Is there a way to modify the navmesh at runtime? - azerothcore

While I'm in the middle of the initial server setup, I noticed that the extractors generate Navmesh Tiles as they go over the maps. I tried finding out what we can do with them, but the wiki and Google didn't have a single thing about them.
Are we able to modify the navmesh at runtime? Either outright re-generating it for a zone that has had objects spawned, or toggling on/off pre-edited navmesh tiles when enabling/disabling objects?
Or is it completely static?


Streaming audio in A-frame

I am building a multi-user experience in A-frame using NAF, and I have some positional audio containing music tracks in different points of the scene. I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to make it that the music is listened simultaneously by all the connected users. It is very important that they are positional, since I need several audio sources in the scene. At the moment, the tracks start when you enter the experience, so each person hears them from the start when they access the scene. This is the file that I'm using right now:
I tried with the broadcast-component, but didn't manage. I thought of trying a workaround using a stream of twitch and hiding the video, trying to project it to a primitive, but also doesn't work so far (just managed to attach it to a div over the scene, I can hide the video but the audio would never be positional). Here the file where I tried it (not networked, but it should be the same): I know that there's the option of connecting vimeo to a-frame using this: but the audio itself is not positional, so it doesn't really solve my problem (also, I don't know if it would work with vimeo live).
If somebody knows a way to do this, I would greatly appreciate if you can share your wisdom. Thanks a lot!
I don't think that's easy.
Assuming you have streaming audio servers at your disposal like this then the way I would approach this, is:
fetch an audio stream and once the download returns, get the source buffer
override the source buffer of your positional audio element (something like this.el.getObject3D('sound').children[0].source.buffer) with the newly created audio buffer.
This might work.
If it doesn't, then create you own audio element component by using positional ThreeJS sound directly with setMediaStreamSource.
My assessment would be that this takes several days just to prototype alone. Having said that, I am pretty sure it's doable.

Possible to generate UI runtime in Windows Store apps (Metro)?

We're currently researching if it is possible to on the fly generate/change the UI of a metro app. So far I have seen only that the reflection options are somewhat limited. But perhaps if we're using HTML/JS we can modify the HTML on the fly? Anybody tried something like this?
Will fire up VS later and give it a go, just thought I'd ask here and see if we could have a disucssion on the topic.
Most Javascript-based apps modify their HTML on the fly as this is a pattern promoted by the Navigator template. So for example even just clicking a link and navigating to another page will replace the content of a 'page' container element instead of reloading the whole page and thus reloading all .js and .css files.
Also the WinJS.UI.ListView will dynamically create and reposition elements in your DOM as you scroll its contents.
Basically you can do anything you'd do in a webapp and re-use patterns like known from AJAX to make your UI adapt dynamically.
Depending on what you want to achieve, you should with increasing complexity keep in mind that your app should be able to suspend and restore its state from scratch at any point.

Multi-Layered SWF with dynamic animation

I'm new to Flash and I trying to do something as following:
I need the ability run several layers of animation (image sequences) in a single file (ex. SWF) which will be loaded and accessed dynamically by Flex - I need to change the content (image sequence) in runtime in order to customize my animation.
What would be the best approach in this case?
Is it the correct direction?
Should I consider creating a SWF for each animation and load it dynamically into my layered SWF?
When you say you need to adjust the image sequence, do you mean customise the order of individual frames, or simply select between a selection of set sequences?
If it's the former, the answer will be a bit more in-depth, if it's the latter and there aren't too many you're probably best off exporting as SWFs, or even as a video file to compress them, then loading them in dynamically. If they're small enough not to add significant weight to your SWF, you could export them as MovieClips in a SWC and create instances of them directly in the code without having to load them in.
Hope this helps (sorry if any of the above is confusing!) - could you give a bit more detail on what you're trying to achieve? Chart control in SharePoint 2010

Can anyone help me in storing Chart control's temporary images in SharePoint 2010 Document library/Picture library? Whether it is possible or not ? Actually want to use a webpart with Chart control in it, in a load balanced environment.
I think I got a answer for my query, to store the chart images in SharePoint document library we need to map a document library to a hard disc drive (as I did z:) and then set the chart image handler as: for this to work porperly we also need to change the script manager's async postback timeout property to 3600 as AsyncPostBackTimeOut="3600". The process is taking around 3 minutes (as it first creating the chart images in document library and then downloading those) in my environment which is bit high for the users to wait that much long :( so again searching for some methods that can make the process faster. Hope this can help someone.
The information in the document library is stored in the database so there should be no issues with keeping images there across a load-balanced environment.
The images in a document/image library are all URL accessible resources so you should be able to populate ImageLocation property of the chart control and set ImageStorageMode to ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation.
Encapsulating that in the web part should not make any difference than a user control. You may elect to provision the image library and the web part in the same site coll feature.

Get Fscommand in Flex3

I have one swf file in that i used fscommand to get final output when submit button clicked in that swf ,
i am loading that swf in SWFloader in flex3 .i need to get fscommand value as Alert, how to get that value first and display as alert.
Thanks in advance
fscommand cannot be used for communication between loaded and containing SWFs.
From livedocs
fscommand: Lets the SWF file communicate with either Flash Player or the program hosting Flash Player, such as a web browser. You can also use the fscommand() function to pass messages to Director or to Visual Basic, Visual C++, and other programs that can host ActiveX controls.
You can call a method in the loaded swf OR access its properties directly OR use events OR use local connection to pass data between parent and loaded SWFs.
TECHNICALLY this is feasible, but a bad idea. You'd need to register a callback which would call the child swf (generally done from the child swf). But, you will risk a good deal of headache, and you'll have to rely a lot more on the browser than other options. It would also be slower than an AS only solution.
You're much better off (in this order):
Using a shared Singleton. This allows for complete separation of the two
swf's without requiring any major coordination between the two. The only
real potential problem can be caused if you want the child swf to have its
own ApplicationDomain, but even with that, there are work-arounds
Using events. This can work if you have the child swf dispatch a bubbling,
non-cancel-able event and have the recorded by the
parent swf. You may have to adjust to avoid
SecuritySandboxViolations, however.
Using LocalConnections. The two detriments to LocalConnections are:
You will need to continually re-generate unique connection names to
avoid the error thrown by connecting two LocalConnections to the same
LocalConnections do have bandwidth limitations which can call
slowdowns if there is a high volume of traffic or if the messages are
too large.
Using direct manipulations like;
I don't like this solution because it is much harder to maintain. It is
also much worse from a design perspective: you want to use
encapsulation as much as possible in this situation -- this technique
actively works against that.
