How to use rsync to replace scp to transfer files? - rsync

rsync .
For example, I am seeing others set such a way to transfer files from the /data/ directory without even requiring userid/password. I typically use scp to do:
scp -P 33 .
The scp requires port and password. How to set rsync as the first case does?


rsync delete files on sending side after transfer

I want to download a large amount of data from a remote machine.
I'd like the data to be erased on the remote machine everytime a file finishes downloading.
How do I do that? Is there a flag for rsync to do this?
You need to pass the --remove-source-files option to the rsync command. It tells rsync to remove from the sending side the files (meaning non-directories) that are a part of the transfer and have been successfully duplicated on the receiving side. Do not pass the --delete option to rsync command as it delete extraneous files from destination directory.
Delete source after successful transfer using rsync.
The syntax is:
rsync --remove-source-files -options /path/to/src/ /path/to/dest
rsync --remove-source-files -options /path/to/src/ computerB:/path/to/dest
rsync --remove-source-files -av /path/to/src/*.avi computerB:/path/to/dest
Reference :

scp or sftp copy multiple files with single command

I'd like to copy files from/to remote server in different directories.
For example, I want to run these 4 commands at once.
scp remote:A/1.txt local:A/1.txt
scp remote:A/2.txt local:A/2.txt
scp remote:B/1.txt local:B/1.txt
scp remote:C/1.txt local:C/1.txt
What is the easiest way to do that?
Copy multiple files from remote to local:
$ scp\{a,b,c\} ./
Copy multiple files from local to remote:
$ scp foo.txt bar.txt
$ scp {foo,bar}.txt
$ scp *.txt
Copy multiple files from remote to remote:
$ scp \
From local to server:
scp file1.txt username#ip.of.server.copyto:~/pathtoupload
From server to local (up to OpenSSH v9.0):
scp -T username#ip.of.server.copyfrom:"file1.txt file2.txt" "~/yourpathtocopy"
From server to local (OpenSSH v9.0+):
scp -OT username#ip.of.server.copyfrom:"file1.txt file2.txt" "~/yourpathtocopy"
From man 1 scp:
-O Use the legacy SCP protocol for file transfers instead of the SFTP protocol. Forcing the use of the
SCP protocol may be necessary for servers that do not implement SFTP, for backwards-compatibility for
particular filename wildcard patterns and for expanding paths with a ‘~’ prefix for older SFTP
Since OpenSSH 9.0, scp has used the SFTP protocol for transfers by default.
You can copy whole directories with using -r switch so if you can isolate your files into own directory, you can copy everything at once.
scp -r ./dir-with-files user#remote-server:upload-path
scp -r user#remote-server:path-to-dir-with-files download-path
so for instance
scp -r root# ~/backup-logs
Or if there is just few of them, you can use:
scp 1.txt 2.txt 3.log user#remote-server:upload-path
As Jiri mentioned, you can use scp -r user#host:/some/remote/path /some/local/path to copy files recursively. This assumes that there's a single directory containing all of the files you want to transfer (and nothing else).
However, SFTP provides an alternative if you want to transfer files from multiple different directories, and the destinations are not identical:
sftp user#host << EOF
get /some/remote/path1/file1 /some/local/path1/file1
get /some/remote/path2/file2 /some/local/path2/file2
get /some/remote/path3/file3 /some/local/path3/file3
This uses the "here doc" syntax to define a sequence of SFTP input commands. As an alternative, you could put the SFTP commands into a text file and execute sftp user#host -b batchFile.txt
The answers with {file1,file2,file3} works only with bash (on remote or locally)
The real way is :
scp user#remote:'/path1/file1 /path2/file2 /path3/file3' /localPath
After playing with scp for a while I have found the most robust solution:
(Beware of the single and double quotation marks)
Local to remote:
scp -r "FILE1" "FILE2" HOST:'"DIR"'
Remote to local:
scp -r HOST:'"FILE1" "FILE2"' "DIR"
Notice that whatever after "HOST:" will be sent to the remote and parsed there. So we must make sure they are not processed by the local shell. That is why single quotation marks come in. The double quotation marks are used to handle spaces in the file names.
If files are all in the same directory, we can use * to match them all, such as
scp -r "DIR_IN"/*.txt HOST:'"DIR"'
scp -r HOST:'"DIR_IN"/*.txt' "DIR"
Compared to using the "{}" syntax which is supported only by some shells, this one is universal
The simplest way is
local$ scp remote:{A/1,A/2,B/3,C/4}.txt ./
So {.. } list can include directories (A,B and C here are directories; "1.txt" and "2.txt" are file names in those directories).
Although it would copy all these four files into one local directory - not sure if that's what you wanted.
In the above case you will end up remote files A/1.txt, A/2.txt, B/3.txt and C/4.txt copied over to a single local directory, with file names ./1.txt, ./2.txt, ./3.txt and ./4.txt
Problem: Copying multiple directories from remote server to local machine using a single SCP command and retaining each directory as it is in the remote server.
Solution: SCP can do this easily. This solves the annoying problem of entering password multiple times when using SCP with multiple folders. Consequently, this also saves a lot of time!
# copies folders t1, t2, t3 from `test` to your local working directory
# note that there shouldn't be any space in between the folder names;
# we also escape the braces.
# please note the dot at the end of the SCP command
~$ cd ~/working/directory
~$ scp -r\{t1,t2,t3\} .
PS: Motivated by this great answer: scp or sftp copy multiple files with single command
Based on the comments, this also works fine in Git Bash on Windows
You can do this way:
scp hostname#serverNameOrServerIp:/path/to/files/\\{file1,file2,file3\\}.fileExtension ./
This will download all the listed filenames to whatever local directory you're on.
Make sure not to put spaces between each filename only use a comma ,.
Copy multiple directories:
scp -r dir1 dir2 dir3 admin#
Is more simple without using scp:
tar cf - file1 ... file_n | ssh user#server 'tar xf -'
This also let you do some things like compress the stream (-C) or (since OpenSSH v7.3) -J to jump any times through one (or more) proxy servers.
Avoid using passwords by coping your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (on server) with ssh-copy-id (on client).
Posted also here (with more details) and here.
scp remote:"[A-C]/[12].txt" local:
NOTE: I apologize in advance for answering only a portion of the above question. However, I found these commands to be useful for my current unix needs.
Uploading specific files from a local machine to a remote machine:
~/Desktop/dump_files$ scp file1.txt file2.txt lab1.cpp etc.ext
Uploading an entire directory from a local machine to a remote machine:
~$ scp -r Desktop/dump_files
Downloading an entire directory from a remote machine to a local machine:
~/Desktop$ scp -r Desktop/
In my case, I am restricted to only using the sftp command.
So, I had to use a batchfile with sftp. I created a script such as the following. This assumes you are working in the /tmp directory, and you want to put the files in the destdir_on_remote_system on the remote system. This also only works with a noninteractive login. You need to set up public/private keys so you can login without entering a password. Change as needed.
cd /tmp
# start script with list of files to transfer
ls -1 fileset1* > batchfile1
ls -1 fileset2* >> batchfile1
sed -i -e 's/^/put /' batchfile1
echo "cd destdir_on_remote_system" > batchfile
cat batchfile1 >> batchfile
rm batchfile1
sftp -b batchfile user#host
In the specific case where all the files have the same extension but with different suffix (say number of log file) you use the following:
scp user_name#ip.of.remote.machine:/some/log/folder/some_log_file.* ./
This will copy all files named some_log_file from the given folder within the remote, i.e.- some_log_file.1 , some_log_file.2, some_log_file.3 ....
In my case there were too many files with non related names.
I ended up using,
$ for i in $(ssh remote 'ls ~/dir'); do scp remote:~/dir/$i ./$i; done
1.txt 100% 322KB 1.2MB/s 00:00
2.txt 100% 33KB 460.7KB/s 00:00
3.txt 100% 61KB 572.1KB/s 00:00
scp uses ssh for data transfer with the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh.
A best practise here is to implement "SSH KEYS AND PUBLIC KEY AUTHENTICATION". With this, you can write your scripts without worring about authentication. Simple as that.
scp -i ~/.ssh/${backupDirAbsolutePath}/"{$backupDbName1,$backupDbName2,$backupDbName3,$backupDbName4}" .
. - at the end will download the files to current dir
-i ~/.ssh/ - assuming that you established ssh to your server with .pub key
scp -r root#ip-address:/root/dir/ C:\Users\your-name\Downloads\
the -r will let you download all the files inside the dir directory of your remote server

