How to create custom route to a page in WordPress - wordpress

I want to set a new Route in WordPress that will be redirected to the desired path by entering a specific pattern.
for example:
When I enter any url like below:**********
These routes and similar ones redirects to sound.php

You can use add_rewrite_rule function, Here is official WP reference -
As per your example above, You can do like below,
add_action('init', 'custom_rewrite_rule', 10, 0);
function custom_rewrite_rule() {
Try above code as per your requirement and add into your theme's
function.php OR plugin file.
After code added, You must Go to Settings > Permalinks page on your site admin panel and do click on Save Changes button.


Wordpress add action 'init' not working frontend

I have installed Wordpress without making any changes and using the standard 2019 theme. I want to create virtual pages when ever specific url patterns are called. To do this I need to run a URL rewrite as early as possible, so I have added this line to the top of the themes functions.php file:
function url_rewrite() {
add_action('init', 'url_rewrite');
I get the message 'here' as expected on pages, but if its a URL which does not exist the site is not picking this up at all, it just goes to a 404 page. I'm hoping someone knows why.
I have also tried:
add_action('init', 'url_rewrite', 1, 0);
its working for me perfect, can you please check as you have added code with theme selected and once update your permalink in backend

Make WordPress show the same page on two different url patterns

I need to make WordPress show the same page on two different URLs:
* I can only use functions.php
I used a few similar cases and guides and here is code which worked out for me:
function tail_rewrite()
add_rewrite_rule('^([^/]*)/tail?', 'index.php?name=$matches[1]', 'top');
// first parameter for posts: p or name, for pages: page_id or pagename
add_action('init', 'tail_rewrite');
don't forget to flush the rules by visiting Settings > Permalinks
OR use flush_rewrite_rules() in the plugin activation (don't execute it at every page load).

how to hide a page from being seen in wordpress backend and frontend

In my plugin i have created a custom template that prints a requested sidebar. and for running the code of this template i assigned a custom page to it (by calling update_metadata) .
Is it a good idea for getting content of a specific sidebar into Ajax call ?
Now my problem is that WORDPRESS shows it in the dashboard and front page , and after searching i have not found any easy to understand solution for Hiding a page completely so only can be accessed by its id .
Can any one tell me how to do that ?
you are going about this the wrong way. You can create a function that can create anything that can be created on a wordpress page.
But if you really must you can create a page outside of the database, etc:
add_action('init', 'add_rewrite_rule');
function add_rewrite_rule(){
// add_rewrite_rule(REGEX url, location, priority (i.e. top is before other rewrite rules)
// I created a custom post type for this plugin called market -- replace post_type with whatever you want
//basically tell wordress to add a query var if sidebar is added to url.
// register a query var
function market_set_query_var($vars) {
array_push($vars, 'is_sidebar_page');
return $vars;
// associate a template with your quer_var
add_filter('template_include', 'market_include_template', 1000, 1);
function market_include_template($template){
$new_template = (theme or plugin path).'/pages/yourpage.php'; // change this path to your file
$template = $new_template;
return $template;
This will not be a page that will be in the admin section or in any query that relates to pages but someone could of course navigate to this page. But as i said above you would be better to create a function to create your sidebar. If you want a seperate file to handle the "view" you use require_once 'filename'; a file and keep your functions area free of html.
If you are creating functions in a wordpress plugin dont forget many functions may not be available until later in the load process. Use add_action() if you run into any undefined functions
you are loading wordpress before you get to the template so you have all the functions. (google wp load for more info) + get_header() / get_footer() will also load a few things like css, etc. I had a small typo in the code above, fixed that but basically what you are doing is telling wordpress if someone lands on to apply a query_var (rewrite rule). Wordpress will look up its saved vars (final function) and return the template assoc. The 2nd function just registers the var.
You also have wp_functions in any file you create and include in a plugin, etc hence why you can create a file that does exactly the same as this page.

Rewrite category wordpress

Is it possible to rewrite only one category ?
I have a category "Photos" and just for this category.
I just want to rewrite it from /category/photos to /photos
You can do it with WP Rewrite API.
Add this to functions.php
add_action('init', 'register_rewrites');
function register_rewrites() {
add_rewrite_rule('^photos$', 'index.php?category_name=photos','top');
Remember to reload your rewrite settings: go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on Save button - no changes needed.
The Yoast SEO plugin has this function build in, I recommend this plugin in general.
no-category-base-wpml only does this
If you don't want to install a plugin for this. Around the web there are many tutorials which do this:
Too enable this for just one category I would advise the following:
create a page called photos.
create a theme template page for this photo page
In is set up a new query_posts* getting the category 'photos'
Include the category.php file.
assign that template to the photo page.
Not tested but should work. Because the page has the correct URL and should include the category. Questions, aks.
*query_posts is bad for performance if you want to do it totally correct use the pre_get_posts filter. It's requires more knowledge.

PHP echo function in BuddyPress to Hyperlink to Member Profile Pages

When I first setup BuddyPress on my site, root profiles were enabled. Basically, if a registered user wanted to edit the account settings of their profile, the URL where they could do that would be: "". However, if you typed in "" in your browser, you would get the exact same page.
I decided I did not want root profiles enabled because I preferred the URL to be: "", so based on this guide (, I edited the code in functions.php to be like this:
define ( 'BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES', false );
However, in header.php, where my navigation is located, the PHP function is still linking to the root profile that I wanted disabled. This is what it looks like:
I am trying to figure out how I can change the function so that it links to: "" instead of "".
Please remove the define ( 'BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES', false ); in your function.php file.
Because the Buddypress default provide
And also please check the wp-config.php file if above code is there just remove it
Please try this
