How to upload multiple seperate folders and thier contents to a single zip file to JFrog Artifactory using "jf rt upload". ( /Alpha, /Beta, /Gamma) - artifactory

Given the following folder structure:"/Alpha,/Beta,/Gamma,/Delta, ..."
Using JFrog CLI how can I upload only the first two folders and thier entire contents.
Ive tried the following using a regular expression:
jf rt upload "Alpha|Beta" My-generic-local/My-rep-folder/ --archive zip --dry-run --regexp
[Error]CreateFile Aplha|Beta: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

You can try File Specs for this purpose.
jf rt upload --spec=filespec.json
"files": [
"pattern": "Alpha/",
"target": "My-generic-local/My-rep-folder/",
"archive": "zip"
"pattern": "Beta/",
"target": "My-generic-local/My-rep-folder/",
"archive": "zip"
Learn more about JFrog File Specs:
JFrog File Specs
Using File Specs in JFrog CLI


AWS Serverless how to use "sam local start-api" to debug .net core 3.1 applications

I would like to start serverless application locally and then debug it using Visual Studio. I see command line arguments --debug-port, --debugger-path, --debug-args and --debug-function, but no example of how these can be used for .net core.
This is what I'm using for Visual Studio Code. I'm on Windows using dotnetcore3.1.
Firstly, I had to download the Linux vsdbg debug files (yes, Linux, as these files will be mounted in the SAM docker container)
Unzip them into a folder, e.g. C:\vsdbg
I have a task to launch SAM. My tasks.json looks like:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [{
"label": "sam local api",
"type": "shell",
"command": "sam",
"args": [
"-d", "5858",
"--template", "${workspaceFolder}/template.yaml",
"--debugger-path", "C:\\vsdbg",
"--warm-containers", "EAGER"
** --debugger-path points to the linux debug files folder. the sam cli will mount the files for you.
** I had to use --warm-containers EAGER to keep the container from closing after every request
launch.json looks like this:
"name": "sam local api attach",
"type": "coreclr",
"processName": "dotnet",
"request": "attach",
"pipeTransport": {
"pipeCwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"pipeProgram": "powershell",
"pipeArgs": [
"docker exec -i $(docker ps -q -f publish=5858) ${debuggerCommand}"
"debuggerPath": "/tmp/lambci_debug_files/vsdbg",
"quoteArgs": false
"sourceFileMap": {
"/var/task": "${workspaceFolder}"
This bit: $(docker ps -q -f publish=5858) gets the id of your docker container by filtering on the port that you're using.
This took quite a bit of fiddling to get working, I'm surprised it's not easier or at least some decent documentation on it.

MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified. Switch: Release

I am trying to publish my code onto a linux server by using
dotnet publish –-configuration Release
in the terminal command line. This should create a folder in bin/release/publish with all of the files ready to be deployed onto the server.
however, I get an error message which says
"MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified. Switch: Release" and nothing gets published to the bin folder.
I have created a settings.json folder in the vscode folder
"deploy.reloaded": {
"packages": [
"name": "Version 1.0.0",
"description": "Package version 1.0.0",
"files": [
"targets": [
"type": "sftp",
"name": "Linux",
"description": "SFTP folder",
"host": "", "port": 22,
"user": "webuser", "password": "password",
"dir": "/var/www/schedule",
"mappings": {
"Schedule.API/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.0/publish/**": "/"
You seem to have a copy/paste error in the first dash here:
dotnet publish –-configuration Release
The first dash is – (U+2013 : EN DASH). It should be a plain dash - (U+002D : HYPHEN-MINUS), like the second one. This should work:
dotnet publish --configuration Release

How to untar a file second time using file spec explode:true on a Jenkins job

I'm using file spec below in a Jenkins job to download artifact and untar the artifact. It untar it but that tar has 2 other tar files and I need to untar those 2 files as well. How can I do that using explode:true the second time?
"files": [
"pattern": "sys /${RELEASE}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/samples*.tar.gz",
"target": "${PATH}",
"explode": true,
"target": " server.tar.gz",
"explode": true