What's the syntax and prerequisite for --password-file option in rsync?

I want to store --password-file option that comes with rsync. I don't want to use ssh public_private key encryption. I have tried this command:
rsync -avz --progress --password-file=pass.txt source destination
This says:
The --password-file option may only be used when accessing an rsync daemon.
So, I tried using:
rsync -avz --progress --password-file=pass.txt source destination rsyncd --daemon
But this return various errors like unknown options. Is my sytanx correct? How do I setup rsync daemon in my Debian machine.
That is correct,
--password-file is only applicable when connecting to a rsync daemon.
You probably haven't set it in the daemon itself though, the password you set and the one you use during that call must match.
Edit /etc/rsyncd.secrets, and set the owner/group of that file to root:root with world reading permissions.
To connect to a rsync daemon, use a double colon followed by the module name, and the file or folder to synchronize (instead of a colon when using SSH),
RSYNC_PASSWORD="YourSecretestPassword"; rsync -rtv user#remotehost::module/source/ destination/
this implies abdicating SSH encryption, though the password itself is not sent across the network in plain text, your data is ...
this is already insecure as is, never as the the same password as any of your users account.
For a better understanding of its inner workings (how to give specific IPs/processes the ability to upload to specified areas of the filesystem without the need for a user account):
After trying a while, I got this to work. Since Im copying from my live server (and routers data) to my local server in my laptop as backup user no problem with password been unencrypted, its secured wired on my laptop at home. First you need to install sshpass if Centos with yum install sshpass then create a user backup and assign a temp password. I listed the -p option in case your ssh port is different than default.
sshpass -p 'password' rsync -vaurP -e 'ssh -p 2222' backup#???.your.ip.???:/somedir/public_data/temp/ /your/localdata/temp
Understand SSH RSA is a better permanente alternative and all that, but this is a quick alternative to backup and restore on the go. It works if you are not too concern about security but more concern about your data been backup locally as in an emergency o data recovery. Your user backup password you can change it once the backup is completed. Its a lot faster to setup when your servers change IPs, users, and its in constant modifications (as routers change config and non static IPs, also when routers are not local and you are backing up clients servers locally, where you dont have always access to do SSH. Some of my clients dont even have SSH installed and they dont want to hassle with creating public keys. On some servers only where you have access on a temporary basis. By the way, if you want to do the restore, just reverse the case. Dont need change much, from the same command shell you can do it reversing the order of target and source directories, and creating another backup user with same temp password on the target. After finish, you delete the backup user or change its passwords on target and/or source servers. You can protect even further, as I have done, replacing the password for a one line file using a bash script for multi server environment. Alternative is to use the -f option so the password does not show in the bash history -f "/path/to/passwordfile" Regards
NOTE: If you want to update only modified files then you should use this parameters -h -v -r -P -t as described here
rsync -arv -e \
"sshpass -f '/your/pass.txt' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
--progress /your/source id#IP:/your/destination
Maybe you have to install "sshpass" if you not.

