construct large "matrix" in R - r

I'm trying to construct a large matrix:
mat <- matrix(0,ncol=700000,nrow=700000)
I tried on machines with a lot of RAM but they don't seem to be able to handle it.
is there another data structure I could use that is faster or less memory intensive?
I would still need the same number of rows and columns filled with 0s.


Problems tabulating a large matrix

I need to generate a table from a very large matrix (17GB, with 2,278,439,289 elements).
The code I want to run is
distance_table = table(distance_matrix)
However, I always run into the problems of "long vectors not supported yet: memory.c:1121", I guess because I don't have enough memory to run this. Do you know how can i split it up to count the elements of sub-matrix individually?

Reduce computation time

Most of the data sets that I have worked with has generally been of moderate size (mostly less than 100k rows) and hence my code's execution time has usually not been that big a problem for me.
But I was recently trying to write a function that takes 2 dataframes as arguments (with, say, m & n rows) and returns a new dataframe with m*n rows. I then have to perform some operations on the resulting data set. So, even with small values of m & n (say around 1000 each ) the resulting dataframe would have more than a million rows.
When I try even simple operations on this dataset, the code takes an intolerably long time to run. Specifically, my resulting dataframe has 2 columns with numeric values and I need to add a new column which will compare the values of these columns and categorize them as - "Greater than", "less than", "Tied"
I am using the following code:
df %>% mutate(compare=ifelse(var1==var2,"tied",
ifelse(var1>var2,"Greater than","lesser then")
And, as I mentioned before, this takes forever to run. I did some research on this, and I figured out that apparently operations on data.table is significantly faster than dataframe, so maybe that's one option I can try.
But I have never used data.tables before. So before I plunge into that, I was quite curious to know if there are any other ways to speed up computation time for large data sets.
What other options do you think I can try?
For large problems like this I like to parallelize. Since operations on individual rows are atomic, meaning that the outcome of an operation on a particular row is independent of every other row, this is an "embarassingly parallel" situation.
registerDoParallel() #You could specify the number of cores to use here. See the documentation.
df$compare <- foreach(m=df$m, n=df$n, .combine='c') %dopar% {
#Borrowing from #nicola in the comments because it's a good solution.
c('Less Than', 'Tied', 'Greater Than')[sign(m-n)+2]

correlation matrix using large data sets in R when ff matrix memory allocation is not enough

I have a simple analysis to be done. I just need to calculate the correlation of the columns (or rows ,if transposed). Simple enough? I am unable to get the results for the whole week and I have looked through most of the solutions here.
My laptop has a 4GB RAM. I do have access to a server with 32 nodes. My data cannot be loaded here as it is huge (411k columns and 100 rows). If you need any other information or maybe part of the data I can try to put it up here, but the problem can be easily explained without really having to see the data. I simply need to get a correlation matrix of size 411k X 411k which means I need to compute the correlation among the rows of my data.
Concepts I have tried to code: (all of them in some way give me memory issues or run forever)
The most simple way, one row against all, write the result out using append.T. (Runs forever)
biCorPar.r by bobthecat (, splitting the data into blocks and using ff matrix. (unable to allocate memory to assign the corMAT matrix using ff() in my server)
split the data into sets (every 10000 continuous rows will be a set) and do correlation of each set against the other (same logic as bigcorPar) but I am unable to find a way to store them all together finally to generate the final 411kX411k matrix.
I am attempting this now, bigcorPar.r on 10000 rows against 411k (so 10000 is divided into blocks) and save the results in separate csv files.
I am also attempting to run every 1000 vs 411k in one node in my server and today is my 3rd day and I am still on row 71.
I am not an R pro so I could attempt only this much. Either my codes run forever or I do not have enough memory to store the results. Are there any more efficient ways to tackle this issue?
Thanks for all your comments and help.
I'm familiar with this problem myself in the context of genetic research.
If you are interested only in the significant correlations, you may find my package MatrixEQTL useful (available on CRAN, more info here: ).
If you want to keep all correlations, I'd like to first warn you that in the binary format (economical compared to text) it would take 411,000 x 411,000 x 8 bytes = 1.3 TB. If this what you want and you are OK with the storage required for that, I can provide my code for such calculations and storage.

Is there a package like bigmemory in R that can deal with large list objects?

I know that the R package bigmemory works great in dealing with large matrices and data frames. However, I was wondering if there is any package or any ways to efficiently work with large list.
Specifically, I created a list with its elements being vectors. I have a for loop and during each iteration, multiple values were appended to a selected element in that list (a vector). At first, it runs fast, but when the iteration is over maybe 10000, it slows down gradually (one iteration takes about a second). I'm going to go through about 70000 to 80000 iterations, and the list would be so large after that.
So I was just wondering if there is something like big.list as the big.matrix in the bigmemory package that could speed up this whole process.
I'm not really sure if this a helpful answer, but you can interactively work with lists on disk using the filehash package.
For example here's some code that makes a disk database, assigns a preallocated empty list to the database, then runs a function (getting the current time) that fills the list in the database.
# how many items in the list?
n <- 100000
# setup database on disk
db <- dbInit("testDB")
# preallocate vector in database
db$time <- vector("list", length = n)
# run function using disk object
for(i in 1:n) db$time[[i]] <- Sys.time()
There is hardly any use of RAM during this process, however it is VERY slow (two orders of magnitude slower than doing it in RAM on some of my tests) due to constant disk I/O. So I'm not sure that this method is a good answer to the question of how you can speed up working on big objects.
DSL package might help. The DList object works like a drop in replacement for R's list. Futher, it provides a distributed list like facility too.

Big Data convert to "transactions" from arules package

The arules package in R uses the class 'transactions'. So in order to use the function apriori() I need to convert my existing data. I've got a Matrix with 2 columns and roughly 1.6mm rows and tried to convert the data like this:
transaction_data <- as(split(original_data[,"id"], original_data[,"type"]), "transactions")
where original_data is my data matrix. Because of the amount of data I used the largest AWS Amazon machine with 64gb RAM. After a while I get
resulting vector exceeds vector length limit in 'AnswerType'
The Memory Usage of the machine was still 'only' at 60%. Is this a R-based limitation? Is there any way to work around this other than using sampling? When only using 1/4 of the data the transformation worked fine.
Edit: As pointed out, one of the variables was a factor instead of character. After changing the transformation was processed quickly and correct.
I suspect that your problem is arising because one of the functions uses integers (rather than, say, floats) to index values. In any case, the size isn't too big, so this is surprising. Maybe the data has some other issue, such as characters as factors?
In general, though, I'd really recommend using memory mapped files, via bigmemory, which you can also split and process via bigsplit or mwhich. If offloading the data works for you, then you can also use a much smaller instance size and save $$. :)
