Not able to implement swagger-ui in spring-mvc project - spring-mvc

I want to implement swagger-UI on my spring web-mvc project. I have tried at least 10+ tutorials from internet. But none works on my project.
In the end I am trying this solution: see this stackoverflow solution.


Polymer: Why do I need to use npm and bower?

I would like to develop a web application with Spring Boot, Spring Web MVC and Thymeleaf. I recently stumbled upon Web Components and Polymer which might be a good addition to Thymeleaf in order to use cool components. As I'm a frontend noob, I ask myself why I need this npm and bower stuff in order to use Polymer.
If I got it right, Web Components and Polymer are just js libraries. Why can't I just include them (maybe by using a cdn) in my html page? I like Thymeleaf as it's possible to view the pages without the need to have a webserver. If I could just include polymer as js library that would still work. I am quite sure that I misunderstand some major concepts, but I can't grab it. Can anyone help me?

vuejs nativescript firebase webapp to android/ios app

I am new with NativeScript, Vue.js, and Firebase.
I have a built web app using Vue.js and Firebase, but now I don't know how to integrate the code to NativeScript using the same code of Vue.js.
Is there a way to do this? And how can I start it?
I worked with #jlooper over the last couple of weekends to get a definitive answer for this because there wasn't one anywhere previously:
There are instructions on Eddy's plugin README are mostly complete, but there are a few gotchas that I point out in my blog post that you need to be aware of. Also, the readme isn't specific to vue so it's not immediately clear where to put the Firebase files. Those are all explained in the blog post as well as a couple of links to other small projects from Jen that will get you started.

ASP.NET Core Web Api automatic help pages

In previous versions of ASP.NET, when I created Web Api 2, visual studio automatically wired up automatic generation of documentation for the API.
It's also explained here:
I'm writing a new project and I've decided to do it with ASP.NET Core, but I don't see anything similar to what existed in the previous versions that generates the documentation from the API (I'm also guessing that's its a bit different since all controllers now inherit from the same Controller class).
But, is there some way to have help files generated for ASP.NET Core APIs?
The functionality you want is at
The following link provides an example of how to configure and use the well-designed utility
John Davidson made a good post showing how to generate Swagger documentation - that is useful and great.
But if you want to stick to ASP.Net MVC 5 - Api Explorer documentation, you should have a look to that excellent blog post :

Single Page Application Project Templates for.NET 4.5 and Angular

Has there ever been a more confusing/difficult time to be a web developer using the Microsoft stack? That's not really my question... I know that the answer is a categorical no. :)
The single page app template that comes with VS 2013 is deplorable.
I've been working on building up a similar project template that uses Angular JS on the client, but I'm starting to spin my wheels a bit porting over the external (openId/oauth) login features.
I believe this is because of the lack of good, single-point-of-truth, and current documentation for Katana's auth/security bits and also because of how unreadable the client side code is in the S.P.A. template in visual studio 2013.
I know that I can get through it, but while I'm struggling with it, I'm wondering:
Are there any good community provided project templates or example code bases in existence that use .NET 4.5 (MVC5/Web Api 2), Angular JS, the new ASP.NET Identity stuff, and the Katana packages?
There's HotTowel.Angular, but it takes no stance on security. Besides, it's a Nuget package, which can't or shouldn't dictate as much as a proper project template can.
I agree with your observations. I have found the following setup that seems to meet your requirements and I think works very well (I don't have a template), I would suggest the following:
Create an empty WebApi2 project and adopt authentication/authorization depicted here
Use a regular index.html in the base directory as a launching point for your angular application. You can either maintain your client packages with nuget, npm, or bower.
Use whatever technique you like for organization of client code.
Personally, I would create 3 projects, One for client code, ( One for your api ( and one for your Model/Repository/Data Access layer.
Here is an open-source project that might be what you're looking for!

Springsource Tool Suite and creating an Application from scratch

I have looked around for a beginners tutorial to start creating a Spring app using the STS IDE. There seems to be nothing around, its either hand build it or the tutorial doesn't work and is many versions off the current IDE. I am very new to Spring and need to get going on this. Any links you can throw my way I would appreciate it.
STS provides Template Projects. Open File -> New -> Spring Template Project.
Now you can choose the type of application you want to create. If you want to create a web application choose Spring MVC Project. This will create a complete project with a controller, a view, maven integration and everything else you need. You can immediately run this application in tc Server.
I think the green beans series from springsource is a good start:
Integrated in the IDE is also a task focused tutorial to learn basic steps inside the ide ( help->task focused tutorials...
I may be late, but I think this tutorial might be helpful (for those who are looking for sts tutorial like me):
and this one is good:
