Currently 5 browsers are launched with url , but after that scripts are failing to identify element and perform action .
I am trying with data-provider-thread-count="2" ,currently browsers are getting launched but its not able to identify elements .
I want to launch 500 browsers and execute same #test method with different input and login to application
I am trying to run my Robot Framework script in edge but its giving
WebDriverException: Message: Unknown error
while trying to launch the app.
Used Below snippet:
Open Browser edge
Maximize Browser Window
I could see browser launched that too in maximized state but URL was not displayed like this
Also, my Teardown keyword is also not running(i.e. browser instance is not getting closed) which should ideally run if test case fails or gets completed.
Teardown step
Close Browser
In SeleniumLibrary.CapturePageScreenshot(default keyword to run on failure) it is showing that
"Cannot capture screenshot because no browser is open."
Also my same script is running successfully in Chrome Browser.
I am not sure if its bdriver compatibility issue, bcoz below Selenium-Java script is running fine
WebDriver driver = new EdgeDriver();
Application Under test is developed using .net vb .
Clarification 1 :
is it possible to run multiple tests parellel using one instance of UFT in a one machine ?
Clarification 2 :
Can we open multiple instances of the windows application and run different tests on each instance of the the opened windows application in parellel .
This will not workout with windows application. Even the application is minimized the objects will not be able to identify with UFT until the window is activated. Both the criteria will not work as the objects are just like that identified by their properties not by creation time as we use it for browser. Only option is running multiple test cases in multiple machines
UFT doesn't support running tests in parallel. Note that UFT simulates users, each tests assumes it controls where the focus is (sometimes by taking control of the mouse and keyboard for typing). If multiple tests are trying to do this you may get unexpected results just like you would if you had two mice connected to your computer and two people tried to do different things at the same time.
Consider the following two tests:
Test A
Click username edit field
Type "hello"
Test B
Click password edit field
Type "world"
When run in parallel you may get:
Click password edit field
Click username edit field
Type "hello"
Type "world"
I'm experiencing a strange behavior when running automated tests with Katalon studio.
The problem occurs across all browsers.
When running a test all calls going to the first url/domain (e.g. are fine. All calls going to any other domain fail.
The error in console is:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
If I open a new tab and try to load any other page I get the same error.
Calling any endpoint on the same domain works fine.
The issue occurs on a specific machine. All works well on 2 other machines.
When I do a firebase init at command line, and create a standard web page, then a firebase serve, then open http://localhost:5000. I usually get a web page that I was working on at previous time. I am almost certain this is from a previous version of serviceworker.js.
Also depends on which browser I am using on my Mac (Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera), they will get different results. My feeling is that there should be a ServiceWorker.js clear or reset command so that a new serviceworker.js will be created. So Question, is there a SW reset command someplace. Ideally at the command line?
Or am I just nuts?
Since the Service Worker registration lives entirely within the browser, there's no way for the firebase serve command to know that you've made changes.
To clear all local stored data including Service Worker registrations (for Chrome at least), you can open the web inspector, go to the "Application" tab, and click the "Clear site data" button. Safari does not yet support Service Worker, so you shouldn't see the same behavior there.
If you're working on multiple web apps at the same time, you might want to consider using different ports for each, e.g. firebase serve -p 5001 for a second app.
Wanted to know how do you handle iframe using Watir WebDriver.
I am trying to automate a SalesForce based app which runs in a console mode.
All the GUI elements of the web applications are within iFrames.
The issue we are facing is the automated tests run perfectly fine in case of FireFox but when we try to run the same scripts in Chrome (using ChromeDriver ChromeDriver 2.20) the user action of selecting links within iFrames are not being performed.
Any idea if this is an issue/bug with the Chromedriver 2.20 being used.