How to use CompletableFuture to execute the threads parallaly without waiting and combine the result? - asynchronous

I have executeGetCapability method which is executed in different threads but these threads runs sequentially..meaning one is completed after the other
public CompletableFuture<CapabilityDTO> executeGetCapability(final String id, final LoggingContextData data){...}
and this method is called in following way:
public CapabilityResponseDTO getCapabilities(final List<String> ids) {
final CapabilityResponseDTO responseDTO = new CapabilityResponseDTO();
final List<CapabilityDTO> listOfCapabilityDTOS = new ArrayList<>();
try {
for (String id: ids) {
listOfCapabilityDTOS .add(
asyncProcessService.executeGetCapability(id, LoggingContext.getLoggingContextData()).get());
} catch (Exception e) {
responseDTO.setDTOS(listOfCapabilityDTOS );
return responseDTO;
How can i call executeGetCapability method using CompletableFuture so that thread runs in parallel without waiting for each other and then the result is combined ?? how can i use here CompletableFuture.supplyAsync and or .allOf methods ? Can someone explain me

The reduce helper function from this answer converts a CompletableFuture<Stream<T>> to a Stream<CompletableFuture<T>>. You can use it to asynchronously combine the results for multiple calls to executeGetCapability:
// For each id create a future to asynchronously execute executeGetCapability
Stream<CompletableFuture<CapabilityDTO>> futures =
.map(id -> executeGetCapability(id, LoggingContext.getLoggingContextData()));
// Reduce the stream of futures to a future for a stream
// and convert the stream to list
CompletableFuture<List<CapabilityDTO>> capabilitiesFuture = reduce(futures)


Using SemaphoreSlim with Parallel.ForEach

This is what I am trying to achieve. Let's say I have a process which runs every minute and performs some I/O operations. I want 5 threads to execute simultaneously and do the operations. Suppose if 2 threads took longer than a minute and when the process runs again after a minute, it should execute 3 threads simultaneously as 2 threads are already doing some operations.
So, I used the combination of SemaphoreSlim and Parallel.ForEach. Please let me know if this is the correct way of achieving this or there is any other better way.
private static SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreSlim = new SemaphoreSlim(5);
private async Task ExecuteAsync()
var availableThreads = _semaphoreSlim.CurrentCount;
if (availableThreads > 0)
var lists = await _feedSourceService.GetListAsync(availableThreads); // select #top(availableThreads) * from table
new ParallelOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = availableThreads
async item =>
await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
// I/O operations
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex);
Let's say I have a process which runs every minute and performs some I/O operations... Suppose if 2 threads took longer than a minute and when the process runs again after a minute, it should execute 3 threads simultaneously as 2 threads are already doing some operations.
This kind of problem description is somewhat common, but is surprisingly difficult to code correctly. This is because you have a polling-style timer (time based) that is trying to periodically adjust a throttling mechanism. Doing this correctly is quite difficult.
So, the first thing I'd recommend is to change the problem description. Consider having the polling mechanism read all outstanding work, and then use normal throttling from there (e.g., adding then to an execution-constrained ActionBlock).
That said, if you'd prefer continuing down the more complex path, code like this would avoid the Parallel with async problem:
private static SemaphoreSlim _semaphoreSlim = new SemaphoreSlim(5);
private async Task ExecuteAsync()
var availableThreads = _semaphoreSlim.CurrentCount;
if (availableThreads > 0)
var lists = await _feedSourceService.GetListAsync(availableThreads); // select #top(availableThreads) * from table
var tasks = lists.Select(
async item =>
await _semaphoreSlim.WaitAsync();
// I/O operations
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex);

