popup menu in iframe, in order not to edit all htmls menu, but only menu in iframe - iframe

Not an expert here. I have a question, how can i have the popup menu in an iframe? I have a site menu that has popup content. But when i try to have it in iframe, popup doesn' work. I want to have a popup menu, so if you want to edit it, you can edit only the menu in iframe, and not all the htmls. But i cannot make it popup in parent html, only inside the iframe, so the popup is not visible.
Otherwise, is a better way to have a site menu that you can edit it in easy way, rather than have it in every html, something that means more edit?
I tried z-index, but couldn't make it work. I tried also changing the dimensions of the iframe, but also din't work.


Control position of accordion and how it opens when you use an anchor link?

I currently have anchor tags in my main navigational menu, which when clicked will open the corresponding accordion item below. The problem I am having is, when you click on the anchor link, the accordion will open 1/2 way down the inside content, and you cannot see the accordion header/title. It is almost like it opens at the bottom of the content.
Everything seems to work with no problems in Firefox and Chrome, but the dreaded IE will not behave.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks much!

CSS: I don't have horizontal scroll but when I click and drag the page it goes left

I'm developing a website and on its home page I have some sliders.
When I use these sliders I used to get horizontal scroll. I managed to fix that using overflow-x:hidden; at the css for the body element.
My problem is that When I click and drag the page to the right the scrollbar doesn't appear, but the user have the same effect as if he was using the scrollbar.
I received the html/css from a third part front-end developer and I'd prefer not to have to modify his css much.
Would you have any tips to fix this behavior without having to do further changes in the html/css structure?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Bootstrap 3 responsive drop down nav links not working

Here is my link: http://www.websouthend.co.uk/jc/
I am having issues with my drop down menu.
Under the galleries link there is a drop down, which is dropping down and displaying fine in Firefox, a little funky in chrome but can be fixed with css.
My issue is the links aren't actually directing to the pages... The markup looks ok the anchor tags are surrounding the text and formatted correctly, so I can't for the life of me figure our what's missing.
The sub menu (drop down menu) anchors have a data-toggle="dropdown" i expect this prevent the link from opening. Javascript try to open a new dropdown and the default click behavior stops.
Also see: https://github.com/bassjobsen/jamedo-bootstrap-start-theme/issues/20

Like and Send Button flyout disappears

I'm having some issues with the Facebook Like and Send button.
I'm using XFBML for the buttons, in Wordpress, Blogum theme.
But the problem is that when the Like or Send button is clicked, the flyout where you can give reactions and so on, disappears under other objects on the site.
To check it all out for yourself, see:
at the bottom of the post we have the Like and Send buttons.
I would like to see that the flyout goes above all the other content on the webpage.
Is somebody able to help me with this problem? Thanks a lot!
The .post_content class in style.css line 80 has overflow:hidden. Because your Facebook buttons are at the very bottom of your post content div, it is hiding them when they overflow its borders. Change this to overflow:visible and the Facebook flyouts will be visible (though you may need to check that this doesn't affect other site elements).

How to debug CSS with Firebug for an element that only appears when clicked?

I want to debug the CSS for a DHTML menu, but the element I want to debug is a submenu, so it only appears when the top element in the menu is clicked.
So I can't use that button on Firebug that shows the CSS for the next element clicked, because when I click on the top menu item it will show the CSS for that element, not its child, and if I expand the menu first and then click on the Firebug button the submenu disappears (it disappears when it loses focus).
Any tips on how to get out of this catch-22?
Use firebug console command line to run click event. Like $('#menutab a').click(); If it's needed, you could also set breakpoint to avoid hidding.
Read more in firebug documentation
Select your element in the HTML tab, directly in the source.
Then, you can hover your page to toggle it.
In cases like this I sometimes alter the script slightly in order for the 'hidden' element to stay visible.
In this case, I would perhaps comment out/disable the script code which hides the element on blur. That way you can click the main element, and inspect the now visible item for as long as needed.
What about debuging with all the buttons visible? Or you can still find the elemnt in the HTML tree.
In Opera, you can use Dragonfly (Tools > Advanced > Developer Tools, or Ctrl+Shift+i) to solve this issue. When the tools are active, clicking on any part of the page will navigate to that section of the HTML side-by-side with its CSS.