Jfrog artifactory cli

you I am trying to pass two ${key} values in a file spec. Is there any way I can call these two ${key} values through jfrog cli command?
E.g., I have tried the following command
sh "./jfrog rt s --spec compare.spec --spec-vars currentBuild=${currentBuild.number};previousBuild=${currentBuild.previousBuild.number}"
But it is displaying output only for one value.
The command is missing quotes surrounding the spec-vars. So for example with a spec file like
"files": [
"pattern": "${pat}/",
"target": "${tgt}/"
I need to run the command as
jfrog rt dl --spec otherspec --spec-vars "pat=generic-local;tgt=local"
To make sure that I download the files from the "generic-local" repository to a folder called "local"
If you execute the command with JFROG_CLI_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG, the output will display both the spec file you provided as well as the resolved file:
$ JFROG_CLI_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG jfrog rt dl --spec otherspec --spec-vars "pat=generic-local;tgt=local"
[Debug] Replacing variables in the provided File Spec:
"files": [
"pattern": "${pat}/",
"target": "${tgt}/"
[Debug] Replacing '${pat}' with 'generic-local'
[Debug] Replacing '${tgt}' with 'local'
[Debug] The reformatted File Spec is:
"files": [
"pattern": "generic-local/",
"target": "local/"
[Info] Searching items to download...

SublimeREPL Unable to Find R

Okay, this is driving my crazy. I had set this up before, deleted Sublime Text, and now I can't remember what the right configuration was.
Very simple: I'm running R through SublimeREPL and need to point the REPL to where R is installed.
I followed the directions at, which say to go into the user-defined REPL settings and add this:
"default_extend_env": {"PATH": "{PATH}:/home/myusername/bin"}
where the path points to the right directory. I tried replacing it with
"default_extend_env": {"PATH": "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.2/bin"}
and it's still unable to find R, plus now it's giving me the error:
Error trying to parse settings: Expected value in Packages\User\SublimeREPL.sublime- settings:2:2
I know this is an easy fix. Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong here?
*I'm using Sublime Text 3. I previously had this working, but on Sublime Text 2.
I've been to and the piece where he mentions "pointing SublimeREPL at R" ... he doesn't include the actual code, as far as I can see
I've also seen this thread Error 2 The system cannot find the file specified in Sublime Text 2, Windows 8, but I had it working before and didn't have to do anything along those lines
Go to Preferences -> Browse Packages... and create a directory tree User/SublimeREPL/config/R. In that directory, create a new file named Main.sublime-menu with the following contents:
"id": "tools",
"caption": "SublimeREPL",
"mnemonic": "r",
"id": "SublimeREPL",
{"command": "repl_open",
"caption": "Rterm",
"id": "repl_r",
"mnemonic": "r",
"args": {
"type": "subprocess",
"external_id": "r",
"additional_scopes": ["tex.latex.knitr"],
"encoding": {"windows": "$win_cmd_encoding"},
"soft_quit": "\nquit(save=\"no\")\n",
"cmd": {"windows": ["C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.2/bin/x64/Rterm.exe", "--ess", "--encoding=$win_cmd_encoding"]},
"cwd": "$file_path",
"extend_env": {"windows": {"PATH": "{PATH}:/C/Program Files/R/R-3.0.2/bin"}},
"cmd_postfix": "\n",
"suppress_echo": {"windows": false},
"syntax": "Packages/R/R.tmLanguage"
Save the file, and you should now have a Tools -> SublimeREPL -> Rterm menu option. Double-check that the path is the correct one to the Rterm.exe file. On my computer (32-bit XP) it's in the i386 subfolder of bin, so yours may be in bin/x64 or something like that.
I hope this helps, let me know if you still have issues.
I resolved this by adding the location of Rterm.exe to PATH