Iterate with asynchronous functions

Using the Twitch API and vert.x - I'm looking to continuously send requests to Twitch's API using a WebClient and Twitch's cursor response to go page by page. However I'm not sure how to go back and keep doing queries until a condition is met due to vert.x's asynchronous nature.
Here's my code so far
public void getEntireStreamList(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler) {
JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
getLiveChannels(100, result -> {
if(result.succeeded()) {
JsonObject json = result.result();
String cursor = json.getJsonObject("pagination").getString("cursor");
data.put("data", json.getJsonArray("data"));
if(json.getJsonArray("data").size() < 100) { // IF NOT LAST PAGE
} else
Ideally I'd be able to call getLiveChannels with the cursor String from the previous request to continue the search.
You will need to use Future composition.
Here's my code for your problem:
public void getEntireStreamList(Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> handler) {
JsonArray data = new JsonArray();
// create initial Future for first function call
Future<JsonObject> initFuture = Future.future();
// complete Future when getLiveChannels completes
// fail on exception
getLiveChannels(100, initFuture.completer());
// Create a callback that returns a Future
// for composition.
final AtomicReference<Function<JsonObject, Future<JsonObject>>> callback = new AtomicReference<>();
// Create Function that calls composition with itself.
// This is similar to recursion.
Function<JsonObject, Future<JsonObject>> cb = new Function<JsonObject, Future<JsonObject>>() {
public Future<JsonObject> apply(JsonObject json) {
// new Future to return
Future<JsonObject> f = Future.future();
// Do what you wanna do with the data
String cursor = json.getJsonObject("pagination").getString("cursor");
if(json.getJsonArray("data").size() == 100) {
// get more live channels with cursor
getLiveChannels(100, cursor, f.completer());
// return composed Future
return f.compose(this);
// Otherwise return completed Future with results.
f.complete(new JsonObject().put("data", data));
return f;
Future<JsonObject> composite = initFuture.compose(cb);
// Set handler on composite Future (ALL composed futures together)
composite.setHandler(result -> handler.handle(result));
The code + comments should speak for themselves if you read the Vert.x docs on sequential Future composition.

AsDocumentQuery.HasMore Result parallelism?

I have not yet faced a situation where a query for documents has more than 1 "set". I was wondering, what would happen, if instead of
while (queryable.HasMoreResults)
foreach(Book b in await queryable.ExecuteNextAsync<Book>())
// Iterate through books
i use
ConcurrentBag<IPost> result = new ConcurrentBag<IPost>();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
var outQ = query.AsDocumentQuery<IPost>();
while (outQ.HasMoreResults)
var parcialResult = outQ.ExecuteNextAsync<IPost>().ContinueWith((t) =>
foreach (var item in t.Result)
return Task.WhenAll(tasks).ContinueWith((r) => { return result.AsEnumerable(); });
I'm under the impression that the second approach, being a parallel one would yield more performance, once the partial queries would be execute concurrently... but i'm afraid that while (outQ.HasMoreResults) won't become false until all async ops have finished...
Your concern regarding HasMoreResults not updating quickly enough is well-founded. You cannot dispatch an async operation and assume the object will immediately transition to the state expected of it at the end of the async operation. In this particular case you have no choice but to wait for the async operation to complete.
I assume that the library authors deliberately chose the API which does not lend itself to parallelisation - most likely because it encapsulates the kind of work which needs to be done serially.

