here.
PA is a subset of baseball$League but the model is constructed on columns from the whole baseball data frame, i.e. they do not match.
PA is treated as a continuous response when using the default family (gaussian), it should be changed to a factor and binomial family.
prd_glm_list[[k]]=fit_glm should probably be prd_glm_list[[k]]=prd_glm
You must save the true class labels for the predictions otherwise you have nothing to compare to.
My take on your code looks like this.
dataset <- baseball[complete.cases(baseball),]
fits <- preds <- truths <- vector("list", 5)
for (k in 1:5){
sp <- sample(nrow(dataset), 30, replace=FALSE)
fits[[k]] <- glm(League ~ Hits + Runs + Errors + Salary,
family="binomial", data=dataset[sp[1:15],])
preds[[k]] <- predict(fits[[k]], dataset[sp[16:30],], type="response")
truths[[k]] <- dataset$League[sp[1:15]]
plot(unlist(truths), unlist(preds))
The model performs poorly but at least the code runs without problems. The y-axis in the plot shows the estimated probabilities that the examples belong to league N, i.e. ideally the left box should be close to 0 and the right close to 1.