How to implement recursive put in sftp

Command-line sftp in my Ubuntu doesn't have recursive put implemented. I found some debate from 2004 about implementing such feature with -R option switch. So I see some sort of self-made recursion as only option.
iterate through directory listing
cd into directories
mkdir them if nonexistent
put files
I'm planning on doing this with bash, but any other language would suffice.
Rsync or scp is not an option because I don't have shell access to server. Only sftp.
Look at lftp. It's a powerful file transfer client which supports ftp, ftps, http, https, hftp, fish (file transfer over ssh shell session) and sftp. It has ftp-like interactive interface, but also allows to specify all commands at the command line. Look at mput (non recursive but handles glob patterns) and mirror (poor man's rsync) commands.
I use it with a server which only handles sftp uploads like this:
lftp -c "open -u $MYUSER,$MYPASSWORD sftp://$TARGET ; mirror -R $SOME_DIRECTORY"
While I think lftp is the best option if it's available, I got stuck on an ancient install of Cent OS and needed to do a recursive put via SFTP only. Here's what I did:
find dir -type d -exec echo 'mkdir {}' \; | sftp user#host
find dir -type f -exec echo 'put {} {}' \; | sftp user#host
So basically make sure all the directories exist and then send the files over.
The GUI FTP client FileZilla also supports SFTP and also supports uploading and downloading while directories.
my ubuntu 12.04 comes with put -r in sftp
On the command line you can do that by using the putty-tools package.
It comes with a sftp replacement called psftp.
It supports mput -r which copies a local directory to the remote recursively.
I guess you can do this with bash but it's going to be a lot of work. Instead, I suggest to have a look at Python and the Chilkat library.
In Java, you can use edtFTPj/PRO, our commercial product, to transfer recursively via SFTP. Alternatively you might want to consider SCP - that generally supports recursion and runs over SSH.
How about sshfs?
Combined, of course, with cp -r.
Or, failing that, rsync -r by itself.
After lot's of googling and good answers I used Transmit syncing for the job. Not a very good solution, but does the job.
Here is how --
sftp -r <host>
password: <pass>
cd <remote dir> # moves to remote dest dir
put -r localdir/* # creates dir and copies files over

Using rsync to delete a single file

File foo.txt exists on the remote machine at: /home/user/foo.txt
It doesn't exist on the local machine.
I want to delete foo.txt using rsync.
I do not know (and assume for the purposes of this question that I cannot find out) what other files are in /home/user on either the local or remote machines, so I can't just sync the whole directory.
What rsync command can I use to delete foo.txt on the remote machine?
Try this:
rsync -rv --delete --include=foo.txt '--exclude=*' /home/user/ user#remote:/home/user/
(highly recommend running with --dry-run first to test it) Although it seems like it would be easier to use ssh...
ssh user#remote "rm /home/user/foo.txt"
That's a bit trivial, but if, like me, you came to this page looking for a way to delete the content of a directory from remote server using rsync, this is how I did it:
Create an empty mock folder:
mkdir mock
Sync with it:
rsync -arv --delete --dry-run ~/mock/ remote_server:~/dir_to_clean/
Remove --dry-run from the line above to actually do the thing.
As suggested above, use --dry-run to test prior. --delete deletes files on the remote location per the rsync man page.
rsync -rv --delete user#hostname.local:full/path/to/foo.txt
Comment below stating this will list only is incorrect. To list only use --list-only and remove --delete.
Just came across the same problem, needed to use rsync to delete a remote file, as only rsync and no other SSH commands were allowed. The --remove-source-files option (formerly known as --remove-sender-files) did exactly that:
rsync -avPn --remove-source-files remote:/home/user/foo.txt .
rm foo.txt
As always, remove the -n option to really execute this.