Parallel httprequest in UWP app

I'm creating an app that requires todo parallel http request, I'm using HttpClient for this.
I'm looping over the urls and foreach URl I start a new Task todo the request.
after the loop I wait untill every task finishes.
However when I check the calls being made with fiddler I see that the request are being called synchronously. It's not like a bunch of request are being made, but one by one.
I've searched for a solution and found that other people have experienced this too, but not with UWP. The solution was to increase the DefaultConnectionLimit on the ServicePointManager.
The problem is that ServicePointManager does not exist for UWP. I've looked in the API's and I thought I could set the DefaultConnectionLimit on HttpClientHandler, but no.
So I have a few Questions.
Is DefaultConnectionLimit still a property that could be set somewhere?
if so, where do i set it?
if not, how do I increase the connnectionlimit?
Is there still a connectionlimit in UWP?
this is my code:
var requests = new List<Task>();
var client = GetHttpClient();
foreach (var show in shows)
requests.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew((x) =>
((Show)x).NextEpisode = GetEpisodeAsync(((Show)x).NextEpisodeUri, client).Result;}, show));
await Task.WhenAll(requests.ToArray());
and this is the request:
public async Task<Episode> GetEpisodeAsync(string nextEpisodeUri, HttpClient client)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextEpisodeUri)) return null;
HttpResponseMessage content; = await client.GetAsync(nextEpisodeUri);
if (content.IsSuccessStatusCode)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EpisodeWrapper>(await content.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).Episode;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Oke. I have the solution. I do need to use async/await inside the task. The problem was the fact I was using StartNew instead of Run. but I have to use StartNew because i'm passing along a state.
With the StartNew. The task inside the task is not awaited for unless you call Unwrap. So Task.StartNew(.....).Unwrap(). This way the Task.WhenAll() will wait untill the inner task is complete.
When u are using Task.Run() you don't have to do this.
Task.Run vs Task.StartNew
The stackoverflow answer
var requests = new List<Task>();
var client = GetHttpClient();
foreach (var show in shows)
requests.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(async (x) =>
((Show)x).NextEpisode = await GetEpisodeAsync(((Show)x).NextEpisodeUri, client);
}, show)
I think an easier way to solve this is not "manually" starting requests but instead using linq with an async delegate to query the episodes and then set them afterwards.
You basically make it a two step process:
Get all next episodes
Set them in the for each
This also has the benefit of decoupling your querying code with the sideeffect of setting the show.
var shows = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(x => new Show());
var client = new HttpClient();
(Show, Episode)[] nextEpisodes = await Task.WhenAll(shows
.Select(async show =>
(show, await GetEpisodeAsync(show.NextEpisodeUri, client))));
foreach ((Show Show, Episode Episode) tuple in nextEpisodes)
tuple.Show.NextEpisode = tuple.Episode;
Note that i am using the new Tuple syntax of C#7. Change to the old tuple syntax accordingly if it is not available.

play framework parallel WSClient calls error management

I have an action in which I make three parallel HTTP calls (to other services), then I merge the contents of the responses into one document and finally I send it back to the client.
This is a working sample of the code:
WSClient wsc;
public CompletionStage<Result> getUrlData() throws Exception {
List<CompletionStage<WSResponse>> stages = new ArrayList<>();
return Futures
.thenApply(responses -> {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("["); -> builder.append(response.getBody()).append(","));
return ok(builder.toString());
.exceptionally(ex -> ok("{\"error\": \"An error has occurred\"}"));
If one of services is not available (you can simulate this behavior modifying the domain name of one of the URLs to a non existing one), the page returned contains only the message contained in the exceptionally() part, while I need to return the contents of the correct calls plus the error message of the not succeeded call. Any hint on how to do it?
I'm using Play 2.5.1.
Basically you just want to handle the .exceptionally(..) individually for each call. Something like this should work:
create a function that returns a CompletionStage for an individual URL, incorporating your error handling (returning JSON of the error)
convert that to a list of completion stages to pass to Futures.sequence
As an aside, you can make the JSON manipulation a bit nicer by building the objects programatically using Jackson's ObjectMapper.createObjectNode() and ObjectMapper.createArrayNode():
private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private CompletionStage<JsonNode> getDataFromUrl(String url) {
return wsc.url(url)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
ObjectNode error = mapper.createObjectNode();
error.put("error", ex.getMessage());
return error;
public CompletionStage<Result> getUrlData() throws Exception {
List<String> urls = new ArrayList<>();
// Convert to a list of promises
List<CompletionStage<JsonNode>> stages = urls
return Futures
.thenApply(responses -> {
ArrayNode arrayNode = mapper.createArrayNode();;
return ok(arrayNode);
